Free Cities
Watch latest Free Cities video
Watch: Tour a public-private partnership that is transforming Sacramento
Todd Leon, Development Director of the Capital Area Development Authority, takes Steven Greenhut of PRI’s Free Cities Center on a tour of Sacramento’s R Street Corridor. Learn how a public-private partnership is transforming what was once an industrial hotbed for the railroads into a model mixed-use neighborhood.
Pacific Research Institute
August 14, 2023
Business & Economics
You Will Own Nothing
WATCH: PRI’s webinar with bestselling author Carol Roth
Watch PRI’s webinar with New York Times bestselling author Carol Roth, discussing her new book, You Will Own Nothing, in conversation with PRI senior fellow in business and economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden.
Pacific Research Institute
August 2, 2023
Free Cities
Latest Free Cities Center video
Watch: How can California transportation policy better serve customers?
Watch transportation expert Marc Joffe of the Cato Institute tour the Walnut Creek BART station with Steven Greenhut of PRI’s Free Cities Center. They discuss how to transform transportation policy in California to better serve customers and focus on transportation engineering rather than social engineering.
Pacific Research Institute
June 19, 2023
Watch PRI webinar
Watch: How Do We Stop California’s Outmigration Problem with Dr. Lee Ohanian
Watch Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian discuss California’s growing outmigration problem with Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics. They discuss cost of living problems worsened by poor state public policies that are increasing housing costs across the state and worsening quality ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 22, 2023
Drug Innovation
Wayne Winegarden on NTD News to Discuss Congress Pushing Back on Pharmaceutical Benefit Managers
Congress is beginning to push back on pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs). PRI’s Wayne Winegarden tells NTD News that a large problem lies in the lack of transparency in the drug pricing system. Reforming the PBM system could reduce costs for patients. Click to watch the interview on NTD News.
Wayne Winegarden
May 2, 2023
Urban Ag Promotes Healthy Food, Thriving Gardens
Urban Ag Promotes Healthy Food, Thriving Gardens MARCH 27, 2023 Watch as Steven Greenhut of the Free Cities Center tours City Slicker Farms in Oakland, an urban agriculture program that promotes access to healthy food, thriving gardens and urban green spaces.
Pacific Research Institute
March 24, 2023
Watch: Videos from 2023 PRI California Ideas in Action Conference
Keynote Speaker: Keith Knopf of Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Business in California Keith Knopf, the president and CEO of The Raley’s Companies, shares how state policies like Prop. 47 and green mandates affect the challenges and opportunities of doing business in California. Success Stories Turning Around Urban Communities Watch ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 20, 2023
Steve Smith talks California’s decade of decriminalization and his new study on the Sunrise FM Podcast
The sudden reemergence of widespread crime – from petty to violent – has Californians of all stripes worried. For Steve Smith of the Pacific Research Institute, the genesis of this slide into crime begin with a trio of policies aimed at early release of prisoners and decriminalization of key laws. ...
Steve Smith
February 15, 2023
Free Cities
Watch: How Art Can Improve Urban Life with Roberta Ahmanson
Watch as Steven Greenhut of PRI's Free Cities Center discusses how art can improve the quality of life in urban centers.
Pacific Research Institute
February 1, 2023
Classroom Ideology
Watch PRI’s Lance Izumi Discuss The Great Parent Revolt on Fox and Friends
Watch Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Great Parent Revolt on “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel. Asra Nomani, one of the parents profiled in the book, joins Lance in the interview.
Pacific Research Institute
January 17, 2023
Watch latest Free Cities video
Watch: Tour a public-private partnership that is transforming Sacramento
Todd Leon, Development Director of the Capital Area Development Authority, takes Steven Greenhut of PRI’s Free Cities Center on a tour of Sacramento’s R Street Corridor. Learn how a public-private partnership is transforming what was once an industrial hotbed for the railroads into a model mixed-use neighborhood.
You Will Own Nothing
WATCH: PRI’s webinar with bestselling author Carol Roth
Watch PRI’s webinar with New York Times bestselling author Carol Roth, discussing her new book, You Will Own Nothing, in conversation with PRI senior fellow in business and economics Dr. Wayne Winegarden.
Latest Free Cities Center video
Watch: How can California transportation policy better serve customers?
Watch transportation expert Marc Joffe of the Cato Institute tour the Walnut Creek BART station with Steven Greenhut of PRI’s Free Cities Center. They discuss how to transform transportation policy in California to better serve customers and focus on transportation engineering rather than social engineering.
Watch PRI webinar
Watch: How Do We Stop California’s Outmigration Problem with Dr. Lee Ohanian
Watch Hoover Institution senior fellow and UCLA professor Dr. Lee Ohanian discuss California’s growing outmigration problem with Dr. Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in business and economics. They discuss cost of living problems worsened by poor state public policies that are increasing housing costs across the state and worsening quality ...
Wayne Winegarden on NTD News to Discuss Congress Pushing Back on Pharmaceutical Benefit Managers
Congress is beginning to push back on pharmaceutical benefit managers (PBMs). PRI’s Wayne Winegarden tells NTD News that a large problem lies in the lack of transparency in the drug pricing system. Reforming the PBM system could reduce costs for patients. Click to watch the interview on NTD News.
Urban Ag Promotes Healthy Food, Thriving Gardens
Urban Ag Promotes Healthy Food, Thriving Gardens MARCH 27, 2023 Watch as Steven Greenhut of the Free Cities Center tours City Slicker Farms in Oakland, an urban agriculture program that promotes access to healthy food, thriving gardens and urban green spaces.
Watch: Videos from 2023 PRI California Ideas in Action Conference
Keynote Speaker: Keith Knopf of Challenges and Opportunities of Doing Business in California Keith Knopf, the president and CEO of The Raley’s Companies, shares how state policies like Prop. 47 and green mandates affect the challenges and opportunities of doing business in California. Success Stories Turning Around Urban Communities Watch ...
Steve Smith talks California’s decade of decriminalization and his new study on the Sunrise FM Podcast
The sudden reemergence of widespread crime – from petty to violent – has Californians of all stripes worried. For Steve Smith of the Pacific Research Institute, the genesis of this slide into crime begin with a trio of policies aimed at early release of prisoners and decriminalization of key laws. ...
Watch: How Art Can Improve Urban Life with Roberta Ahmanson
Watch as Steven Greenhut of PRI's Free Cities Center discusses how art can improve the quality of life in urban centers.
Watch PRI’s Lance Izumi Discuss The Great Parent Revolt on Fox and Friends
Watch Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discuss his new book The Great Parent Revolt on “Fox and Friends” on Fox News Channel. Asra Nomani, one of the parents profiled in the book, joins Lance in the interview.