Business & Economics
Prospective Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Entrepreneurship
Many claims about the prospective effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)—positive, negative, and sometimes both—were made before and after its enactment on March 23,2010. Those assertions sometimes were based upon analytic findings, and sometimes on little more than political calculations. The actual effects cannot be known ...
Benjamin Zycher
November 20, 2015
CAPITAL IDEAS: Teacher Shortages, Union Contracts and the Supreme Court
A recent NBC Nightly News story warned of a nationwide teacher shortage, with 21,000 teacher positions needing to be filled in California alone. The NBC report said, “The demand is especially high in science, math, and special education.” What NBC failed to say, however, was that much of the shortage ...
Lance Izumi
November 12, 2015
Not As Good As You Think: Colorado
Read the Study Many middle-class Coloradoans think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Denver, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many Colorado public schools with predominantly non-low income middle ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 23, 2015
Blended Learning
Impact Magazine — Summer 2015
As we look forward to a busy summer, PRI remains committed to its mission of championing freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility for all individuals by advancing market-based policy solutions. I can’t help but be proud of the impact we have made on the public policy debate and I hope you ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 10, 2015
Business & Economics
The 50-State Small Business Regulation Index
Pacific Research Institute Ranks Small Business Regulation in the 50 States Indiana Ranks Best for Small Businesses; California Ranks Worst San Francisco, July 24, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) a non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in San Francisco, today released the “The 50-State Index of Small Business Regulation,” ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 24, 2015
PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda
California is the pioneering state of a pioneer nation. It has long led the world in innovation and technology, in entertainment and aerospace, and other fields. It does, however, face serious challenges: the poor performance of our schools, the deterioration of our public services, the unsustainability of public pensions, the ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 26, 2015
Blended Learning
Moonshots in Education
Moonshots in Education helps teachers “shoot for the moon.” As research has consistently shown, learning—success in school and beyond is related to one’s ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles. Moonshots provides examples of successful blended learning methods in classrooms around the United States and the world, and offers a ...
Lance Izumi
May 19, 2015
Not as Good as You Think: Michigan
Read the Press Release Download the Complete Study Many middle-class Michiganders think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Detroit, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many Michigan public schools ...
Lance Izumi
March 18, 2015
Business & Economics
The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations
The Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) proposed new rules on carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) for existing power plants will significantly increase electricity prices, especially in states such as Ohio that rely on coal-powered electricity. The higher electricity costs will fall most heavily on lower-income families and the weight of the adverse ...
Wayne Winegarden
December 10, 2014
Quarterly Impact 2014: PRI on the Environment
Pacific Research Institute
December 4, 2014
Prospective Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Entrepreneurship
Many claims about the prospective effects of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA)—positive, negative, and sometimes both—were made before and after its enactment on March 23,2010. Those assertions sometimes were based upon analytic findings, and sometimes on little more than political calculations. The actual effects cannot be known ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Teacher Shortages, Union Contracts and the Supreme Court
A recent NBC Nightly News story warned of a nationwide teacher shortage, with 21,000 teacher positions needing to be filled in California alone. The NBC report said, “The demand is especially high in science, math, and special education.” What NBC failed to say, however, was that much of the shortage ...
Not As Good As You Think: Colorado
Read the Study Many middle-class Coloradoans think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Denver, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many Colorado public schools with predominantly non-low income middle ...
Impact Magazine — Summer 2015
As we look forward to a busy summer, PRI remains committed to its mission of championing freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility for all individuals by advancing market-based policy solutions. I can’t help but be proud of the impact we have made on the public policy debate and I hope you ...
The 50-State Small Business Regulation Index
Pacific Research Institute Ranks Small Business Regulation in the 50 States Indiana Ranks Best for Small Businesses; California Ranks Worst San Francisco, July 24, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) a non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in San Francisco, today released the “The 50-State Index of Small Business Regulation,” ...
PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda
California is the pioneering state of a pioneer nation. It has long led the world in innovation and technology, in entertainment and aerospace, and other fields. It does, however, face serious challenges: the poor performance of our schools, the deterioration of our public services, the unsustainability of public pensions, the ...
Moonshots in Education
Moonshots in Education helps teachers “shoot for the moon.” As research has consistently shown, learning—success in school and beyond is related to one’s ability to face challenges and overcome obstacles. Moonshots provides examples of successful blended learning methods in classrooms around the United States and the world, and offers a ...
Not as Good as You Think: Michigan
Read the Press Release Download the Complete Study Many middle-class Michiganders think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Detroit, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many Michigan public schools ...
The Regressive Impact on Ohio’s Families from EPA’s Proposed Regulations
The Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) proposed new rules on carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) for existing power plants will significantly increase electricity prices, especially in states such as Ohio that rely on coal-powered electricity. The higher electricity costs will fall most heavily on lower-income families and the weight of the adverse ...
Quarterly Impact 2014: PRI on the Environment