Lance Izumi Discusses Teacher Union Role on COVID-19 School Shutdowns
Lance Izumi, Pacific Research Institute’s senior fellow in education, joins the Phil Cowan Show on AM 1380 The Answer with guest host Katy Grimes, to discuss the current state of education due to COVID-19 and the impact of the coronavirus. Izumi and Grimes also discuss some of the more egregious ...
Lance Izumi
September 14, 2020
Sally C. Pipes Talks Healthcare Insurance on the Rod Arquette Show
Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute joins Rod to discuss the struggles some people are having with health insurance during the coronavirus pandemic.
Sally C. Pipes
September 14, 2020
The Lars Larson Show and Dr. Henry Miller Talk COVID-19 Vaccines on Hold
Dr. Henry Miller and Lars Larson talk about the latest in progress in the search for a vaccine for the coronavirus pandemic, including the recent news that AstraZeneca has paused their third-stage clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine due to an illness to a participant. Miller talks about how the ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
September 9, 2020
Dr. Henry Miller Explains the COVID-19 Vaccine Target Date
Dr. Henry Miller joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show to discuss the pending target deadline for a COVID-19 vaccine set by the federal government. Miller says that Americans should be concerned about the safety of a vaccine developed at such a rapid pace. Miller explains that the phase three tests ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
September 2, 2020
Health Care
The Dan Proft Show Interviews Sally Pipes on Kamala Harris Medicare for All Plan
PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins the Dan Proft Show to talk about Democrat vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris and her changing position on Medicare for All and private insurance. During the democratic primaries, then-candidate Harris said she favored eliminating all private insurance. Pipes also talks about Vermont Senator Bernie Sander’s role ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 27, 2020
Health Care
Watch Sally Pipes in Soho Forum Debate – Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debate the question, “Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?” in a recent debate hosted by the Soho Forum. She debates Professor Gerald Friedman of the University of Massachusetts, whose study on ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 25, 2020
Health Care
Sally Pipes Discusses Problems with Biden-Harris Health Plan on Lars Larson Show
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the Biden-Harris health care plan and the problems with the Canadian health care system that their plan would move us toward on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Sally Pipes – Canada’s health-care ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 25, 2020
Dr. Henry Miller Gives An Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Progress
Dr. Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the John Batchelor Show for his regular update on the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19 impact on how an eventual vaccine would be distributed. Miller talks about a recent op-ed he wrote that details the dilemma vaccine makers and the government face when it comes ...
Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.
August 24, 2020
Health Care
Wayne Winegarden Talks Healthcare Price Controls with the Pegasus Institute
PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins the Pegasus Institute to discuss the danger of price controls in health care including hurting rural health care providers and threatening the already thin margins many hospitals operate on. Winegarden also talks about the impact of the coronavirus and COVID-19. Pegasus Institute · The Problem ...
Wayne Winegarden
August 18, 2020
Business & Economics
Damon Dunn Talks Universal Basic Income on the Bottom Line Podcast
Listen to PRI Business and Economics Fellow Damon Dunn on the Bottom Line with host Roger Marsh discuss details from his new book Punting Poverty, the danger of universal basic income, and his upbringing from rural Fort Worth, Texas, to Stanford, the NFL, and entrepreneurship. The Bottom Line · Damon Dunn: ...
Damon Dunn
August 13, 2020
Lance Izumi Discusses Teacher Union Role on COVID-19 School Shutdowns
Lance Izumi, Pacific Research Institute’s senior fellow in education, joins the Phil Cowan Show on AM 1380 The Answer with guest host Katy Grimes, to discuss the current state of education due to COVID-19 and the impact of the coronavirus. Izumi and Grimes also discuss some of the more egregious ...
Sally C. Pipes Talks Healthcare Insurance on the Rod Arquette Show
Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute joins Rod to discuss the struggles some people are having with health insurance during the coronavirus pandemic.
The Lars Larson Show and Dr. Henry Miller Talk COVID-19 Vaccines on Hold
Dr. Henry Miller and Lars Larson talk about the latest in progress in the search for a vaccine for the coronavirus pandemic, including the recent news that AstraZeneca has paused their third-stage clinical trial for a COVID-19 vaccine due to an illness to a participant. Miller talks about how the ...
Dr. Henry Miller Explains the COVID-19 Vaccine Target Date
Dr. Henry Miller joins the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show to discuss the pending target deadline for a COVID-19 vaccine set by the federal government. Miller says that Americans should be concerned about the safety of a vaccine developed at such a rapid pace. Miller explains that the phase three tests ...
The Dan Proft Show Interviews Sally Pipes on Kamala Harris Medicare for All Plan
PRI’s Sally C. Pipes joins the Dan Proft Show to talk about Democrat vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris and her changing position on Medicare for All and private insurance. During the democratic primaries, then-candidate Harris said she favored eliminating all private insurance. Pipes also talks about Vermont Senator Bernie Sander’s role ...
Watch Sally Pipes in Soho Forum Debate – Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debate the question, “Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?” in a recent debate hosted by the Soho Forum. She debates Professor Gerald Friedman of the University of Massachusetts, whose study on ...
Sally Pipes Discusses Problems with Biden-Harris Health Plan on Lars Larson Show
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the Biden-Harris health care plan and the problems with the Canadian health care system that their plan would move us toward on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Sally Pipes – Canada’s health-care ...
Dr. Henry Miller Gives An Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Progress
Dr. Henry Miller, M.S., M.D., joins the John Batchelor Show for his regular update on the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19 impact on how an eventual vaccine would be distributed. Miller talks about a recent op-ed he wrote that details the dilemma vaccine makers and the government face when it comes ...
Wayne Winegarden Talks Healthcare Price Controls with the Pegasus Institute
PRI’s Dr. Wayne Winegarden joins the Pegasus Institute to discuss the danger of price controls in health care including hurting rural health care providers and threatening the already thin margins many hospitals operate on. Winegarden also talks about the impact of the coronavirus and COVID-19. Pegasus Institute · The Problem ...
Damon Dunn Talks Universal Basic Income on the Bottom Line Podcast
Listen to PRI Business and Economics Fellow Damon Dunn on the Bottom Line with host Roger Marsh discuss details from his new book Punting Poverty, the danger of universal basic income, and his upbringing from rural Fort Worth, Texas, to Stanford, the NFL, and entrepreneurship. The Bottom Line · Damon Dunn: ...