Press Release


Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...
Drug Innovation

Wayne Winegarden Biosimilar Study Featured in Fierce Healthcare

Report: Growing biosimilar market could save billions in health spending By Paige Minemyer Growing the biosimilar market could lead to significant healthcare cost savings, according to a new report, with the opportunity for billions in cost reductions. An analysis (PDF) from the Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank, shows today ...

Read Henry Miller in the Wall Street Journal

Cures for Cancer Could Grow on Trees By Kathleen L. Hefferon and Henry I. Miller Politicians talk a lot about farming but seldom about “pharming,” even though the latter can also have a big impact on Americans’ pocketbooks—and their health. The punny name refers to genetically modifying plants such as ...

Sally Pipes in the Orlando Sentinel: Employer-sponsored health insurance: You’re fired

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, has made a career out of lambasting America’s employer-sponsored health insurance system. It causes workers to “worry about losing health” benefits if they’re laid off, he recently said. It forces employees to stay in jobs they “really hate” solely ...
Drug Innovation

PRI’s biosimilars study featured in Politico’s Prescription Pulse newsletter

The Pacific Research Institute’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation study on biosimilars was published in Politico’s Prescription Pulse newsletter.

Joe Biden’s ‘no’ on ‘Medicare-for-all’ is a ruse

Former Vice President Joe Biden has reiterated his opposition to any health reform plan that would scrap ObamaCare, including “Medicare-for-all.” According to the former vice president, “starting over” on health care would be “a sin.” Instead, Biden proposed expanding ObamaCare to include a “public option,” wherein individuals could buy a ...

Kerry Jackson Responds to President Trump’s Take on CA Homeless Crisis in Daily Signal

‘This Is the Liberal Establishment’: As Homelessness Rises in Major Cities, Trump Speaks Out By Fred Lucas President Donald Trump says he is working on a plan to address a spike in homelessness in the United States, particularly in several California cities. During a Fox News Channel interview that aired ...
Health Care

Read Heartland News Story on Sally Pipes Creation of Benjamin Rush Institute

Organization Spreads Pro-Freedom Ideas in Medical Schools By Leo Pusateri In a time when 51 percent of millennials say they have a positive view of socialism, there is an organization spreading the word of free markets and capitalism in one of the sectors most vulnerable to government command and control: ...

Despite High Costs, Americans Support Potential of Innovative Gene Therapies to Cure Difficult-to-Treat Diseases

SAN FRANCISCO – A new poll from the California-based nonpartisan think tank, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), shows that Americans overwhelmingly support innovative gene therapies, which change the focus of medicine from treating illnesses to curing illnesses. Click here to read the top-line results of PRI’s poll on gene therapies ...

Kerry Jackson Discusses Living in Fear in California on Newsmax TV

Watch Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss his new book, Living in Fear in California, on “The Brett Winterble Show” on Newsmax TV. Click here to watch the interview (The interview begins at the 1:01:35 mark)  

Colorado Low Emission Vehicle Standard Would Increase Energy Poverty Without Major Emission Reductions

State Analysis Paints Rosy Picture of Impact of CLEAR on Economy, Environment New analysis from the non-partisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based free-market think tank, finds that Colorado’s proposed low emission vehicle standards would impose higher economic costs on poor and working-class communities without generating significant environmental benefits. Click here ...
Drug Innovation

Wayne Winegarden Biosimilar Study Featured in Fierce Healthcare

Report: Growing biosimilar market could save billions in health spending By Paige Minemyer Growing the biosimilar market could lead to significant healthcare cost savings, according to a new report, with the opportunity for billions in cost reductions. An analysis (PDF) from the Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank, shows today ...

Read Henry Miller in the Wall Street Journal

Cures for Cancer Could Grow on Trees By Kathleen L. Hefferon and Henry I. Miller Politicians talk a lot about farming but seldom about “pharming,” even though the latter can also have a big impact on Americans’ pocketbooks—and their health. The punny name refers to genetically modifying plants such as ...

Sally Pipes in the Orlando Sentinel: Employer-sponsored health insurance: You’re fired

Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for president, has made a career out of lambasting America’s employer-sponsored health insurance system. It causes workers to “worry about losing health” benefits if they’re laid off, he recently said. It forces employees to stay in jobs they “really hate” solely ...
Drug Innovation

PRI’s biosimilars study featured in Politico’s Prescription Pulse newsletter

The Pacific Research Institute’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation study on biosimilars was published in Politico’s Prescription Pulse newsletter.

Joe Biden’s ‘no’ on ‘Medicare-for-all’ is a ruse

Former Vice President Joe Biden has reiterated his opposition to any health reform plan that would scrap ObamaCare, including “Medicare-for-all.” According to the former vice president, “starting over” on health care would be “a sin.” Instead, Biden proposed expanding ObamaCare to include a “public option,” wherein individuals could buy a ...

Kerry Jackson Responds to President Trump’s Take on CA Homeless Crisis in Daily Signal

‘This Is the Liberal Establishment’: As Homelessness Rises in Major Cities, Trump Speaks Out By Fred Lucas President Donald Trump says he is working on a plan to address a spike in homelessness in the United States, particularly in several California cities. During a Fox News Channel interview that aired ...
Health Care

Read Heartland News Story on Sally Pipes Creation of Benjamin Rush Institute

Organization Spreads Pro-Freedom Ideas in Medical Schools By Leo Pusateri In a time when 51 percent of millennials say they have a positive view of socialism, there is an organization spreading the word of free markets and capitalism in one of the sectors most vulnerable to government command and control: ...

Despite High Costs, Americans Support Potential of Innovative Gene Therapies to Cure Difficult-to-Treat Diseases

SAN FRANCISCO – A new poll from the California-based nonpartisan think tank, the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), shows that Americans overwhelmingly support innovative gene therapies, which change the focus of medicine from treating illnesses to curing illnesses. Click here to read the top-line results of PRI’s poll on gene therapies ...

Kerry Jackson Discusses Living in Fear in California on Newsmax TV

Watch Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss his new book, Living in Fear in California, on “The Brett Winterble Show” on Newsmax TV. Click here to watch the interview (The interview begins at the 1:01:35 mark)  
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