Listen to Hon. Dan Kolkey discuss Cal Fire case on Daily Journal “Appellate Report” Podcast
Listen to the Hon. Dan Kolkey, PRI board member and attorney with Gibson Dunn, discuss the closely watched case Cal Fire v. CalPERS and the State of California. The case challenges the ability of state and local governments to adjust future pension benefits for current workers. PRI has submitted an amicus brief in the case because ...
Pacific Research Institute
December 10, 2018
Tim Anaya Discusses New Solar Home Mandate on KPBS Evening Edition
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the new state solar home mandate on KPBS “Evening Edition”. Anaya makes the case that the mandate is another example of state government legislating energy poverty and increasing energy burdens on poor, rural and minority communities.
Pacific Research Institute
December 6, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Discusses Election Results and Health Care Reform on Newsmax TV
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the future of health care reform with Democrats poised to take control of the House of Representatives with John Cardillo on “America Talks Live” on Newsmax TV.
Tim Anaya
November 16, 2018
See Highlights from the 2018 San Francisco Gala with Mark Steyn
In case you missed it, or want to live it all over again, here are some remarks from the 2018 SF Gala, with Keynote Speaker Mark Steyn and Award Recipient Victor Davis Hanson.
Pacific Research Institute
November 15, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Discusses How Democrats Taking House Will Impact Health Care Reform
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss how the Democrats taking control of the House will impact health care policy on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview starts at the 1 hour, 29 minute mark.
Pacific Research Institute
November 13, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Debates Single-Payer on Minnesota Public Radio
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debate single-payer advocate and University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor Gerald Friedman on Minnesota Public Radio with host Kerri Miller. Click here to listen to the interview
Pacific Research Institute
October 26, 2018
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden Talks Drug Pricing Advertising on Newsmax TV
Watch PRI’s Wayne Winegarden discuss the Trump Administration proposal on drug pricing advertising on “America Talks Live” with Dr. Gina Loudon and John Cardillo on Newsmax TV.
Newsmax TV
October 17, 2018
Video Highlights from the Thatcher Gala
Pete Wilson Throughout the Years Introduction Sally and Dan Kolkey Roundtable Pete making statement at Thatcher Gala Original Song video
Pacific Research Institute
October 7, 2018
Health Care
Dr. Henry Miller Talks $6-a-Gallon “Raw Water” on Lars Larson Show
PRI Senior Fellow in Health Care, Dr. Henry Miller, discusses the marketing of $6-a-gallon “raw water” and how the “authentic industry” is pushing pure hooey on the nationally-sydnicated Lars Larson Show. The interview begins at the 45:45 mark.
Pacific Research Institute
September 21, 2018
Health Care
Sally Pipes Discusses Single-Payer on Pat Miller Program
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Studies Sally C. Pipes discusses how single-payer health care would lead to a massive doctor shortage on the “Pat Miller Program” on WOWO Radio in Ft. Wayne, IN.
Pacific Research Institute
September 21, 2018
Listen to Hon. Dan Kolkey discuss Cal Fire case on Daily Journal “Appellate Report” Podcast
Listen to the Hon. Dan Kolkey, PRI board member and attorney with Gibson Dunn, discuss the closely watched case Cal Fire v. CalPERS and the State of California. The case challenges the ability of state and local governments to adjust future pension benefits for current workers. PRI has submitted an amicus brief in the case because ...
Tim Anaya Discusses New Solar Home Mandate on KPBS Evening Edition
Watch PRI Communications Director Tim Anaya discuss the new state solar home mandate on KPBS “Evening Edition”. Anaya makes the case that the mandate is another example of state government legislating energy poverty and increasing energy burdens on poor, rural and minority communities.
Sally Pipes Discusses Election Results and Health Care Reform on Newsmax TV
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the future of health care reform with Democrats poised to take control of the House of Representatives with John Cardillo on “America Talks Live” on Newsmax TV.
See Highlights from the 2018 San Francisco Gala with Mark Steyn
In case you missed it, or want to live it all over again, here are some remarks from the 2018 SF Gala, with Keynote Speaker Mark Steyn and Award Recipient Victor Davis Hanson.
Sally Pipes Discusses How Democrats Taking House Will Impact Health Care Reform
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discuss how the Democrats taking control of the House will impact health care policy on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview starts at the 1 hour, 29 minute mark.
Sally Pipes Debates Single-Payer on Minnesota Public Radio
Listen to PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debate single-payer advocate and University of Massachusetts, Amherst professor Gerald Friedman on Minnesota Public Radio with host Kerri Miller. Click here to listen to the interview
Wayne Winegarden Talks Drug Pricing Advertising on Newsmax TV
Watch PRI’s Wayne Winegarden discuss the Trump Administration proposal on drug pricing advertising on “America Talks Live” with Dr. Gina Loudon and John Cardillo on Newsmax TV.
Video Highlights from the Thatcher Gala
Pete Wilson Throughout the Years Introduction Sally and Dan Kolkey Roundtable Pete making statement at Thatcher Gala Original Song video
Dr. Henry Miller Talks $6-a-Gallon “Raw Water” on Lars Larson Show
PRI Senior Fellow in Health Care, Dr. Henry Miller, discusses the marketing of $6-a-gallon “raw water” and how the “authentic industry” is pushing pure hooey on the nationally-sydnicated Lars Larson Show. The interview begins at the 45:45 mark.
Sally Pipes Discusses Single-Payer on Pat Miller Program
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Healthcare Studies Sally C. Pipes discusses how single-payer health care would lead to a massive doctor shortage on the “Pat Miller Program” on WOWO Radio in Ft. Wayne, IN.