Laurence Jurdem – How Conservative Media Influenced Reagan’s Foreign Policy
Historian Laurence Jurdem joins us to talk about his new book, Paving the Way for Reagan, which explores how National Review, Human Events, and other conservative publications strongly influenced Ronald Reagan’s outlook and paved the way for his “peace through strength” foreign policy.
Pacific Research Institute
August 27, 2018
Richard Samuelson – Is Senator Zuckerberg or Soros a Good Thing? Making The Case for a Political Elite
Cal State San Bernardino professor and historian Richard Samuelson joins us to discuss his upcoming book on John Adams and his take – shaped by Adams’ argument – that the best place to handle a runaway elite who want to change the world like Mark Zuckerberg or George Soros would ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 20, 2018
Andrew Puzder – The Capitalist Comeback
Former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder says that “capitalism” is not a dirty word. He joins us to discuss his new book profiling the rise of anti-profit forces in the U.S., and how, under President Trump’s leadership, they can be vanquished for good.
Pacific Research Institute
August 13, 2018
Dean McGrath – Supreme Court Battle, Part 2 – What Will Brett Kavanaugh Be Like on the Supreme Court?
In part 2 of our discussion with PRI general counsel Dean McGrath, who is a veteran of past Supreme Court nomination fights, we discuss the Brett Kavanaugh nomination in depth, and explore how he might rule on some of the key issues to likely come before the Supreme Court in ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 6, 2018
Dean McGrath – An Insider’s View on the Kavanaugh Nomination
PRI’s general counsel Dean McGrath – and who also served as counsel to President Reagan – joins us to discuss the battle for the Supreme Court. He gives us an inside look at what goes into nominating and confirming a Supreme Court justice, and shares his thoughts on the nomination ...
Pacific Research Institute
July 30, 2018
Business & Economics
Nick Loris – Why Are California Gas Prices So High?
Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation joins us from Vancouver to discuss why California gas prices are so much higher than the rest of the nation, and what reforms would make a real difference in giving drivers some relief at the pump.
Pacific Research Institute
July 24, 2018
Michael Anton – A Front-Row Seat to America’s National Security Policy
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6816536/height/360/width/450/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”360″ width=”450″ placement=”top” theme=”standard”] Former Trump and George W. Bush administration national security official Michael Anton joins us to discuss his experiences in both administration’s foreign policy teams, and discusses some of America’s biggest foreign policy challenges today.
Pacific Research Institute
July 16, 2018
Business & Economics
Marlo Lewis – Embracing a Free-Market Environmental Future
Marlo Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute joins us in Vancouver for a discussion on how the free-market is a more effective way to achieve a global, clean energy future than new clean energy laws or excess regulations.
Pacific Research Institute
July 9, 2018
Tia Boatman Patterson – Addressing California’s Home Affordability Problem
California Housing Finance Agency Executive Director Tia Boatman Patterson discusses the efforts of the self-supporting state agency she runs to help people find an affordable place to live, and gives her thoughts on what should be done next to address the state’s housing affordability and homeless problems.
Pacific Research Institute
July 2, 2018
Special Guest George Gilder on Technologies in the Future
For PRI’s 50th episode, our special guest is George Gilder. We asked him about his views on Silicon Valley (“in the process of having a nervous breakdown”), the threats to innovation (“the world’s $253 trillion debt”) and his view of Basic Income (“preposterous”). And that’s not even the fun stuff. ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 25, 2018
Laurence Jurdem – How Conservative Media Influenced Reagan’s Foreign Policy
Historian Laurence Jurdem joins us to talk about his new book, Paving the Way for Reagan, which explores how National Review, Human Events, and other conservative publications strongly influenced Ronald Reagan’s outlook and paved the way for his “peace through strength” foreign policy.
Richard Samuelson – Is Senator Zuckerberg or Soros a Good Thing? Making The Case for a Political Elite
Cal State San Bernardino professor and historian Richard Samuelson joins us to discuss his upcoming book on John Adams and his take – shaped by Adams’ argument – that the best place to handle a runaway elite who want to change the world like Mark Zuckerberg or George Soros would ...
Andrew Puzder – The Capitalist Comeback
Former CKE Restaurants CEO Andy Puzder says that “capitalism” is not a dirty word. He joins us to discuss his new book profiling the rise of anti-profit forces in the U.S., and how, under President Trump’s leadership, they can be vanquished for good.
Dean McGrath – Supreme Court Battle, Part 2 – What Will Brett Kavanaugh Be Like on the Supreme Court?
In part 2 of our discussion with PRI general counsel Dean McGrath, who is a veteran of past Supreme Court nomination fights, we discuss the Brett Kavanaugh nomination in depth, and explore how he might rule on some of the key issues to likely come before the Supreme Court in ...
Dean McGrath – An Insider’s View on the Kavanaugh Nomination
PRI’s general counsel Dean McGrath – and who also served as counsel to President Reagan – joins us to discuss the battle for the Supreme Court. He gives us an inside look at what goes into nominating and confirming a Supreme Court justice, and shares his thoughts on the nomination ...
Nick Loris – Why Are California Gas Prices So High?
Nick Loris of the Heritage Foundation joins us from Vancouver to discuss why California gas prices are so much higher than the rest of the nation, and what reforms would make a real difference in giving drivers some relief at the pump.
Michael Anton – A Front-Row Seat to America’s National Security Policy
[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/6816536/height/360/width/450/theme/standard/autonext/no/thumbnail/yes/autoplay/no/preload/no/no_addthis/no/direction/forward/” height=”360″ width=”450″ placement=”top” theme=”standard”] Former Trump and George W. Bush administration national security official Michael Anton joins us to discuss his experiences in both administration’s foreign policy teams, and discusses some of America’s biggest foreign policy challenges today.
Marlo Lewis – Embracing a Free-Market Environmental Future
Marlo Lewis of the Competitive Enterprise Institute joins us in Vancouver for a discussion on how the free-market is a more effective way to achieve a global, clean energy future than new clean energy laws or excess regulations.
Tia Boatman Patterson – Addressing California’s Home Affordability Problem
California Housing Finance Agency Executive Director Tia Boatman Patterson discusses the efforts of the self-supporting state agency she runs to help people find an affordable place to live, and gives her thoughts on what should be done next to address the state’s housing affordability and homeless problems.
Special Guest George Gilder on Technologies in the Future
For PRI’s 50th episode, our special guest is George Gilder. We asked him about his views on Silicon Valley (“in the process of having a nervous breakdown”), the threats to innovation (“the world’s $253 trillion debt”) and his view of Basic Income (“preposterous”). And that’s not even the fun stuff. ...