Business & Economics
Improving the Incentive to Innovate
PRI Releases New Brief on the Benefits of Improving Incentives for Health Care Innovations San Francisco, June 22, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in San Francisco, today announced the release of a new brief: “Improving the Incentive to Innovate: An Important Benefit of ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 22, 2016
Readings from the PRI Water Conference
On June 22 in the California State Capital, PRI gathered experts from the Water Foundation, the Public Policy Institute of California, the Association of California Water Agencies, the Environmental Defense Fund, and other organizations to discuss the benefits of a California water market and to highlight the legislative solutions needed ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 20, 2016
CAPITAL IDEAS: Market-Driven Solutions to Relieve Drought
This legislative session, California could take an important step toward creating a true water market to meet the needs of cities, farmers and the environment with the Open and Transparent Water Data Act (Assembly Bill 1755). It’s hard to solve a problem when we don’t have all the facts and ...
Arthur Laffer
May 13, 2016
Business & Economics
Regulating the Upstream Energy Industry: Getting the Balance Right
Read Full Study New Study: State Regulations Have Outsized Impact on Energy Industry’s Health SAN FRANCISCO (May 31) — Natural resources don’t respect state boundaries. Consequently, states’ energy regulations are among the prime determinants of whether a state benefits from its resource wealth — or lets those benefits accrue to ...
Wayne Winegarden
May 12, 2016
CAPITAL IDEAS: Minimizing the Economic Costs from California’s Drought
California continues to endure the state’s most severe drought since at least 1895. And, the economic costs have been high. Estimates for 2015 alone show a cost of 21,000 jobs and $2.7 billion in economic losses. Read full editorial
Wayne Winegarden
May 6, 2016
Business & Economics
Corporate Inversions Are the Symptoms; Poor Tax Policies Are the Disease
In response to several high profile corporate restructurings known as corporate inversions, politicians have been looking for ways to punish any company considering such a restructuring. Hillary Clinton’s ill-conceived exit tax exemplifies the types of harmful policies that are being proposed . A corporate inversion is a type of acquisition ...
Wayne Winegarden
February 24, 2016
Not As Good As You Think: New Jersey
Read the Study Read the Press Release Many middle-class New Jersey residents think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Newark, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many New Jersey ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 1, 2016
Business & Economics
California Pension Crisis
The Pacific Research Institute released a new study on California’s pension crisis. “California’s Pension Crowd-Out,” authored by PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D., is part of PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda, a 12-point plan to address California’s most pressing problems. “Pension Crowd-Out” reveals the flaws with the state’s current public pension ...
Wayne Winegarden
January 8, 2016
Rebecca Friedrichs: Challenging Compulsory Union Dues and Standing Up for Freedom
In March 2015, PRI filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (CTA) -a major case challenging compulsory union dues that nearly all California teachers are required to pay. The case, spearheaded by the Center for Individual Rights (CIR), was brought by ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 6, 2016
2014 Annual Report
As PRI marked its 35th anniversary in 2014, we remained focused on advancing market-based, pro-liberty policies in California and around the nation. In the run-up to and following the November 2014 mid-term elections, we ramped up our educational efforts to empower legislators in Sacramento, Washington, and statehouses across the country ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 23, 2015
Improving the Incentive to Innovate
PRI Releases New Brief on the Benefits of Improving Incentives for Health Care Innovations San Francisco, June 22, 2015 – The Pacific Research Institute, a non-partisan, non-profit think tank based in San Francisco, today announced the release of a new brief: “Improving the Incentive to Innovate: An Important Benefit of ...
Readings from the PRI Water Conference
On June 22 in the California State Capital, PRI gathered experts from the Water Foundation, the Public Policy Institute of California, the Association of California Water Agencies, the Environmental Defense Fund, and other organizations to discuss the benefits of a California water market and to highlight the legislative solutions needed ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Market-Driven Solutions to Relieve Drought
This legislative session, California could take an important step toward creating a true water market to meet the needs of cities, farmers and the environment with the Open and Transparent Water Data Act (Assembly Bill 1755). It’s hard to solve a problem when we don’t have all the facts and ...
Regulating the Upstream Energy Industry: Getting the Balance Right
Read Full Study New Study: State Regulations Have Outsized Impact on Energy Industry’s Health SAN FRANCISCO (May 31) — Natural resources don’t respect state boundaries. Consequently, states’ energy regulations are among the prime determinants of whether a state benefits from its resource wealth — or lets those benefits accrue to ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Minimizing the Economic Costs from California’s Drought
California continues to endure the state’s most severe drought since at least 1895. And, the economic costs have been high. Estimates for 2015 alone show a cost of 21,000 jobs and $2.7 billion in economic losses. Read full editorial
Corporate Inversions Are the Symptoms; Poor Tax Policies Are the Disease
In response to several high profile corporate restructurings known as corporate inversions, politicians have been looking for ways to punish any company considering such a restructuring. Hillary Clinton’s ill-conceived exit tax exemplifies the types of harmful policies that are being proposed . A corporate inversion is a type of acquisition ...
Not As Good As You Think: New Jersey
Read the Study Read the Press Release Many middle-class New Jersey residents think that most low-performing schools are located in poor inner cities such as Newark, not in their nice neighborhoods or in their smaller towns. They need to think again. Based on a variety of indicators, many New Jersey ...
California Pension Crisis
The Pacific Research Institute released a new study on California’s pension crisis. “California’s Pension Crowd-Out,” authored by PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden, Ph.D., is part of PRI’s California Prosperity Agenda, a 12-point plan to address California’s most pressing problems. “Pension Crowd-Out” reveals the flaws with the state’s current public pension ...
Rebecca Friedrichs: Challenging Compulsory Union Dues and Standing Up for Freedom
In March 2015, PRI filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association (CTA) -a major case challenging compulsory union dues that nearly all California teachers are required to pay. The case, spearheaded by the Center for Individual Rights (CIR), was brought by ...
2014 Annual Report
As PRI marked its 35th anniversary in 2014, we remained focused on advancing market-based, pro-liberty policies in California and around the nation. In the run-up to and following the November 2014 mid-term elections, we ramped up our educational efforts to empower legislators in Sacramento, Washington, and statehouses across the country ...