Press Release
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden Talks Consumer Spending, Housing Market Trends with Nasdaq Trade Talks
Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discusses how macro factors are impacting the housing market and consumer spending with host Jill Malandrino on “Nasdaq Trade Talks”.
Wayne Winegarden
July 8, 2022
Wayne Winegarden Plan to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices on Scripps National News
In a national TV interview with Scripps National News, Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, says making drug rebates work for patients would more effectively lower patient costs compared to a plan working its way through Congress to let Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices. ...
Wayne Winegarden
July 7, 2022
Gas tax
Wayne Winegarden Warns of the Consequences of Gas Tax Holidays and Gas Rebates in Newsweek
Wayne Winegarden, PRI fellow for Business & Economics, warns of the consequences of gas tax holidays and gas rebates in Newsweek: Wayne Winegarden, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, echoed that if the Federal Reserve does not accommodate additional spending of gas rebate cards, the measure would “put ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 21, 2022
Watch PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden Discuss California Exodus on NewsNation
Wathh PRI senior fellow in business and economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss the exodus of Californians to other states and even other countries thanks to years of policy mistakes making the state unaffordable and unlivable on “NewsNation Prime: Special Report” on the national cable news channel NewsNation.
Pacific Research Institute
June 16, 2022
Wayne Winegarden Offers His Comments on Another Steep Rate Hike Coming in S&P Global
The Federal Open Market Committee is considering a 50-basis-point rate hike mid-June. Wayne Winegarden discusses the likelihood of elevated inflation persisting through the end of 2022: “Assuming the fiscal pressures subside, it will likely take until the late third quarter to start feeling some relief,” Winegarden said. “I think the ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 10, 2022
Climate Change
Wayne Winegarden featured in Northern California Record on Climate Change Lawsuit Study
Wayne Winegarden was featured in Nor Cal Record in Sarah Downey’s piece “Greenhouse gas litigation is disincentiving energy innovation, Pacific Research Institute finds” discussing his recent climate change lawsuit study: With gas prices now above $6 in California and continuing to rise, a new Pacific Research Institute brief has found that all the litigation ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 23, 2022
Climate Change
Wayne Winegarden’s Findings on the Effects of Climate Change Litigation on Innovation Featured in The Epoch Times
Wayne Winegarden’s findings on the effects that recent climate change litigation is having on innovation was featured in Nathan Worcester’s piece, “Big Cities’ Climate Lawsuits Against Big Oil Scrutinized” in the Epoch Times: A recent wave of government climate change lawsuits against oil and gas firms may prove deeply harmful, actually inhibiting the growth ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 20, 2022
Press Release
Lance Izumi Joins Craig Roberts on Life!Line to Discuss California Woke Math Curriculum
Lance Izumi joins Craig Roberts on Life!Line to discuss his book The Homeschool Boom and California’s decision to change the state’s math curriculum to better promote proper socio-political outcomes:
Pacific Research Institute
May 17, 2022
Press Release
Dr. Henry Miller Discusses the Latest COVID Numbers and Mask Mandates on the Lars Larson Show
Dr. Henry Miller discusses the latest COVID numbers and mask mandates on the Lars Larson Show:
Pacific Research Institute
May 17, 2022
Gas Prices
Wayne Winegarden Highlighted in Great Lakes Wire on Oil Production and Gas Prices in Michigan
Wayne Winegarden was highlighted in the Great Lakes Wire piece by David Beasley: ‘Allowing more oil production would help reduce gas prices quickly’ in Michigan. “The domestic actions that restrict oil production worsen the inflation problems and the budget squeezes that too many families are facing across the states,” Wayne ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 16, 2022
Wayne Winegarden Talks Consumer Spending, Housing Market Trends with Nasdaq Trade Talks
Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics, discusses how macro factors are impacting the housing market and consumer spending with host Jill Malandrino on “Nasdaq Trade Talks”.
Wayne Winegarden Plan to Let Medicare Negotiate Drug Prices on Scripps National News
In a national TV interview with Scripps National News, Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, says making drug rebates work for patients would more effectively lower patient costs compared to a plan working its way through Congress to let Medicare negotiate prescription drug prices. ...
Wayne Winegarden Warns of the Consequences of Gas Tax Holidays and Gas Rebates in Newsweek
Wayne Winegarden, PRI fellow for Business & Economics, warns of the consequences of gas tax holidays and gas rebates in Newsweek: Wayne Winegarden, a senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute, echoed that if the Federal Reserve does not accommodate additional spending of gas rebate cards, the measure would “put ...
Watch PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden Discuss California Exodus on NewsNation
Wathh PRI senior fellow in business and economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden discuss the exodus of Californians to other states and even other countries thanks to years of policy mistakes making the state unaffordable and unlivable on “NewsNation Prime: Special Report” on the national cable news channel NewsNation.
Wayne Winegarden Offers His Comments on Another Steep Rate Hike Coming in S&P Global
The Federal Open Market Committee is considering a 50-basis-point rate hike mid-June. Wayne Winegarden discusses the likelihood of elevated inflation persisting through the end of 2022: “Assuming the fiscal pressures subside, it will likely take until the late third quarter to start feeling some relief,” Winegarden said. “I think the ...
Wayne Winegarden featured in Northern California Record on Climate Change Lawsuit Study
Wayne Winegarden was featured in Nor Cal Record in Sarah Downey’s piece “Greenhouse gas litigation is disincentiving energy innovation, Pacific Research Institute finds” discussing his recent climate change lawsuit study: With gas prices now above $6 in California and continuing to rise, a new Pacific Research Institute brief has found that all the litigation ...
Wayne Winegarden’s Findings on the Effects of Climate Change Litigation on Innovation Featured in The Epoch Times
Wayne Winegarden’s findings on the effects that recent climate change litigation is having on innovation was featured in Nathan Worcester’s piece, “Big Cities’ Climate Lawsuits Against Big Oil Scrutinized” in the Epoch Times: A recent wave of government climate change lawsuits against oil and gas firms may prove deeply harmful, actually inhibiting the growth ...
Lance Izumi Joins Craig Roberts on Life!Line to Discuss California Woke Math Curriculum
Lance Izumi joins Craig Roberts on Life!Line to discuss his book The Homeschool Boom and California’s decision to change the state’s math curriculum to better promote proper socio-political outcomes:
Dr. Henry Miller Discusses the Latest COVID Numbers and Mask Mandates on the Lars Larson Show
Dr. Henry Miller discusses the latest COVID numbers and mask mandates on the Lars Larson Show:
Wayne Winegarden Highlighted in Great Lakes Wire on Oil Production and Gas Prices in Michigan
Wayne Winegarden was highlighted in the Great Lakes Wire piece by David Beasley: ‘Allowing more oil production would help reduce gas prices quickly’ in Michigan. “The domestic actions that restrict oil production worsen the inflation problems and the budget squeezes that too many families are facing across the states,” Wayne ...