
Common Core

Why Race to the Middle?

Why Race to the Middle? First-Class State Standards Are Better than Third-Class National Standards, jointly published today by Pioneer Institute in Massachusetts and Pacific Research Institute (PRI) in California, is authored by Ze’ev Wurman, a Silicon Valley executive active in developing California’s standards and assessments in the mid-1990s, and Dr. ...
Common Core

Why Race to the Middle?

Read PDF Study Executive Summary The case for national standards rests on more than the need to equalize academic expectations for all students by remedying the uneven and often deplorable quality of most state standards and tests. The case also rests on the urgent need to increase academic achievement for ...
Business & Economics

The War Against Free Parking

From San Diego to Susanville, Californians know that a free parking space is hard to find. Such spaces may be even harder to find under SB 518, proposed by state senator Alan Lowenthal. Like much of what emerges from Sacramento, the measure is at least instructive. Free parking only encourages ...
Health Care

Popular but Pointless: Subjecting Health Insurers to Federal Antitrust Laws Would Avoid, Not Achieve, Reform

Key Points Despite widespread media claims, health insurers are not “exempt from antitrust laws.” Instead, the McCarran-Ferguson Act allows state laws to supersede federal laws with respect to all lines of insurance – not just health insurance. The McCarran-Ferguson Act was passed because of a 1944 Supreme Court decision, which ...
Business & Economics

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate —Alaska ranks best, New York and New Jersey worst— San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, and the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, a public policy and economic research organization based in Arlington, VA, announced today the release ...
Business & Economics

Why the Market and Old-fashioned Meritocracy are Better for Women than Big Government

By some counts women are now more than half of the workforce in America and other affluent countries. As we observed last month, the militant sages assembled from the liberal Center for American Progress for the Shriver Report, believe this calls for stepped-up deployment by Big Brother and the Nanny ...
Business & Economics

California’s Corporate Exodus

In his final state of the state address, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger maintained his vision of California’s bright economic future. Shortly before the governor’s speech, however, another company joined California’s ongoing corporate exodus. The Northrop Grumman Corporation, a major military contractor, is moving its headquarters from southern California to the Washington ...
Health Care

The Rich Get Richer: The Senate’s Medicaid Proposal Gives a Bigger Bailout to Wealthier States

Imagine that you were inspecting a swimming pool that was cracked and leaking water, such that anyone who dove into it would be at risk of cracking his head on the bottom. You would likely make it a priority to fix the pool. However, if the pool were on a ...
Health Care

Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform

This study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and smaller groups to purchase an “entrepreneurs” coverage policy free of the benefit mandates imposed by state laws. The study finds that if such plans were offered to the public, enrollment would be about 8 percent ...
Health Care

Study Finds that Insurance Coverage Free of Benefit Mandates Would Enroll Nearly 17 million Individuals

San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released a new study, Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform by Health Care Studies senior policy fellow Benjamin Zycher, Ph.D. The study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and ...
Common Core

Why Race to the Middle?

Why Race to the Middle? First-Class State Standards Are Better than Third-Class National Standards, jointly published today by Pioneer Institute in Massachusetts and Pacific Research Institute (PRI) in California, is authored by Ze’ev Wurman, a Silicon Valley executive active in developing California’s standards and assessments in the mid-1990s, and Dr. ...
Common Core

Why Race to the Middle?

Read PDF Study Executive Summary The case for national standards rests on more than the need to equalize academic expectations for all students by remedying the uneven and often deplorable quality of most state standards and tests. The case also rests on the urgent need to increase academic achievement for ...
Business & Economics

The War Against Free Parking

From San Diego to Susanville, Californians know that a free parking space is hard to find. Such spaces may be even harder to find under SB 518, proposed by state senator Alan Lowenthal. Like much of what emerges from Sacramento, the measure is at least instructive. Free parking only encourages ...
Health Care

Popular but Pointless: Subjecting Health Insurers to Federal Antitrust Laws Would Avoid, Not Achieve, Reform

Key Points Despite widespread media claims, health insurers are not “exempt from antitrust laws.” Instead, the McCarran-Ferguson Act allows state laws to supersede federal laws with respect to all lines of insurance – not just health insurance. The McCarran-Ferguson Act was passed because of a 1944 Supreme Court decision, which ...
Business & Economics

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate

2010 Tort Liability Index Ranks States’ Tort Climate —Alaska ranks best, New York and New Jersey worst— San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, and the Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, a public policy and economic research organization based in Arlington, VA, announced today the release ...
Business & Economics

Why the Market and Old-fashioned Meritocracy are Better for Women than Big Government

By some counts women are now more than half of the workforce in America and other affluent countries. As we observed last month, the militant sages assembled from the liberal Center for American Progress for the Shriver Report, believe this calls for stepped-up deployment by Big Brother and the Nanny ...
Business & Economics

California’s Corporate Exodus

In his final state of the state address, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger maintained his vision of California’s bright economic future. Shortly before the governor’s speech, however, another company joined California’s ongoing corporate exodus. The Northrop Grumman Corporation, a major military contractor, is moving its headquarters from southern California to the Washington ...
Health Care

The Rich Get Richer: The Senate’s Medicaid Proposal Gives a Bigger Bailout to Wealthier States

Imagine that you were inspecting a swimming pool that was cracked and leaking water, such that anyone who dove into it would be at risk of cracking his head on the bottom. You would likely make it a priority to fix the pool. However, if the pool were on a ...
Health Care

Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform

This study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and smaller groups to purchase an “entrepreneurs” coverage policy free of the benefit mandates imposed by state laws. The study finds that if such plans were offered to the public, enrollment would be about 8 percent ...
Health Care

Study Finds that Insurance Coverage Free of Benefit Mandates Would Enroll Nearly 17 million Individuals

San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released a new study, Entrepreneurs’ Coverage: An Alternative Health Policy Reform by Health Care Studies senior policy fellow Benjamin Zycher, Ph.D. The study examines the prospective implications of a national public policy allowing individuals, families, and ...
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