Former Speechwriters Respond to the State of the Union
PRI’s Lance Izumi, Rowena Itchon, and Tim Anaya – all former speechwriters – give their assessment of President Trump’s State of the Union Address and give a behind the scenes view of what goes into preparing “the big speech”.
Pacific Research Institute
February 1, 2018
Business & Economics
Tom Rogan – Issue 1 – What’s Going On in DC and the Return of “McLaughlin Group”
Political journalist and Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan gives his take on America’s foreign policy challenges, what’s going on in Trump’s Washington, and his new role as moderator in the return of the iconic TV debate program, “The McLaughlin Group”.
Pacific Research Institute
January 29, 2018
Lance Izumi – What Can California Do to Expand School Choice?
As we mark National School Choice Week, Lance Izumi, Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, and Koret Senior Fellow in Education, joins us to discuss his new “American Education Agenda” and his recommendations to policymakers for how we can give California students and parents more educational choices.
Pacific Research Institute
January 22, 2018
Business & Economics
Kerry Jackson – Good Intentions – How We Can Alleviate Poverty in CA
Kerry Jackson, senior fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, joins us to discuss how California’s government anti-poverty programs aren’t delivering, how the private sector can do more to lift people out of poverty, and other findings from his new issue brief, “Good Intentions.”
Pacific Research Institute
January 15, 2018
Michele Steeb – Helping Turn Women’s Lives Around
Saint John’s Program for Real Change CEO Michele Steeb joins us to discuss how the Sacramento-based program is making a difference in helping homeless mothers living in crisis break the cycle of poverty and make better lives for themselves and their children.
Pacific Research Institute
January 8, 2018
First Annual PRI Year-End Awards
Listen to a special holiday episode of PRI’s podcast as Sally Pipes, Rowena Itchon, Lance Izumi, Tim Anaya, and Ben Smithwick review the year in policy in 2017, hand out their year-end awards, and make their predictions for 2018 – in the style of The McLaughlin Group.
Pacific Research Institute
December 25, 2017
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden – Why Did the Government Swallow the 340B Fly?
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to talk about his new study on the 340B program, a well-meaning yet very important government program designed to help the needy afford prescription drugs that, in practice, is being abused and shortchanging those it was intended to help.
Pacific Research Institute
December 18, 2017
David White – Red or White . . . or Blue?
Noted wine author and blogger David White joins us to talk about our favorite subject on PRI’s podcast – wine! We discuss the policy issues facing California’s wine industry, and then get to the good stuff – some ideas for great wines to try or give as gifts this holiday ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 11, 2017
Business & Economics
Michael Ramirez – The Art of Political Cartooning
Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Michael Ramirez joins us to discuss his approach to cartooning, some of his favorite and noteworthy cartoons from over the years, and the important role that political cartoons play in shaping public opinion and inspiring grassroots activism.
Pacific Research Institute
December 5, 2017
Steve Hayward – Free Speech Under Attack on Campus
PRI’s Steve Hayward, who is currently teaching at UC Berkeley, joins us to talk about his front-row seat to the current clash over free speech, incidents of conservative speakers being violently silenced, and how we can protect the debate of ideas on campus from current attacks on provocative ideas and ...
Pacific Research Institute
November 27, 2017
Former Speechwriters Respond to the State of the Union
PRI’s Lance Izumi, Rowena Itchon, and Tim Anaya – all former speechwriters – give their assessment of President Trump’s State of the Union Address and give a behind the scenes view of what goes into preparing “the big speech”.
Tom Rogan – Issue 1 – What’s Going On in DC and the Return of “McLaughlin Group”
Political journalist and Washington Examiner columnist Tom Rogan gives his take on America’s foreign policy challenges, what’s going on in Trump’s Washington, and his new role as moderator in the return of the iconic TV debate program, “The McLaughlin Group”.
Lance Izumi – What Can California Do to Expand School Choice?
As we mark National School Choice Week, Lance Izumi, Senior Director of PRI’s Center for Education, and Koret Senior Fellow in Education, joins us to discuss his new “American Education Agenda” and his recommendations to policymakers for how we can give California students and parents more educational choices.
Kerry Jackson – Good Intentions – How We Can Alleviate Poverty in CA
Kerry Jackson, senior fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, joins us to discuss how California’s government anti-poverty programs aren’t delivering, how the private sector can do more to lift people out of poverty, and other findings from his new issue brief, “Good Intentions.”
Michele Steeb – Helping Turn Women’s Lives Around
Saint John’s Program for Real Change CEO Michele Steeb joins us to discuss how the Sacramento-based program is making a difference in helping homeless mothers living in crisis break the cycle of poverty and make better lives for themselves and their children.
First Annual PRI Year-End Awards
Listen to a special holiday episode of PRI’s podcast as Sally Pipes, Rowena Itchon, Lance Izumi, Tim Anaya, and Ben Smithwick review the year in policy in 2017, hand out their year-end awards, and make their predictions for 2018 – in the style of The McLaughlin Group.
Wayne Winegarden – Why Did the Government Swallow the 340B Fly?
PRI’s Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to talk about his new study on the 340B program, a well-meaning yet very important government program designed to help the needy afford prescription drugs that, in practice, is being abused and shortchanging those it was intended to help.
David White – Red or White . . . or Blue?
Noted wine author and blogger David White joins us to talk about our favorite subject on PRI’s podcast – wine! We discuss the policy issues facing California’s wine industry, and then get to the good stuff – some ideas for great wines to try or give as gifts this holiday ...
Michael Ramirez – The Art of Political Cartooning
Two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist Michael Ramirez joins us to discuss his approach to cartooning, some of his favorite and noteworthy cartoons from over the years, and the important role that political cartoons play in shaping public opinion and inspiring grassroots activism.
Steve Hayward – Free Speech Under Attack on Campus
PRI’s Steve Hayward, who is currently teaching at UC Berkeley, joins us to talk about his front-row seat to the current clash over free speech, incidents of conservative speakers being violently silenced, and how we can protect the debate of ideas on campus from current attacks on provocative ideas and ...