

Jared Walczak – Taxifornia

Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation discusses taxes, taxes, and more taxes in the Golden State.  He offers his analysis of the split roll tax, the state and local income tax deduction and its impact on high-tax states like California, reforming the state’s tax structure, high corporate taxes, and rising ...
Business & Economics

Gary Wolfram – The Debate Over Free Markets versus Socialism

Hillsdale College Professor of Economics and Public Policy Gary Wolfram shares his thoughts on some of the hot topics in the debate over free-market economic policy today, including the Green New Deal, electric car subsidies, the growing push for socialism, and the debate over free college.
Business & Economics

Damon Dunn – My Life in Poverty and Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

PRI Fellow in Business and Economics Damon Dunn joins us to discuss his new brief on the rise of socialism. He shares stories from his childhood growing up in poverty in Texas as his inspiration for striving to work his way up the economic ladder rather than become addicted to ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Making it Rain in California

PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his new study on the State and Local Tax cap in the 2017 federal tax reform legislation.  Wayne discusses how the legislation amounted to taxpayers in low-tax states subsidizing Sacramento’s high tax burden and out-of-control spending, and ...

Steven Greenhut – 2019 End-of-Session Wrap-Up

Longtime Capitol journalist Steven Greenhut of the R Street Institute joins us for our annual end-of-session wrap-up.  We discuss all the hot issues from this legislative session, including the debate over who is an independent contractor and who is an employee, the fight over charter schools, the potential return of ...

Colin Sharkey – What Do California Teachers Think About Their Newly-Won Worker Freedoms?

Association of American Educators executive director Colin Sharkey joins us to discuss a new survey from their Teacher Freedom project on the attitudes of teachers one year after the historic Janus decision and shares insight on what teachers think about their union, their newly-won worker freedoms, and whether more disaffected ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – Will So-Called Compromise Cripple Future Charter School Expansion in California?

Lance Izumi, PRI’s Senior Director of Education Studies, joins us to discuss perhaps the most controversial education legislation in recent memory – a so-called compromise that would impose significant new requirements and restrictions on charter schools in California. Lance analyzes the key provisions of the legislation and the motivation behind ...

Andy McCarthy on his new book Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency

National Review’s Andy McCarthy joins us to discuss his new book The Ball of Collusion.  No one is better than McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor who earned the Justice Department’s highest honor, to provide perspective on the Trump investigation into Russian “collusion.”  In our conversation, McCarthy exposes the depth of ...

Jarrett Dieterle – Assembly Bill 5: Who Is An Independent Contractor and Who Is An Employee in California?

R Street Institute’s Jarrett Dieterle joins us to discuss his research on the hottest issue of the final weeks of the legislative session, Assembly Bill 5, and the impact its passage would have on employers, our innovation economy, and Californians who want to be their own boss and work when ...

Ryan Williams – How We Can Encourage a More Balanced Political Debate on Campus

Claremont Institute President Ryan Williams joins us to discuss their current work on what they see as the growing threat from identity politics and multiculturalism, their recent censorship battle with Google, and how we can encourage a more balanced political debate and free exchange of ideas on campus.

Jared Walczak – Taxifornia

Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation discusses taxes, taxes, and more taxes in the Golden State.  He offers his analysis of the split roll tax, the state and local income tax deduction and its impact on high-tax states like California, reforming the state’s tax structure, high corporate taxes, and rising ...
Business & Economics

Gary Wolfram – The Debate Over Free Markets versus Socialism

Hillsdale College Professor of Economics and Public Policy Gary Wolfram shares his thoughts on some of the hot topics in the debate over free-market economic policy today, including the Green New Deal, electric car subsidies, the growing push for socialism, and the debate over free college.
Business & Economics

Damon Dunn – My Life in Poverty and Why Socialism Doesn’t Work

PRI Fellow in Business and Economics Damon Dunn joins us to discuss his new brief on the rise of socialism. He shares stories from his childhood growing up in poverty in Texas as his inspiration for striving to work his way up the economic ladder rather than become addicted to ...
Business & Economics

Wayne Winegarden – Making it Rain in California

PRI Senior Fellow in Business and Economics Wayne Winegarden joins us to discuss his new study on the State and Local Tax cap in the 2017 federal tax reform legislation.  Wayne discusses how the legislation amounted to taxpayers in low-tax states subsidizing Sacramento’s high tax burden and out-of-control spending, and ...

Steven Greenhut – 2019 End-of-Session Wrap-Up

Longtime Capitol journalist Steven Greenhut of the R Street Institute joins us for our annual end-of-session wrap-up.  We discuss all the hot issues from this legislative session, including the debate over who is an independent contractor and who is an employee, the fight over charter schools, the potential return of ...

Colin Sharkey – What Do California Teachers Think About Their Newly-Won Worker Freedoms?

Association of American Educators executive director Colin Sharkey joins us to discuss a new survey from their Teacher Freedom project on the attitudes of teachers one year after the historic Janus decision and shares insight on what teachers think about their union, their newly-won worker freedoms, and whether more disaffected ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – Will So-Called Compromise Cripple Future Charter School Expansion in California?

Lance Izumi, PRI’s Senior Director of Education Studies, joins us to discuss perhaps the most controversial education legislation in recent memory – a so-called compromise that would impose significant new requirements and restrictions on charter schools in California. Lance analyzes the key provisions of the legislation and the motivation behind ...

Andy McCarthy on his new book Ball of Collusion: The Plot to Rig an Election and Destroy a Presidency

National Review’s Andy McCarthy joins us to discuss his new book The Ball of Collusion.  No one is better than McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor who earned the Justice Department’s highest honor, to provide perspective on the Trump investigation into Russian “collusion.”  In our conversation, McCarthy exposes the depth of ...

Jarrett Dieterle – Assembly Bill 5: Who Is An Independent Contractor and Who Is An Employee in California?

R Street Institute’s Jarrett Dieterle joins us to discuss his research on the hottest issue of the final weeks of the legislative session, Assembly Bill 5, and the impact its passage would have on employers, our innovation economy, and Californians who want to be their own boss and work when ...

Ryan Williams – How We Can Encourage a More Balanced Political Debate on Campus

Claremont Institute President Ryan Williams joins us to discuss their current work on what they see as the growing threat from identity politics and multiculturalism, their recent censorship battle with Google, and how we can encourage a more balanced political debate and free exchange of ideas on campus.
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