Business & Economics
New PRI Study Finds Clean Power Plan Will Raise Electricity Costs, Worsen Problem Of Energy Poverty
Study Shows Some Will See Power Costs Equal More Than 10 Percent of Income Interactive Map Shows Consumers How Much Local Electricity Costs Will Rise SACRAMENTO – Low-income communities nationwide could face higher electricity expenditures under the controversial Clean Power Plan – in many states, equal to greater than 10 ...
Wayne Winegarden
October 28, 2016
CAPITAL IDEAS: State Shouldn’t Export “Only in California” Bad Laws
California has a long history as a bellwether state, a place where trends begin, then sweep across the nation. Many a fine idea has been produced by creative and gifted entrepreneurs and free-thinking Golden Staters.
Kerry Jackson
October 25, 2016
Health Care
Who Has the Best Health Care Plan – Hillary or Donald?
SACRAMENTO – As America prepares to choose a new president, the Pacific Research Institute today offered voters a nonpartisan guide to help them decide which candidate is best on health care. “Who is elected as our next President will have a significant impact on the future of America’s health care ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 11, 2016
CAPITAL IDEAS: Climate Change Bill Will Cost California Hundreds of Millions
A report from Energy and Environmental Economics in San Francisco says cutting emissions between 26 percent and 38 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 could cost $23 billion year. Read Full Brie
Kerry Jackson
September 20, 2016
Business & Economics
CAPITAL IDEAS: Reforming California’s Pension System
California governments owe their current and future retirees maybe as much as $600 billion. But the governments aren’t going to pay. Taxpayers will be handed the bill, and in some cities, each household is on the hook for more than $50,000. In at least one municipality, the household share of ...
Kerry Jackson
August 30, 2016
CAPITAL IDEAS: Reforming California’s Environmental Policies
The roots of California’s environmental regulations can be traced back to 1884. That’s the year a federal judge ordered miners to stop using water cannons to batter the Sierra hillsides to separate gold from the soil and rock, but also left behind a broken and ugly landscape.
Kerry Jackson
August 17, 2016
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Following Dangerous Energy Path
Read the full brief On a sweltering June day, the California Independent System Operator (CalISO), the group that oversees the state’s electricity grid, issued the first “flex alert” of the year. That same week, a major California utility announced it had reached an agreement with the environmental community to close ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 22, 2016
Health Care Reform
Impact Magazine — Summer 2016
Download the Magazine Letter from the President DEAR FRIENDS America faces many challenges today that threaten the opportunity for her citizens to achieve their full potential. We have a healthcare system where medical decisions are increasingly being made by government bureaucrats instead of doctors and patients. We have unsustainable ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 4, 2016
If California had an official state vehicle, it should be the moving van. Nothing could better illustrate the exodus from the Golden State by companies looking for a friendlier business environment, and individuals seeking job opportunities. Read the brief
Kerry Jackson
June 27, 2016
Charter Schools
#ChartersWork School Profile: Renaissance Arts Academy
At the Renaissance Arts Academy in Los Angeles, California, students spend their days learning math, science, English, history, and music. Unlike many traditional public schools, however, RenArts students spend an equal amount of time on each of these disciplines. RenArts puts as much emphasis on music as it does on ...
Timothy Isaacs
June 24, 2016
New PRI Study Finds Clean Power Plan Will Raise Electricity Costs, Worsen Problem Of Energy Poverty
Study Shows Some Will See Power Costs Equal More Than 10 Percent of Income Interactive Map Shows Consumers How Much Local Electricity Costs Will Rise SACRAMENTO – Low-income communities nationwide could face higher electricity expenditures under the controversial Clean Power Plan – in many states, equal to greater than 10 ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: State Shouldn’t Export “Only in California” Bad Laws
California has a long history as a bellwether state, a place where trends begin, then sweep across the nation. Many a fine idea has been produced by creative and gifted entrepreneurs and free-thinking Golden Staters.
Who Has the Best Health Care Plan – Hillary or Donald?
SACRAMENTO – As America prepares to choose a new president, the Pacific Research Institute today offered voters a nonpartisan guide to help them decide which candidate is best on health care. “Who is elected as our next President will have a significant impact on the future of America’s health care ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Climate Change Bill Will Cost California Hundreds of Millions
A report from Energy and Environmental Economics in San Francisco says cutting emissions between 26 percent and 38 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 could cost $23 billion year. Read Full Brie
CAPITAL IDEAS: Reforming California’s Pension System
California governments owe their current and future retirees maybe as much as $600 billion. But the governments aren’t going to pay. Taxpayers will be handed the bill, and in some cities, each household is on the hook for more than $50,000. In at least one municipality, the household share of ...
CAPITAL IDEAS: Reforming California’s Environmental Policies
The roots of California’s environmental regulations can be traced back to 1884. That’s the year a federal judge ordered miners to stop using water cannons to batter the Sierra hillsides to separate gold from the soil and rock, but also left behind a broken and ugly landscape.
CAPITAL IDEAS: California Following Dangerous Energy Path
Read the full brief On a sweltering June day, the California Independent System Operator (CalISO), the group that oversees the state’s electricity grid, issued the first “flex alert” of the year. That same week, a major California utility announced it had reached an agreement with the environmental community to close ...
Impact Magazine — Summer 2016
Download the Magazine Letter from the President DEAR FRIENDS America faces many challenges today that threaten the opportunity for her citizens to achieve their full potential. We have a healthcare system where medical decisions are increasingly being made by government bureaucrats instead of doctors and patients. We have unsustainable ...
If California had an official state vehicle, it should be the moving van. Nothing could better illustrate the exodus from the Golden State by companies looking for a friendlier business environment, and individuals seeking job opportunities. Read the brief
#ChartersWork School Profile: Renaissance Arts Academy
At the Renaissance Arts Academy in Los Angeles, California, students spend their days learning math, science, English, history, and music. Unlike many traditional public schools, however, RenArts students spend an equal amount of time on each of these disciplines. RenArts puts as much emphasis on music as it does on ...