Press Release
Business & Economics
Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look
President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...
Clark S. Judge
January 23, 2017
Business & Economics
Trump Should Remind Us To Acknowledge What’s Wrong Before Making Things Right
In his first Inaugural Address, President Andrew Jackson said that the election that brought him to office “inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of ‘reform.’” With this election, the American people told those of us they chose – for both ...
Clark S. Judge
January 20, 2017
Drug Pricing
Health Care Expert: If Obamacare Isn’t Immediately Repealed, Then It Likely Never Will Be
Ever since the Affordable Care Act — colloquially known as “Obamacare” — was signed into law in March 2010, the primary goal of congressional Republicans has been to repeal the law and replace it with a market-based solution that they say works for all Americans. For years, Republicans were only ...
Chris Enloe
January 19, 2017
Health Care
Post-Election Top Policy Changes To Watch In 2017
While every new year brings change, with Donald Trump elected to become the next president and the U.S. House and Senate both having Republican majorities, managed healthcare executives will see more changes than usual in 2017—beginning with repealing and replacing most of the provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ...
Karen Appold
January 2, 2017
The Year In Commentary: Broker Commission Losses And The Future Of Healthcare
Through high-profile business acquisitions, growing regulatory activity and changing carrier relations, advisers had their hands full with business-altering activity in 2016. EBA’s most-viewed blogs of the year reflect this reality, covering the impact of the Department of Labor stepping up compliance measures and a range of ways the Affordable Care ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 23, 2016
Health Care
Californians With Pre-Existing Conditions Worried About Health Care Future
San Jose Mercury News (also ran in other Bay Area News Group newspapers) Atherton resident Evan Collins lives in the nation’s second priciest ZIP code, where $4 million barely buys you a fixer-upper. Yet when it comes to health insurance, Collins — like many Bay Area residents of all incomes ...
Tracy Seipel
December 21, 2016
Business & Economics
California State Pension Board Overrides San Diego’s Entitlement Reforms
San Diego, California lawmakers are appealing a ruling by the state’s labor relations board that rolls back pension entitlement reforms approved by voters four years ago. The California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) ruled in December 2015 Proposition B, a San Diego ballot question approved by 66 percent of city ...
D. Brady Nelson
December 2, 2016
Death Of Obamacare, But How Do We Kill It?
Transcript of interview with PRI’s Sally Pipes and Stephen Sabludowsky, publisher of Is Obamacare really broken or can it be fixed? If it is impossible to mend, will efforts to remove and replace it going to cause more problems than simply leaving it alone? One of the major issues ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 21, 2016
Climate Change
Obama’s Energy Plan Will Cost Poor Hundreds Of Billions To Stop 0.019 Degrees Of Global Warming
President Barack Obama’s plan to fight global warming will raise energy prices and drag many low-income Americans into “energy poverty,” according to a new study. The so-called Clean Power Plan (CPP) would significantly increase the price of electricity in the U.S., and could cost the economy up to $479 billion ...
Andrew Follett
October 31, 2016
Press Release
Senator Barbara Boxer Calls PRI A “Sham” Group In Senate Floor Remarks
July 12, 2016, San Francisco – Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today on the Senate floor denounced PRI as a “sham” group involved in undermining climate science. Senator Boxer said: “The Pacific Research Institute, which is a free-market think tank, published a number of anti-climate materials, including the Almanac of Environmental ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 13, 2016
Liberal Critics Should Take A Closer Look
President Trump’s extraordinary Inaugural Address was at once familiar and surprising, combining echoes from a forgotten past with notes that are entirely new. The echoes were to a president who was viewed with as much alarm by the official Washington of his day as Mr. Trump is by today’s Washington. ...
Trump Should Remind Us To Acknowledge What’s Wrong Before Making Things Right
In his first Inaugural Address, President Andrew Jackson said that the election that brought him to office “inscribes on the list of Executive duties, in characters too legible to be overlooked, the task of ‘reform.’” With this election, the American people told those of us they chose – for both ...
Health Care Expert: If Obamacare Isn’t Immediately Repealed, Then It Likely Never Will Be
Ever since the Affordable Care Act — colloquially known as “Obamacare” — was signed into law in March 2010, the primary goal of congressional Republicans has been to repeal the law and replace it with a market-based solution that they say works for all Americans. For years, Republicans were only ...
Post-Election Top Policy Changes To Watch In 2017
While every new year brings change, with Donald Trump elected to become the next president and the U.S. House and Senate both having Republican majorities, managed healthcare executives will see more changes than usual in 2017—beginning with repealing and replacing most of the provisions in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ...
The Year In Commentary: Broker Commission Losses And The Future Of Healthcare
Through high-profile business acquisitions, growing regulatory activity and changing carrier relations, advisers had their hands full with business-altering activity in 2016. EBA’s most-viewed blogs of the year reflect this reality, covering the impact of the Department of Labor stepping up compliance measures and a range of ways the Affordable Care ...
Californians With Pre-Existing Conditions Worried About Health Care Future
San Jose Mercury News (also ran in other Bay Area News Group newspapers) Atherton resident Evan Collins lives in the nation’s second priciest ZIP code, where $4 million barely buys you a fixer-upper. Yet when it comes to health insurance, Collins — like many Bay Area residents of all incomes ...
California State Pension Board Overrides San Diego’s Entitlement Reforms
San Diego, California lawmakers are appealing a ruling by the state’s labor relations board that rolls back pension entitlement reforms approved by voters four years ago. The California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) ruled in December 2015 Proposition B, a San Diego ballot question approved by 66 percent of city ...
Death Of Obamacare, But How Do We Kill It?
Transcript of interview with PRI’s Sally Pipes and Stephen Sabludowsky, publisher of Is Obamacare really broken or can it be fixed? If it is impossible to mend, will efforts to remove and replace it going to cause more problems than simply leaving it alone? One of the major issues ...
Obama’s Energy Plan Will Cost Poor Hundreds Of Billions To Stop 0.019 Degrees Of Global Warming
President Barack Obama’s plan to fight global warming will raise energy prices and drag many low-income Americans into “energy poverty,” according to a new study. The so-called Clean Power Plan (CPP) would significantly increase the price of electricity in the U.S., and could cost the economy up to $479 billion ...
Senator Barbara Boxer Calls PRI A “Sham” Group In Senate Floor Remarks
July 12, 2016, San Francisco – Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today on the Senate floor denounced PRI as a “sham” group involved in undermining climate science. Senator Boxer said: “The Pacific Research Institute, which is a free-market think tank, published a number of anti-climate materials, including the Almanac of Environmental ...