Press Release
Health Care
Modernizing And Simplifying Health Insurance
Americans are anxious to see if Congress and the Trump administration will repeal and replace ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act. The law has been a point of sharp partisan division since its inception, and more Americans (30 percent) say the law has hurt them than helped them ...
Hadly Health Manning
February 19, 2017
Health Care
California Lawmakers Introduce Universal Health Care Plan
SACRAMENTO — In a surprise move that further complicates President Donald Trump’s push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, two California lawmakers Friday introduced legislation that would create a single-payer health care system covering all 38 million Californians, including its undocumented residents. “We’ve reached this pivotal moment,” Sen. ...
San Jose
February 17, 2017
Health Care
Sally Pipes Work On Health Savings Accounts Attacked By Media Matters: A Comprehensive Guide To The Right-Wing Media Myths And Facts About Trump’s Potential Health Care Policies
Sally Pipes’ work on health savings accounts was recently attacked in an article on the left-wing website Media Matters: Right-wing media have helped promote piecemeal Republican proposals to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), propagating a series of myths about the efficacy of health savings accounts, the benefits of allowing ...
Cat Duffy
February 16, 2017
Health Care
Medicaid Expansion Helps Foil Plans To Quickly Repeal Obamacare
WASHINGTON – The Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare leaves New York State with two choices, neither of them easy: Either stand by and watch as 1.9 people lose their their health insurance or ask state taxpayers to pay another $3.7 billion a year. Thirty other states face a ...
Buffalo News
February 13, 2017
Broker: Interstate Sales Of Health Plans? Forget About It.
President Trump’s pick for HHS secretary says consumers would benefit if health insurance policies could be sold across state lines. At least one broker says that position misses a key fact of selling health insurance. The plan outlined for reforming the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by President Trump’s ...
Gregory A. Freeman
February 8, 2017
WashPost Op-Ed: Obamacare Repeal Will Kill 43,000 People A Year
According to a recent January 31 Bloomberg Politics article, conservatives are fuming over the slow pace of the Obamacare repeal effort. But if you believe the Washington Post, the sky will fall if it is repealed. Even the esteemed Congressional Budget Office, according to Joel Zinberg of the American Enteprise ...
Christian Robey
February 2, 2017
What Will Go With Obamacare?
(Translated from Spanish to English) After the freeze of Obamacare, many wonder what changes can we expect in medical coverage? Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, a public healthcare expert since 1988, gave an exclusive interview to El Mundo Newspaper and discussed possible changes in medical ...
Tania Del
February 2, 2017
PRI Files Amicus Brief In Federal Lawsuit To Protect Constitutional Freedoms And Privacy Rights Of Anonymous Donors
SAN FRANCISCO –California-based free-market think tank Pacific Research Institute today joined the Cato Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) in filing an amicus brief before the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the constitutional and privacy rights of donors to public charities to contribute anonymously. Click here to ...
Pacific Research Institute
January 30, 2017
Conservatives Warn GOP Is Losing Momentum On Obamacare Repeal
Congress was poised to start major work this week on dismantling the Affordable Care Act, but conservatives are already fuming over lost momentum that they fear could doom the repeal effort. Lawmakers missed a non-binding deadline to deliver details of a repeal plan Friday and left a GOP retreat without ...
Lesley Clark
January 30, 2017
Obamacare Repeal And Replacement Could Come With Hidden Costs
The sprint to dismantle the Affordable Care Act has Houston’s hospital leaders worried about a potential fallout that could sweep beyond the poor if the uninsured rate rises again. Texas already leads the nation with more than 4 million uninsured, with Harris County topping the state at about 740,000. A ...
Jenny Deam
January 24, 2017
Modernizing And Simplifying Health Insurance
Americans are anxious to see if Congress and the Trump administration will repeal and replace ObamaCare, also known as the Affordable Care Act. The law has been a point of sharp partisan division since its inception, and more Americans (30 percent) say the law has hurt them than helped them ...
California Lawmakers Introduce Universal Health Care Plan
SACRAMENTO — In a surprise move that further complicates President Donald Trump’s push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, two California lawmakers Friday introduced legislation that would create a single-payer health care system covering all 38 million Californians, including its undocumented residents. “We’ve reached this pivotal moment,” Sen. ...
Sally Pipes Work On Health Savings Accounts Attacked By Media Matters: A Comprehensive Guide To The Right-Wing Media Myths And Facts About Trump’s Potential Health Care Policies
Sally Pipes’ work on health savings accounts was recently attacked in an article on the left-wing website Media Matters: Right-wing media have helped promote piecemeal Republican proposals to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA), propagating a series of myths about the efficacy of health savings accounts, the benefits of allowing ...
Medicaid Expansion Helps Foil Plans To Quickly Repeal Obamacare
WASHINGTON – The Republican promise to repeal and replace Obamacare leaves New York State with two choices, neither of them easy: Either stand by and watch as 1.9 people lose their their health insurance or ask state taxpayers to pay another $3.7 billion a year. Thirty other states face a ...
Broker: Interstate Sales Of Health Plans? Forget About It.
President Trump’s pick for HHS secretary says consumers would benefit if health insurance policies could be sold across state lines. At least one broker says that position misses a key fact of selling health insurance. The plan outlined for reforming the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act by President Trump’s ...
WashPost Op-Ed: Obamacare Repeal Will Kill 43,000 People A Year
According to a recent January 31 Bloomberg Politics article, conservatives are fuming over the slow pace of the Obamacare repeal effort. But if you believe the Washington Post, the sky will fall if it is repealed. Even the esteemed Congressional Budget Office, according to Joel Zinberg of the American Enteprise ...
What Will Go With Obamacare?
(Translated from Spanish to English) After the freeze of Obamacare, many wonder what changes can we expect in medical coverage? Sally Pipes, president and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, a public healthcare expert since 1988, gave an exclusive interview to El Mundo Newspaper and discussed possible changes in medical ...
PRI Files Amicus Brief In Federal Lawsuit To Protect Constitutional Freedoms And Privacy Rights Of Anonymous Donors
SAN FRANCISCO –California-based free-market think tank Pacific Research Institute today joined the Cato Institute and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) in filing an amicus brief before the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals supporting the constitutional and privacy rights of donors to public charities to contribute anonymously. Click here to ...
Conservatives Warn GOP Is Losing Momentum On Obamacare Repeal
Congress was poised to start major work this week on dismantling the Affordable Care Act, but conservatives are already fuming over lost momentum that they fear could doom the repeal effort. Lawmakers missed a non-binding deadline to deliver details of a repeal plan Friday and left a GOP retreat without ...
Obamacare Repeal And Replacement Could Come With Hidden Costs
The sprint to dismantle the Affordable Care Act has Houston’s hospital leaders worried about a potential fallout that could sweep beyond the poor if the uninsured rate rises again. Texas already leads the nation with more than 4 million uninsured, with Harris County topping the state at about 740,000. A ...