Press Release
Health Care
California Shows its Obamacare Support by Outspending U.S. 4-to-1 on Ads
By Ana B. Ibarra and Carmen Heredia Rodriguez The marketing blitz is on. Californians are getting barraged with online pop-up ads, radio spots and television commercials, all aimed at persuading them to sign up for Affordable Care Act health plans during this year’s open-enrollment season. Covered California, the state’s Obamacare ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 21, 2017
Business & Economics
Lower mortgage interest tax break: “All-out assault” or glancing blow?
By Jeff Ostrowski If there’s one thing that’s certain to mobilize the nation’s largest trade group, it’s any talk of reining in tax breaks for homeowners with mortgages. House Republicans on Thursday passed a tax plan that caps at $500,000 the amount of debt eligible for the mortgage interest deduction. ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 15, 2017
Health Care
CBO: Repealing Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Would Reduce Deficit By $338 Billion
Repealing the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate would reduce the federal deficit by $338 billion in the next decade, according to a projection from the Congressional Budget Office. The individual mandate requires that Americans purchase health insurance or pay a penalty to the Internal Revenue Service for not having coverage. A recent ...
Ali Meyer
November 10, 2017
Business & Economics
How the GOP Tax Plan Will Affect Small Business
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aims to spur economic growth across the United States by adjusting tax structures for small businesses and corporations. Though the bill is still being debated, amended and adjusted, if it passes, it may have serious implications for you and your business. It can be ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 9, 2017
Business & Economics
Analysis: House Tax Plan Would Create Nearly 1 Million New Jobs and Increase GDP By 3.9%
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the new legislation introduced by the House last week, would create nearly one million new jobs and increase gross domestic product by 3.9 percent, according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation. The bill cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent; ...
Ali Meyer
November 8, 2017
Business & Economics
Killing the gasoline-powered car in California? That’s what one legislator wants by 2040
A clean energy advocate in the California Legislature wants internal combustion vehicles to sputter out of existence on the state’s roads and highways. “The cars that we drive today are based on technology that’s 100 years old,” said Assembly member Phil Ting, D-San Francisco. “It’s almost like we’re doing addition ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 31, 2017
Health Care
Sally Pipes Talks Trump’s Executive Action on Health Care on Air Talk with Larry Mantle
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes joins host Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” to discuss President Trump’s announcement that he will stop paying subsidies to health insurance companies which help pay medical costs for people who are low-income. Click here to listen to ...
Larry Mantle
October 13, 2017
Health Care
Here’s how Trump’s health care order affects California
The executive order on health insurance President Donald Trump signed Thursday seeks to do away with many coverage requirements under Obamacare. Trump’s order directs the departments of Labor, Treasury, Health and Human Services and others to change some of the rules governing health insurance. Those rules are expected to be ...
Michelle Faust
October 13, 2017
Most California voters polled back private school vouchers for low-income kids
Most California voters agree that low-income families have few choices about where to send their children, and a large majority favor providing government support, through tax credits or vouchers, to send low-income kids to the public or parochial school of their choice, a new poll by BerkeleyIGS/EdSource found. Voters are ...
John Fensterwald
October 5, 2017
New Book Sheds Light on Anti-Trump Agenda in Public Schools and Politicization of the Classroom
In his newly published book, The Corrupt Classroom, Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute illustrates how the public school classroom has become increasingly politicized, with liberal teachers indoctrinating students with an anti-Trump and leftist agenda. Izumi makes the case that while many school choice supporters rely on academic school ...
Ali Meyer
October 2, 2017
California Shows its Obamacare Support by Outspending U.S. 4-to-1 on Ads
By Ana B. Ibarra and Carmen Heredia Rodriguez The marketing blitz is on. Californians are getting barraged with online pop-up ads, radio spots and television commercials, all aimed at persuading them to sign up for Affordable Care Act health plans during this year’s open-enrollment season. Covered California, the state’s Obamacare ...
Lower mortgage interest tax break: “All-out assault” or glancing blow?
By Jeff Ostrowski If there’s one thing that’s certain to mobilize the nation’s largest trade group, it’s any talk of reining in tax breaks for homeowners with mortgages. House Republicans on Thursday passed a tax plan that caps at $500,000 the amount of debt eligible for the mortgage interest deduction. ...
CBO: Repealing Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Would Reduce Deficit By $338 Billion
Repealing the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate would reduce the federal deficit by $338 billion in the next decade, according to a projection from the Congressional Budget Office. The individual mandate requires that Americans purchase health insurance or pay a penalty to the Internal Revenue Service for not having coverage. A recent ...
How the GOP Tax Plan Will Affect Small Business
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aims to spur economic growth across the United States by adjusting tax structures for small businesses and corporations. Though the bill is still being debated, amended and adjusted, if it passes, it may have serious implications for you and your business. It can be ...
Analysis: House Tax Plan Would Create Nearly 1 Million New Jobs and Increase GDP By 3.9%
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the new legislation introduced by the House last week, would create nearly one million new jobs and increase gross domestic product by 3.9 percent, according to an analysis from the nonpartisan Tax Foundation. The bill cuts the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 20 percent; ...
Killing the gasoline-powered car in California? That’s what one legislator wants by 2040
A clean energy advocate in the California Legislature wants internal combustion vehicles to sputter out of existence on the state’s roads and highways. “The cars that we drive today are based on technology that’s 100 years old,” said Assembly member Phil Ting, D-San Francisco. “It’s almost like we’re doing addition ...
Sally Pipes Talks Trump’s Executive Action on Health Care on Air Talk with Larry Mantle
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes joins host Larry Mantle on “Air Talk” to discuss President Trump’s announcement that he will stop paying subsidies to health insurance companies which help pay medical costs for people who are low-income. Click here to listen to ...
Here’s how Trump’s health care order affects California
The executive order on health insurance President Donald Trump signed Thursday seeks to do away with many coverage requirements under Obamacare. Trump’s order directs the departments of Labor, Treasury, Health and Human Services and others to change some of the rules governing health insurance. Those rules are expected to be ...
Most California voters polled back private school vouchers for low-income kids
Most California voters agree that low-income families have few choices about where to send their children, and a large majority favor providing government support, through tax credits or vouchers, to send low-income kids to the public or parochial school of their choice, a new poll by BerkeleyIGS/EdSource found. Voters are ...
New Book Sheds Light on Anti-Trump Agenda in Public Schools and Politicization of the Classroom
In his newly published book, The Corrupt Classroom, Lance Izumi of the Pacific Research Institute illustrates how the public school classroom has become increasingly politicized, with liberal teachers indoctrinating students with an anti-Trump and leftist agenda. Izumi makes the case that while many school choice supporters rely on academic school ...