Health Care
Dr. Beth Haynes – How the Free Market Can Improve our Health Care
Dr. Beth Haynes of the Benjamin Rush Institute joins us to discuss how free-market solutions can improve people’s healthcare, the ongoing fights over Obamacare and single-payer health care, and the latest trends in health care today.
Pacific Research Institute
November 19, 2017
Business & Economics
John Tamny – America’s Economic Future
Economist John Tamny of RealClearMarkets and Forbes.com joins us to talk about the ongoing battle over the national debt, the debate over monetary policy and tax reform under President Trump, the future of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, and his upcoming book on the end of work.
Pacific Research Institute
November 14, 2017
Business & Economics
Clark Judge – President Trump and his Communications Style
Clark Judge is the chairman of the Pacific Research Institute, founder of The White House Writers Group and a former Reagan speechwriter. He joins us to discuss President Trump’s communications style, his effectiveness in advocating for his agenda, and lessons to be learned from the Gipper.
Pacific Research Institute
November 6, 2017
Business & Economics
David Crane – California’s Public Pension Crowd Out
David Crane of Govern for California and Stanford University talks about California’s public pension crisis, how more public money spent on pensions takes away funding for key state priorities, and how we can break through the logjam to enact meaningful pension reform.
Pacific Research Institute
October 30, 2017
Business & Economics
Bartlett Cleland – Is California’s Innovation Luster Wearing Off?
Bartlett Cleland, PRI’s senior fellow in Tech and Innovation, talks with us about whether California’s innovation luster is wearing off, how poor government policy is impacting the sharing economy, autonomous vehicles, and innovation companies, and the future of artificial intelligence.
Pacific Research Institute
October 23, 2017
Business & Economics
Dorothy Rothrock – Can We Bring Back California Manufacturing Jobs?
California Manufacturing and Technology Association President Dorothy Rothrock joins us to discuss the state of manufacturing in California today and how this year’s legislative session will impact manufacturers, and what can be done to bring back manufacturing jobs.
Pacific Research Institute
October 16, 2017
Business & Economics
Deroy Murdock – Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt
Fox News contributor and National Review contributing editor Deroy Murdock joins us to discuss America’s growing debt problem, the upcoming debt ceiling vote, and how Washington’s out-of-control spending priorities hurt our economy and threaten our liberty.
Pacific Research Institute
October 10, 2017
Business & Economics
Ep. 12: Steven Greenhut – End-of-Session Wrap, Part 2
Columnist and longtime political observer Steven Greenhut of the R Street Institute gives his thoughts on the housing package, the cap-and-trade deal, bills that were overlooked, and the impact of Prop. 54 in Part 2 of our 2017 end-of-session wrap-up.
Pacific Research Institute
October 2, 2017
Ted Gaines – End-of-Session Wrap, Part 1
Sen. Ted Gaines joins us to discuss his legislative priorities and give his thoughts on the highs and lows of the just-completed 2017 legislative session, including housing legislation, cap-and-trade, and BOE reform. Stay tuned to hear his recommendation for his favorite root beer, made locally in Sacramento.
Pacific Research Institute
September 25, 2017
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden – How Will Tax Reform Impact California?
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to explore how various tax reform ideas could impact the tax burdens of Californians. He also discusses his study on how to move America’s economy “Beyond The New Normal” of low annual growth rates.
Pacific Research Institute
September 18, 2017
Dr. Beth Haynes – How the Free Market Can Improve our Health Care
Dr. Beth Haynes of the Benjamin Rush Institute joins us to discuss how free-market solutions can improve people’s healthcare, the ongoing fights over Obamacare and single-payer health care, and the latest trends in health care today.
John Tamny – America’s Economic Future
Economist John Tamny of RealClearMarkets and Forbes.com joins us to talk about the ongoing battle over the national debt, the debate over monetary policy and tax reform under President Trump, the future of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, and his upcoming book on the end of work.
Clark Judge – President Trump and his Communications Style
Clark Judge is the chairman of the Pacific Research Institute, founder of The White House Writers Group and a former Reagan speechwriter. He joins us to discuss President Trump’s communications style, his effectiveness in advocating for his agenda, and lessons to be learned from the Gipper.
David Crane – California’s Public Pension Crowd Out
David Crane of Govern for California and Stanford University talks about California’s public pension crisis, how more public money spent on pensions takes away funding for key state priorities, and how we can break through the logjam to enact meaningful pension reform.
Bartlett Cleland – Is California’s Innovation Luster Wearing Off?
Bartlett Cleland, PRI’s senior fellow in Tech and Innovation, talks with us about whether California’s innovation luster is wearing off, how poor government policy is impacting the sharing economy, autonomous vehicles, and innovation companies, and the future of artificial intelligence.
Dorothy Rothrock – Can We Bring Back California Manufacturing Jobs?
California Manufacturing and Technology Association President Dorothy Rothrock joins us to discuss the state of manufacturing in California today and how this year’s legislative session will impact manufacturers, and what can be done to bring back manufacturing jobs.
Deroy Murdock – Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt
Fox News contributor and National Review contributing editor Deroy Murdock joins us to discuss America’s growing debt problem, the upcoming debt ceiling vote, and how Washington’s out-of-control spending priorities hurt our economy and threaten our liberty.
Ep. 12: Steven Greenhut – End-of-Session Wrap, Part 2
Columnist and longtime political observer Steven Greenhut of the R Street Institute gives his thoughts on the housing package, the cap-and-trade deal, bills that were overlooked, and the impact of Prop. 54 in Part 2 of our 2017 end-of-session wrap-up.
Ted Gaines – End-of-Session Wrap, Part 1
Sen. Ted Gaines joins us to discuss his legislative priorities and give his thoughts on the highs and lows of the just-completed 2017 legislative session, including housing legislation, cap-and-trade, and BOE reform. Stay tuned to hear his recommendation for his favorite root beer, made locally in Sacramento.
Wayne Winegarden – How Will Tax Reform Impact California?
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to explore how various tax reform ideas could impact the tax burdens of Californians. He also discusses his study on how to move America’s economy “Beyond The New Normal” of low annual growth rates.