

Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech

We Need Smarter Regulation of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology By John J. Cohrseen and Henry I. Miller EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the early 1970s a group of scientists — none involved in agriculture or food — raised concerns about the hypothetical hazards that might arise from the use of the newly ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Plays Fast and Loose with Food Stamp Work Requirements

Download the PDF California, not West Virginia, not Mississippi, has the highest poverty rate among the 50 states. Blame policymakers who, rather than solving the problem, have inflamed it. In fact, California officials have gone out of their way to keep hundreds of thousands dependent on government. The Census Bureau’s ...

New PRI Chartbook Shows California’s Public Pension Monster Has Grown to Nearly $1 Trillion

A new chartbook released today from the Pacific Research Institute shows that California’s unfunded public employee pension debt problem is far worse than imagined – nearly $1 trillion. Click here to download a copy of the PRI chartbook. Click here to download a copy of the accompanying study. Click here ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: More Competition Will Help Consumers Needing Quick Cash

Open the PDF California lawmakers have had several chances to handcuff payday lenders, and in each instance, they were either unable to, or chose not to. Naturally, some see this as a series of missed opportunities. We understand the reaction. But this is an industry that should be liberated so ...
Health Care

NEW STUDY: Medicare Competitive Bidding Process Should Be Reformed

Proposed reforms to the Medicare competitive bidding process for wheelchairs, home breathing equipment, and other durable medical equipment underscore the findings of a recently-released Pacific Research Institute study showing that patient health is being negatively impacted by an inefficient system plagued by low provider payments and lack of access to ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up

Download the PDF When the Legislature declared a moratorium on cities enacting soda taxes, it felt like a win for freedom and a pushback of interventionism. But the busybodies never give up and they plow a fertile field in California, which has no rival as a nanny state. Lawmakers passed, ...
Business & Economics

CAPITAL IDEAS: A Futuristic and Cheaper Alternative to High-Speed Rail

Download the PDF California’s “bullet” train to nowhere keeps going — nowhere. Unless tearing down a bridge just to rebuild it is somewhere. Construction of an overpass near Fresno was scrapped late last year—yes, we’re learning about this just now because it was done “quietly”—because, according to the California High-Speed ...
Business & Economics

New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed

A new study released today found that, by removing barriers holding back the increased use of biosimilars, savings could be significant. In a case study of infliximab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and other illnesses, reforms could realize an annual savings of between $412 million and $465 million. ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Should California Workers & Policymakers Fear Flippy the Hamburger-Making Robot?

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Flippy, California’s and the world’s first automated fast-food grill master, has been fired. But after a few tweaks, he will be rehired. The same can’t be said about the humans who will lose their jobs to robots due to the state’s minimum wage. Flippy worked one day ...

Dr. Henry Miller Publishes New Federalist Society White Paper on Regulation of Food & Ag Biotech

We Need Smarter Regulation of Food and Agricultural Biotechnology By John J. Cohrseen and Henry I. Miller EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the early 1970s a group of scientists — none involved in agriculture or food — raised concerns about the hypothetical hazards that might arise from the use of the newly ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Plays Fast and Loose with Food Stamp Work Requirements

Download the PDF California, not West Virginia, not Mississippi, has the highest poverty rate among the 50 states. Blame policymakers who, rather than solving the problem, have inflamed it. In fact, California officials have gone out of their way to keep hundreds of thousands dependent on government. The Census Bureau’s ...

New PRI Chartbook Shows California’s Public Pension Monster Has Grown to Nearly $1 Trillion

A new chartbook released today from the Pacific Research Institute shows that California’s unfunded public employee pension debt problem is far worse than imagined – nearly $1 trillion. Click here to download a copy of the PRI chartbook. Click here to download a copy of the accompanying study. Click here ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: More Competition Will Help Consumers Needing Quick Cash

Open the PDF California lawmakers have had several chances to handcuff payday lenders, and in each instance, they were either unable to, or chose not to. Naturally, some see this as a series of missed opportunities. We understand the reaction. But this is an industry that should be liberated so ...
Health Care

NEW STUDY: Medicare Competitive Bidding Process Should Be Reformed

Proposed reforms to the Medicare competitive bidding process for wheelchairs, home breathing equipment, and other durable medical equipment underscore the findings of a recently-released Pacific Research Institute study showing that patient health is being negatively impacted by an inefficient system plagued by low provider payments and lack of access to ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up

Download the PDF When the Legislature declared a moratorium on cities enacting soda taxes, it felt like a win for freedom and a pushback of interventionism. But the busybodies never give up and they plow a fertile field in California, which has no rival as a nanny state. Lawmakers passed, ...
Business & Economics

CAPITAL IDEAS: A Futuristic and Cheaper Alternative to High-Speed Rail

Download the PDF California’s “bullet” train to nowhere keeps going — nowhere. Unless tearing down a bridge just to rebuild it is somewhere. Construction of an overpass near Fresno was scrapped late last year—yes, we’re learning about this just now because it was done “quietly”—because, according to the California High-Speed ...
Business & Economics

New Study: Patients, Employers and Taxpayers Could Save Significantly if Barriers to Biosimilars Removed

A new study released today found that, by removing barriers holding back the increased use of biosimilars, savings could be significant. In a case study of infliximab, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and other illnesses, reforms could realize an annual savings of between $412 million and $465 million. ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Should California Workers & Policymakers Fear Flippy the Hamburger-Making Robot?

DOWNLOAD THE PDF Flippy, California’s and the world’s first automated fast-food grill master, has been fired. But after a few tweaks, he will be rehired. The same can’t be said about the humans who will lose their jobs to robots due to the state’s minimum wage. Flippy worked one day ...
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