Press Release
Health Care
Sally Pipes On Newsmax TV on Senate GOP Health Plan
Watch PRI’s Sally Pipes discuss the Senate Republican health plan, also known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act, with Bill Tucker on Newsmax TV. She argues that Senate Republicans embraced Obamacare in their health care bill. RELATED LINKS Sally Pipes on Newsmax TV – Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare in their ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 26, 2017
Government Spending
Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan
Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...
Tracy Seipel
June 22, 2017
Californians Fear Losing Coverage In Obamacare Reform
As the Republican-led U.S. Senate prepares to vote — possibly by next week — to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, a new poll shows that 56 percent of Californians worry that they or someone in their family will lose health insurance coverage if the law, commonly called Obamacare, ...
Tracy Seipel
June 20, 2017
Health Care
Beyond the New Normal – Part 3:Measuring Economic Growth
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Allowing insurers to market health care policies across state lines is one of President Donald Trump’s main ideas for bringing down costs. While supporters of the idea cast it as a way to make insurance policies more competitive, critics say it’s unlikely to result in more ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 6, 2017
Health Care
Ted Cruz’s Hope For Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines Gets Second Look In ACA Overhaul
WASHINGTON — A long-held GOP goal of allowing Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines could be closer to reality, if Republicans including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have their way. Cruz, who with Sen. John Cornyn is part of a group crafting legislation to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, ...
Katie Leslie
June 5, 2017
Sally Pipes on Single Payer Vote
SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes today issued the following statement in response to the State Senate’s passage of single-payer health care legislation (Senate Bill 562): “Lawmakers today voted to move forward a $400 billion-a-year single-payer ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 1, 2017
Health Care
CBO: GOP Health Bill Could Cost 23 Million Coverage; 400,000 In Arizona
WASHINGTON – The Republican plan to replace Obamacare will force as many as 23 million Americans off health insurance over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported, with local experts predicting more than 400,000 of those will be in Arizona. The long-awaited CBO “score” said the GOP’s American Health ...
Brianna Stearns
May 25, 2017
Health Care
HHS: Arizona Health Insurance Premiums Almost Tripled Since 2013
WASHINGTON – Health insurance premiums nearly tripled in Arizona between 2013 and 2017, the fourth-biggest increase among the 39 states that participated in, according to new data from the Department of Health and Human Services. Arizona’s 190 percent increase meant a monthly premium increase of about $400 to a ...
Joe Gilmore
May 25, 2017
Business & Economics
Pharmacy Benefit Managers Add Cost To Healthcare, Impose Consumer And Market Burdens, Study Says
Due to inefficiencies in the current regulatory framework, pharmacy benefit managers can add cost to the healthcare system and impose burdens on both consumers and market competition, according to a new study released by the Pacific Research Institute. PBMs — essentially middlemen who process prescription transactions, negotiate drug discounts and ...
Jeff Lagasse
May 16, 2017
California GOP Congressional Delegation Helps Pass Obamacare Repeal
Key to the House Republicans’ victory on Thursday in repealing and replacing Obamacare was the support of many of California’s 14 GOP congressional members, including three who at the last minute co-sponsored an amendment that adds $8 billion more to fund “high risk pools’’ for millions of Americans with pre-existing ...
Tracy Seipel
May 4, 2017
Sally Pipes On Newsmax TV on Senate GOP Health Plan
Watch PRI’s Sally Pipes discuss the Senate Republican health plan, also known as the Better Care Reconciliation Act, with Bill Tucker on Newsmax TV. She argues that Senate Republicans embraced Obamacare in their health care bill. RELATED LINKS Sally Pipes on Newsmax TV – Senate Republicans Embrace Obamacare in their ...
Senate Republicans Release Their Obamacare Replacement Plan
Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a wide-ranging plan to roll back the Affordable Care Act, with features that include a dramatic reduction in government spending that could mean millions more Americans will be left uninsured. The plan, unveiled by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his team after working on ...
Californians Fear Losing Coverage In Obamacare Reform
As the Republican-led U.S. Senate prepares to vote — possibly by next week — to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, a new poll shows that 56 percent of Californians worry that they or someone in their family will lose health insurance coverage if the law, commonly called Obamacare, ...
Beyond the New Normal – Part 3:Measuring Economic Growth
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Allowing insurers to market health care policies across state lines is one of President Donald Trump’s main ideas for bringing down costs. While supporters of the idea cast it as a way to make insurance policies more competitive, critics say it’s unlikely to result in more ...
Ted Cruz’s Hope For Selling Health Insurance Across State Lines Gets Second Look In ACA Overhaul
WASHINGTON — A long-held GOP goal of allowing Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines could be closer to reality, if Republicans including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz have their way. Cruz, who with Sen. John Cornyn is part of a group crafting legislation to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, ...
Sally Pipes on Single Payer Vote
SAN FRANCISCO – Pacific Research Institute President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes today issued the following statement in response to the State Senate’s passage of single-payer health care legislation (Senate Bill 562): “Lawmakers today voted to move forward a $400 billion-a-year single-payer ...
CBO: GOP Health Bill Could Cost 23 Million Coverage; 400,000 In Arizona
WASHINGTON – The Republican plan to replace Obamacare will force as many as 23 million Americans off health insurance over the next decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported, with local experts predicting more than 400,000 of those will be in Arizona. The long-awaited CBO “score” said the GOP’s American Health ...
HHS: Arizona Health Insurance Premiums Almost Tripled Since 2013
WASHINGTON – Health insurance premiums nearly tripled in Arizona between 2013 and 2017, the fourth-biggest increase among the 39 states that participated in, according to new data from the Department of Health and Human Services. Arizona’s 190 percent increase meant a monthly premium increase of about $400 to a ...
Pharmacy Benefit Managers Add Cost To Healthcare, Impose Consumer And Market Burdens, Study Says
Due to inefficiencies in the current regulatory framework, pharmacy benefit managers can add cost to the healthcare system and impose burdens on both consumers and market competition, according to a new study released by the Pacific Research Institute. PBMs — essentially middlemen who process prescription transactions, negotiate drug discounts and ...
California GOP Congressional Delegation Helps Pass Obamacare Repeal
Key to the House Republicans’ victory on Thursday in repealing and replacing Obamacare was the support of many of California’s 14 GOP congressional members, including three who at the last minute co-sponsored an amendment that adds $8 billion more to fund “high risk pools’’ for millions of Americans with pre-existing ...