Not as Good as You Think: Michigan
Read the Press Release Download the Complete Study Many middle-class Michiganders think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Detroit, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many Michigan public schools ...
Lance Izumi
March 18, 2015
Business & Economics
The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations
The Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) proposed new rules on carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) for existing power plants will significantly increase electricity prices, especially in states such as Ohio that rely on coal-powered electricity. The higher electricity costs will fall most heavily on lower-income families and the weight of the adverse ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 10, 2014
Quarterly Impact 2014: PRI on the Environment
Pacific Research Institute
December 4, 2014
Business & Economics
Devaluation in a Free Trade World
A prosperous economy is created via good economic policy and then getting out of the way to let Americas amazing companies and citizens work, produce and invest. The perfect pro-growth agenda includes: a low rate flat tax, spending restraint, sound money, minimal regulation, and free trade. While bipartisan movement on ...
Arthur Laffer
December 3, 2014
Business & Economics
The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30
The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank, today released a study on the effects of Prop. 30 on the states economy. The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from Californias Proposition 30 was authored by Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Wayne Winegarden
November 17, 2014
Charter Schools
Short-Circuited: The Challenge Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
San Francisco One would expect that California, with its abundance of technology companies, would have a leading advantage in the online learning revolution. But in fact, when it comes to harnessing technology and applying it to public education, the state is lagging in many respects. Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing ...
Lance T. izumi
November 16, 2014
Business & Economics
Plan Bay Area: The Mayor’s Transportation Task Force Report
Pacific Research Institute Brief Reveals Flaws with San Franciscos Transportation Task Force Report Today PRI released a brief reviewing San Francisco Mayor Ed Lees Transportation Task Force Report: 2030. The brief is a supplement to PRIs earlier study Plan Bay Area Evaluation (June 2013), which critiqued the plan developed by ...
Wendell Cox
October 21, 2014
Business & Economics
50 State Index Of Energy Regulation
The 50 State Index of Energy Regulation measures the regulatory climate for energy consumption, production, and distribution and which states are more economically efficient. Alabama, Alaska, South Dakota, and Texas tied for the best (#1), while California (#49) and New York (#50) are at the bottom. The Energy Index was ...
Wayne Winegarden
August 7, 2014
Health Care
Why Pharmaceutical Prices Drop Once Drugs Are Off-Patent
Today PRI released the new report The Economics of Pharmaceutical Pricing by PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D. The study examines the market forces influencing the often dramatic price differences in pharmaceutical drugs before and after their patents expire. Some critics erroneously see the sharp declines in the prices of ...
Wayne Winegarden
June 9, 2014
Not as Good as You Think
Why Middle-Class Parents in Illinois Should Be Concerned about Their Local Public Schools Parents know how important good schools are when deciding where to live. Thats why many are willing to stretch their budgets for a home near a good school. But parents should not be convinced by tree-line ...
Lance Izumi
May 14, 2014
Not as Good as You Think: Michigan
Read the Press Release Download the Complete Study Many middle-class Michiganders think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Detroit, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many Michigan public schools ...
The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations
The Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) proposed new rules on carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) for existing power plants will significantly increase electricity prices, especially in states such as Ohio that rely on coal-powered electricity. The higher electricity costs will fall most heavily on lower-income families and the weight of the adverse ...
Quarterly Impact 2014: PRI on the Environment
Devaluation in a Free Trade World
A prosperous economy is created via good economic policy and then getting out of the way to let Americas amazing companies and citizens work, produce and invest. The perfect pro-growth agenda includes: a low rate flat tax, spending restraint, sound money, minimal regulation, and free trade. While bipartisan movement on ...
The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from California’s Prop. 30
The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank, today released a study on the effects of Prop. 30 on the states economy. The Seven Lean Years: The Economic and Fiscal Consequences from Californias Proposition 30 was authored by Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. ...
Short-Circuited: The Challenge Facing the Online Learning Revolution in California
San Francisco One would expect that California, with its abundance of technology companies, would have a leading advantage in the online learning revolution. But in fact, when it comes to harnessing technology and applying it to public education, the state is lagging in many respects. Short-Circuited: The Challenges Facing ...
Plan Bay Area: The Mayor’s Transportation Task Force Report
Pacific Research Institute Brief Reveals Flaws with San Franciscos Transportation Task Force Report Today PRI released a brief reviewing San Francisco Mayor Ed Lees Transportation Task Force Report: 2030. The brief is a supplement to PRIs earlier study Plan Bay Area Evaluation (June 2013), which critiqued the plan developed by ...
50 State Index Of Energy Regulation
The 50 State Index of Energy Regulation measures the regulatory climate for energy consumption, production, and distribution and which states are more economically efficient. Alabama, Alaska, South Dakota, and Texas tied for the best (#1), while California (#49) and New York (#50) are at the bottom. The Energy Index was ...
Why Pharmaceutical Prices Drop Once Drugs Are Off-Patent
Today PRI released the new report The Economics of Pharmaceutical Pricing by PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D. The study examines the market forces influencing the often dramatic price differences in pharmaceutical drugs before and after their patents expire. Some critics erroneously see the sharp declines in the prices of ...
Not as Good as You Think
Why Middle-Class Parents in Illinois Should Be Concerned about Their Local Public Schools Parents know how important good schools are when deciding where to live. Thats why many are willing to stretch their budgets for a home near a good school. But parents should not be convinced by tree-line ...