

Jim Manley – Protecting Student Free Speech

Jim Manley of the Pacific Legal Foundation joins us to discuss his efforts in state legislatures and courtrooms across the country to protect student free speech.
Business & Economics

Pete Constant – How Can We Tame California’s Pension Monster?

Pete Constant, former San Jose City Councilman and president of the Retirement Security Initiative, joins us to share his experiences as a local elected official grappling with runaway public employee pensions, and what can be done to tame California’s pension monster.

Rebecca Friedrichs – Janus Before Janus

Rebecca Friedrichs of For Kids and Country joins us to talk about the victory for worker freedom in the Janus decision, and her experiences as lead plaintiff in a prior case that ended in a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court.  We discuss what’s next for disaffected union members after ...
Business & Economics

Harry Crocker – What Would Have Happened if George Armstrong Custer Had Lived?

Regnery Publishing Vice President and Executive Editor Harry Crocker joins us to talk about his new book Armstrong, which imagines what would have if George Armstrong Custer survived the Battle of Little Big Horn. We discuss his inspiration for writing the book, the challenges faced today by the conservative book ...

Dr. Henry Miller – Just How “Authentic” Are the “Natural” Products You’re Buying?

Dr. Henry Miller, PRI’s new fellow in health care studies, joins us to discuss his recent Wall Street Journal op-ed challenging the “authentic” industry, which made waves nationally. We also discuss how over-regulation prevents beneficial products from going to market, how the EPA’s Superfund program has become a cash-cow for ...

Bryan Anderson – Meet the Sacramento Bee’s New Political Reporter

The Sacramento Bee’s new political reporter and “Capitol Alert” editor Bryan Anderson shares his observations on his first summer covering the California Legislature. We discuss the DMV wait time scandal, privacy legislation, CEQA reform for stadiums, how covering North Carolina politics compares with California . . . and his real ...

Steven Greenhut – Bail Reform, Bailouts, and Brown’s Legacy . . . Oh My! The 2018 Legislative Session in Review

Steven Greenhut of the R Street Institute shares his thoughts on the just-completed 2018 legislative session and Jerry Brown’s legacy as governor, the second go-around. We discuss wildfire response legislation, bail reform, 100 percent renewable energy mandates, single-payer health care, soda taxes, and other hot issues.

Michael Thom – Are Film Subsidies A Good Deal for California Taxpayers?

USC Public Policy Professor Michael Thom joins us to discuss his research exploring whether California’s film and television tax credits are a good deal for taxpayers and whether they make a difference in attracting or retaining jobs and economic activity to the state.

Laurence Jurdem – How Conservative Media Influenced Reagan’s Foreign Policy

Historian Laurence Jurdem joins us to talk about his new book, Paving the Way for Reagan, which explores how National Review, Human Events, and other conservative publications strongly influenced Ronald Reagan’s outlook and paved the way for his “peace through strength” foreign policy.

Richard Samuelson – Is Senator Zuckerberg or Soros a Good Thing? Making The Case for a Political Elite

Cal State San Bernardino professor and historian Richard Samuelson joins us to discuss his upcoming book on John Adams and his take – shaped by Adams’ argument – that the best place to handle a runaway elite who want to change the world like Mark Zuckerberg or George Soros would ...

Jim Manley – Protecting Student Free Speech

Jim Manley of the Pacific Legal Foundation joins us to discuss his efforts in state legislatures and courtrooms across the country to protect student free speech.
Business & Economics

Pete Constant – How Can We Tame California’s Pension Monster?

Pete Constant, former San Jose City Councilman and president of the Retirement Security Initiative, joins us to share his experiences as a local elected official grappling with runaway public employee pensions, and what can be done to tame California’s pension monster.

Rebecca Friedrichs – Janus Before Janus

Rebecca Friedrichs of For Kids and Country joins us to talk about the victory for worker freedom in the Janus decision, and her experiences as lead plaintiff in a prior case that ended in a 4-4 tie in the Supreme Court.  We discuss what’s next for disaffected union members after ...
Business & Economics

Harry Crocker – What Would Have Happened if George Armstrong Custer Had Lived?

Regnery Publishing Vice President and Executive Editor Harry Crocker joins us to talk about his new book Armstrong, which imagines what would have if George Armstrong Custer survived the Battle of Little Big Horn. We discuss his inspiration for writing the book, the challenges faced today by the conservative book ...

Dr. Henry Miller – Just How “Authentic” Are the “Natural” Products You’re Buying?

Dr. Henry Miller, PRI’s new fellow in health care studies, joins us to discuss his recent Wall Street Journal op-ed challenging the “authentic” industry, which made waves nationally. We also discuss how over-regulation prevents beneficial products from going to market, how the EPA’s Superfund program has become a cash-cow for ...

Bryan Anderson – Meet the Sacramento Bee’s New Political Reporter

The Sacramento Bee’s new political reporter and “Capitol Alert” editor Bryan Anderson shares his observations on his first summer covering the California Legislature. We discuss the DMV wait time scandal, privacy legislation, CEQA reform for stadiums, how covering North Carolina politics compares with California . . . and his real ...

Steven Greenhut – Bail Reform, Bailouts, and Brown’s Legacy . . . Oh My! The 2018 Legislative Session in Review

Steven Greenhut of the R Street Institute shares his thoughts on the just-completed 2018 legislative session and Jerry Brown’s legacy as governor, the second go-around. We discuss wildfire response legislation, bail reform, 100 percent renewable energy mandates, single-payer health care, soda taxes, and other hot issues.

Michael Thom – Are Film Subsidies A Good Deal for California Taxpayers?

USC Public Policy Professor Michael Thom joins us to discuss his research exploring whether California’s film and television tax credits are a good deal for taxpayers and whether they make a difference in attracting or retaining jobs and economic activity to the state.

Laurence Jurdem – How Conservative Media Influenced Reagan’s Foreign Policy

Historian Laurence Jurdem joins us to talk about his new book, Paving the Way for Reagan, which explores how National Review, Human Events, and other conservative publications strongly influenced Ronald Reagan’s outlook and paved the way for his “peace through strength” foreign policy.

Richard Samuelson – Is Senator Zuckerberg or Soros a Good Thing? Making The Case for a Political Elite

Cal State San Bernardino professor and historian Richard Samuelson joins us to discuss his upcoming book on John Adams and his take – shaped by Adams’ argument – that the best place to handle a runaway elite who want to change the world like Mark Zuckerberg or George Soros would ...
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