Press Release
Wall Street Journal Cites PRI’s Wayne Winegarden in Electric Car Subsidy Editorial
The Electric Kool-Aid Subsidy Test Tax credits for electric cars are a classic income transfer to the rich. Time to end them. President Trump’s recent blowup over General Motors layoffs was largely misdirected, though it may spur at least one good policy result. Killing subsidies for electric cars and trucks ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 30, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes in NBC News article on Obamacare ruling
Obamacare court ruling promises headaches for GOP, years of familiar health care fights By Benjy Sarlin WASHINGTON — Obamacare isn’t going anywhere yet, but a Texas judge’s ruling that would invalidate the entire law in response to a Republican-led and White House-supported lawsuit could mean potentially years of pitched battles on ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 19, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Discusses Obamacare Ruling on Lars Larson Show
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and what’s next with Obamacare on the “Lars Larson Show”.
Tim Anaya
December 19, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare Ruling on “The Wilkow Majority”
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the recent Texas court ruling on Obamacare, and how it might lead to free market health care reforms on “The Wilkow Majority” on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125.
Pacific Research Institute
December 18, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes talks Texas Obamacare ruling on Larry Elder Show
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and how it will impact free-market health care reform efforts on the nationally-syndicated Larry Elder Show. Click here to listen to the interview
Pacific Research Institute
December 17, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes featured in Fierce Healthcare story on Canadian health care wait times
Study highlights long wait times in Canada under single-payer system. Does that make it a bad idea for U.S.? by Joanne Finnegan The idea of a single-payer health system has been gaining ground among the general U.S. population and among doctors. However, a new study focused on the long wait times ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 11, 2018
Sally Pipes Receives “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes recently was honored by the Thousand Oaks Republican Womens Federated with the “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award. Pipes was recognized for her efforts to educate Americans on the false promises of single-payer health care. Watch ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 11, 2018
Climate Change
Read Daily Caller Story on Legislating Energy Poverty
Study: Climate Change Laws in New York and California Are Hurting Poor People the Most By Jason Hopkins A new report finds that climate change-related regulation in Democratic-controlled states is negatively impacting minority communities, while not effectively lowering green house gas emissions. The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) — a free-market ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 7, 2018
Tim Anaya Discusses New Solar Home Mandate on KPBS Evening Edition
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the new state solar home mandate on KPBS “Evening Edition”. Anaya makes the case that the mandate is another example of state government legislating energy poverty and increasing energy burdens on poor, rural and minority communities.
Pacific Research Institute
December 6, 2018
Electric Vehicles
“Costly Subsidies for the Rich” Cited in Moneywatch Story on EV Tax Credits
Can Trump yank GM’s electric vehicle tax credit? By Rachel Layne On Tuesday, President Donald Trump vented his anger at General Motors after the company announced several plant closings and more than 14,000 layoffs. The president threatened to eliminate tax credits for GM’s electric vehicles along with other tax breaks and subsidies. ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 30, 2018
Wall Street Journal Cites PRI’s Wayne Winegarden in Electric Car Subsidy Editorial
The Electric Kool-Aid Subsidy Test Tax credits for electric cars are a classic income transfer to the rich. Time to end them. President Trump’s recent blowup over General Motors layoffs was largely misdirected, though it may spur at least one good policy result. Killing subsidies for electric cars and trucks ...
Sally Pipes in NBC News article on Obamacare ruling
Obamacare court ruling promises headaches for GOP, years of familiar health care fights By Benjy Sarlin WASHINGTON — Obamacare isn’t going anywhere yet, but a Texas judge’s ruling that would invalidate the entire law in response to a Republican-led and White House-supported lawsuit could mean potentially years of pitched battles on ...
Sally Pipes Discusses Obamacare Ruling on Lars Larson Show
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Studies Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and what’s next with Obamacare on the “Lars Larson Show”.
Sally Pipes Talks Obamacare Ruling on “The Wilkow Majority”
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the recent Texas court ruling on Obamacare, and how it might lead to free market health care reforms on “The Wilkow Majority” on Sirius XM Patriot, Channel 125.
Sally Pipes talks Texas Obamacare ruling on Larry Elder Show
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Sally C. Pipes discuss the Texas Obamacare ruling and how it will impact free-market health care reform efforts on the nationally-syndicated Larry Elder Show. Click here to listen to the interview
Sally Pipes featured in Fierce Healthcare story on Canadian health care wait times
Study highlights long wait times in Canada under single-payer system. Does that make it a bad idea for U.S.? by Joanne Finnegan The idea of a single-payer health system has been gaining ground among the general U.S. population and among doctors. However, a new study focused on the long wait times ...
Sally Pipes Receives “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes recently was honored by the Thousand Oaks Republican Womens Federated with the “Beacon of Light” Americanism Award. Pipes was recognized for her efforts to educate Americans on the false promises of single-payer health care. Watch ...
Read Daily Caller Story on Legislating Energy Poverty
Study: Climate Change Laws in New York and California Are Hurting Poor People the Most By Jason Hopkins A new report finds that climate change-related regulation in Democratic-controlled states is negatively impacting minority communities, while not effectively lowering green house gas emissions. The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) — a free-market ...
Tim Anaya Discusses New Solar Home Mandate on KPBS Evening Edition
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the new state solar home mandate on KPBS “Evening Edition”. Anaya makes the case that the mandate is another example of state government legislating energy poverty and increasing energy burdens on poor, rural and minority communities.
“Costly Subsidies for the Rich” Cited in Moneywatch Story on EV Tax Credits
Can Trump yank GM’s electric vehicle tax credit? By Rachel Layne On Tuesday, President Donald Trump vented his anger at General Motors after the company announced several plant closings and more than 14,000 layoffs. The president threatened to eliminate tax credits for GM’s electric vehicles along with other tax breaks and subsidies. ...