Climate Change
Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 2008 Report
As this report and others like it have explored for more than a decade, environmental improvement in the United States has been substantial and dramatic, almost across the board. The chief drivers of this improvement are economic growth, constantly increasing resource efficiency, technological innovation in pollution control, and the deepening ...
Steven F. Hayward
April 9, 2008
Business & Economics
California Lawmaker Says Speech Should be Free on the Internet … After Taxes?
Next week California lawmakers meet to consider a new $500-million tax on Internet commerce. Some have dubbed this the “iTax” because of its application to Apple’s iTunes digital music store, but Assemblyman Charles Calderon (D-Whittier) is targeting more than just songs. In reality, AB 1956 is a “free speech tax” ...
Daniel R. Ballon
April 9, 2008
Health Care
Why Consumer-Driven Health Care is Crashing on the Shoals of Medicare
Last month’s Medicare Trustees’ report confirms that Medicare is going bankrupt faster than Social Security, even though they serve the same population. Social Security subsidizes demand by seniors for all goods and services, whereas Medicare subsidizes the supply of health goods and services to seniors at fixed prices, which creates ...
John R. Graham
April 8, 2008
Business & Economics
Male-Female Facts and Fallacies
“History shows that the career paths of women over the course of the twentieth century bore little resemblance to a scenario in which variations in employer discrimination explain variations in women’s career progress.” The author of that statement, Thomas Sowell, Hoover Institution scholar, believes that there is indeed discrimination against ...
Sally C. Pipes
April 1, 2008
More Scrutiny for CIRM and Big-Government Health Care
State Senator Sheila Kuehl, California’s leading partisan of government monopoly health care, has assumed the role of consumer watchdog. Her new measure, SB 1565, “Stem Cell Research – Public Accountability and Access,” targets problems with the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Some may wonder if the senator should be ...
Diana M. Ernst
March 31, 2008
Business & Economics
Pacific Research Institute Releases Study on Wireless “Net Neutrality”
San Francisco (March 26) – Today, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released its report Wireless with Strings Attached: Net Neutrality and the Grounding of Wireless Innovation. The report shows how “net neutrality” legislation harms the consumer, stifles innovation, and risks destroying a competitive ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 26, 2008
Business & Economics
Wireless with Strings Attached: Net Neutrality and the Grounding of Wireless Innovation
In the digital age, Americans are more “connected” than ever before. The Internet and mobile devices serve as powerful platforms for real-time interaction. Thanks to the commercial potential of these technologies, the marketplace has been flooded with creative new businesses and tools. The rapid growth of these technologies, however, has ...
Daniel R. Ballon
March 25, 2008
Court Out of Touch with Reality in Homeschool Decision
SACRAMENTO – The March arrest of a Los Angeles public-school assistant principal on charges of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old student is the most recent in a burgeoning line of sexual and criminal misconduct cases involving public-school teachers and administrators. Yet, a recent California court decision would force parents who homeschool ...
Lance T. izumi
March 19, 2008
California Health Care Deforminator Model ABX1 1: A Requiem
The Health Affairs blog has just wrapped up a series of posts from a number of folks who supported, to various degrees, the so-called “reform” that Governor Schwarzenegger and his allies recently tried to foist on California. I suppose that one could generally identify these ladies and gentlemen as “Clintonista” ...
John R. Graham
March 13, 2008
Business & Economics
U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report
The U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report measures the best and worst tort systems in America. The Pacific Research Institute developed the Index as a tool for governors and state legislators to assess their tort systems and to enact laws that will improve the business climates of their states. The ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
March 11, 2008
Index of Leading Environmental Indicators: 2008 Report
As this report and others like it have explored for more than a decade, environmental improvement in the United States has been substantial and dramatic, almost across the board. The chief drivers of this improvement are economic growth, constantly increasing resource efficiency, technological innovation in pollution control, and the deepening ...
California Lawmaker Says Speech Should be Free on the Internet … After Taxes?
Next week California lawmakers meet to consider a new $500-million tax on Internet commerce. Some have dubbed this the “iTax” because of its application to Apple’s iTunes digital music store, but Assemblyman Charles Calderon (D-Whittier) is targeting more than just songs. In reality, AB 1956 is a “free speech tax” ...
Why Consumer-Driven Health Care is Crashing on the Shoals of Medicare
Last month’s Medicare Trustees’ report confirms that Medicare is going bankrupt faster than Social Security, even though they serve the same population. Social Security subsidizes demand by seniors for all goods and services, whereas Medicare subsidizes the supply of health goods and services to seniors at fixed prices, which creates ...
Male-Female Facts and Fallacies
“History shows that the career paths of women over the course of the twentieth century bore little resemblance to a scenario in which variations in employer discrimination explain variations in women’s career progress.” The author of that statement, Thomas Sowell, Hoover Institution scholar, believes that there is indeed discrimination against ...
More Scrutiny for CIRM and Big-Government Health Care
State Senator Sheila Kuehl, California’s leading partisan of government monopoly health care, has assumed the role of consumer watchdog. Her new measure, SB 1565, “Stem Cell Research – Public Accountability and Access,” targets problems with the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). Some may wonder if the senator should be ...
Pacific Research Institute Releases Study on Wireless “Net Neutrality”
San Francisco (March 26) – Today, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, released its report Wireless with Strings Attached: Net Neutrality and the Grounding of Wireless Innovation. The report shows how “net neutrality” legislation harms the consumer, stifles innovation, and risks destroying a competitive ...
Wireless with Strings Attached: Net Neutrality and the Grounding of Wireless Innovation
In the digital age, Americans are more “connected” than ever before. The Internet and mobile devices serve as powerful platforms for real-time interaction. Thanks to the commercial potential of these technologies, the marketplace has been flooded with creative new businesses and tools. The rapid growth of these technologies, however, has ...
Court Out of Touch with Reality in Homeschool Decision
SACRAMENTO – The March arrest of a Los Angeles public-school assistant principal on charges of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old student is the most recent in a burgeoning line of sexual and criminal misconduct cases involving public-school teachers and administrators. Yet, a recent California court decision would force parents who homeschool ...
California Health Care Deforminator Model ABX1 1: A Requiem
The Health Affairs blog has just wrapped up a series of posts from a number of folks who supported, to various degrees, the so-called “reform” that Governor Schwarzenegger and his allies recently tried to foist on California. I suppose that one could generally identify these ladies and gentlemen as “Clintonista” ...
U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report
The U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report measures the best and worst tort systems in America. The Pacific Research Institute developed the Index as a tool for governors and state legislators to assess their tort systems and to enact laws that will improve the business climates of their states. The ...