

Steve Smith – Rising Crime and the Sacramento Shootings

Our guest this week is PRI Senior Fellow Steve Smith. An expert in public safety policy, he was a former police officer and a former professor of criminal justice. Steve gives his thoughts on the Sacramento shooting as well rising crime in the state, the role of progressive prosecutors, and ...

Paul Mango – Operation Warp Speed

Our guest on this podcast is Paul Mango who was Deputy Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the conception, development, and implementation of Operation Warp Speed – the U.S.’s effort to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to America and to the world.  Paul discusses ...

Murray Sabrin – An Individual Single Payer System

Our guest on this podcast is Dr. Murray Sabrin on his new book Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life: The Case for A Single-Payer System. Under the individual single-payer system outlined by Dr. Sabrin, every American adult would be in charge of his or her medical coverage. ...

California Burning – Panel Discussion

California once again experienced one of the largest wildfires in state history in 2021, in the shadow of a severe drought that is increasing fire danger. In this panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action Conference in Sacramento, policy experts discuss what can be done to reduce wildfires and ...
Business & Economics

California Migrating – Panel Discussion

This podcast is a recorded panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action conference in February. Californians and California businesses have been moving out of the state in droves. This panel discusses the causes of outmigration and what we can do to stem the tide.
Business & Economics

The Problems with CEQA – with Chris Carr

The California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, is a 50-year-old law responsible for holding up many projects in the state due to its labyrinthian process and its vulnerability to lawsuits. Across the state, housing developments, schools, hospitals, even bike paths and wildfire mitigation efforts have been stymied by CEQA. Chris ...
Business & Economics

PRI Panel of Former Speechwriters – Pres. Biden’s State of the Union Address

This special edition podcast features PRI’s panel of former speechwriters offering their perspectives on Pres. Biden’s first State of the Union Address.  On the panel: Lance Izumi, a former speechwriter to Gov. George Deukmejian and former Attorney General Edwin Meese, and now PRI’s senior director of the Center of Education; ...

Michael Shellenberger – San Fransicko

Our guest on this podcast is national bestselling author, Michael Shellenberger.  He recently spoke to PRI supporters at a luncheon in San Francisco on his new book: San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. Michael has witnessed San Francisco’s decline over the past 30 years as it struggles with lawlessness, homelessness, ...

Steve Smith – California’s Increasing Crime

In this podcast, our guest is Steve Smith, senior fellow in Urban Studies.  Steve is a recognized leader in education, training, law enforcement, and peacekeeping operations, with over 20 years of experience in domestic and international policing and investigations. He discusses the growing crime in California and other major cities ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – The Homeschool Boom

This podcast, recently celebrating National School Choice Week, features senior director of PRI’s Center for Education Lance Izumi discussing his recent book The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies and Possibilities. It also includes a panel discussion on school choice and homeschooling with Alicia Carter, PACT Academy principal; Carrie Carlson, a homeschool ...

Steve Smith – Rising Crime and the Sacramento Shootings

Our guest this week is PRI Senior Fellow Steve Smith. An expert in public safety policy, he was a former police officer and a former professor of criminal justice. Steve gives his thoughts on the Sacramento shooting as well rising crime in the state, the role of progressive prosecutors, and ...

Paul Mango – Operation Warp Speed

Our guest on this podcast is Paul Mango who was Deputy Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the conception, development, and implementation of Operation Warp Speed – the U.S.’s effort to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to America and to the world.  Paul discusses ...

Murray Sabrin – An Individual Single Payer System

Our guest on this podcast is Dr. Murray Sabrin on his new book Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life: The Case for A Single-Payer System. Under the individual single-payer system outlined by Dr. Sabrin, every American adult would be in charge of his or her medical coverage. ...

California Burning – Panel Discussion

California once again experienced one of the largest wildfires in state history in 2021, in the shadow of a severe drought that is increasing fire danger. In this panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action Conference in Sacramento, policy experts discuss what can be done to reduce wildfires and ...
Business & Economics

California Migrating – Panel Discussion

This podcast is a recorded panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action conference in February. Californians and California businesses have been moving out of the state in droves. This panel discusses the causes of outmigration and what we can do to stem the tide.
Business & Economics

The Problems with CEQA – with Chris Carr

The California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, is a 50-year-old law responsible for holding up many projects in the state due to its labyrinthian process and its vulnerability to lawsuits. Across the state, housing developments, schools, hospitals, even bike paths and wildfire mitigation efforts have been stymied by CEQA. Chris ...
Business & Economics

PRI Panel of Former Speechwriters – Pres. Biden’s State of the Union Address

This special edition podcast features PRI’s panel of former speechwriters offering their perspectives on Pres. Biden’s first State of the Union Address.  On the panel: Lance Izumi, a former speechwriter to Gov. George Deukmejian and former Attorney General Edwin Meese, and now PRI’s senior director of the Center of Education; ...

Michael Shellenberger – San Fransicko

Our guest on this podcast is national bestselling author, Michael Shellenberger.  He recently spoke to PRI supporters at a luncheon in San Francisco on his new book: San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. Michael has witnessed San Francisco’s decline over the past 30 years as it struggles with lawlessness, homelessness, ...

Steve Smith – California’s Increasing Crime

In this podcast, our guest is Steve Smith, senior fellow in Urban Studies.  Steve is a recognized leader in education, training, law enforcement, and peacekeeping operations, with over 20 years of experience in domestic and international policing and investigations. He discusses the growing crime in California and other major cities ...
Charter Schools

Lance Izumi – The Homeschool Boom

This podcast, recently celebrating National School Choice Week, features senior director of PRI’s Center for Education Lance Izumi discussing his recent book The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies and Possibilities. It also includes a panel discussion on school choice and homeschooling with Alicia Carter, PACT Academy principal; Carrie Carlson, a homeschool ...
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