

NEW BRIEF: Broken System Imposes Higher Out-of-Pocket Costs on Patients, Puts Interests of Government and Insurers First

America’s broken third-party healthcare payment system prioritizes government and insurance companies as the largest payers, leaving patients with higher out-of-pocket costs, greater exposure to healthcare financial risk, and reduced access to care – finds the latest paper in the Coverage Denied series released today by the Center for Medical Economics ...

Steve Smith – Rising Crime and the Sacramento Shootings

Our guest this week is PRI Senior Fellow Steve Smith. An expert in public safety policy, he was a former police officer and a former professor of criminal justice. Steve gives his thoughts on the Sacramento shooting as well rising crime in the state, the role of progressive prosecutors, and ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: The 2022 Education Landscape and the Coming Homeschool Tsunami

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, recently delivered the following speech to the Northern California Lincoln Club.

Paul Mango – Operation Warp Speed

Our guest on this podcast is Paul Mango who was Deputy Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the conception, development, and implementation of Operation Warp Speed – the U.S.’s effort to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to America and to the world.  Paul discusses ...

Murray Sabrin – An Individual Single Payer System

Our guest on this podcast is Dr. Murray Sabrin on his new book Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life: The Case for A Single-Payer System. Under the individual single-payer system outlined by Dr. Sabrin, every American adult would be in charge of his or her medical coverage. ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Pandemic Response Grew Government ‘Barriers to Opportunity’ for Entrepreneurs

Government actions to “help” small businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic have worsened pre-pandemic government-imposed burdens to entrepreneurship, finds the final paper in the Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunityseries released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market think tank. Click here to download a copy ...

California Burning – Panel Discussion

California once again experienced one of the largest wildfires in state history in 2021, in the shadow of a severe drought that is increasing fire danger. In this panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action Conference in Sacramento, policy experts discuss what can be done to reduce wildfires and ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Competitive Markets Reduce Electricity Costs, Improve Reliability, Lower Emissions

States with competitive electricity markets saw cheaper energy prices, more energy infrastructure investment to improve efficiency and reliability, and greater emission reductions compared to monopoly states, finds a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market think tank. “Residents and businesses lose out when states ...

Who Will Benefit from the Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022?

By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden The news that average gas prices per gallon in Los Angeles County have soared past $6 per gallon has triggered the “Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022.” Democrats and Republicans in Sacramento are pushing dueling gas tax relief proposals. Legislative Republicans have proposed ...

What’s Next for CEQA Reform After Berkeley Vote?

Responding to the public outrage, California lawmakers took unusually swift action in passing CEQA reform legislation this week. Senate Bill 118 responds to a CEQA lawsuit filed by a neighborhood group challenging a housing and classroom project under construction on the UC Berkeley campus.  Earlier this month, the California Supreme ...

NEW BRIEF: Broken System Imposes Higher Out-of-Pocket Costs on Patients, Puts Interests of Government and Insurers First

America’s broken third-party healthcare payment system prioritizes government and insurance companies as the largest payers, leaving patients with higher out-of-pocket costs, greater exposure to healthcare financial risk, and reduced access to care – finds the latest paper in the Coverage Denied series released today by the Center for Medical Economics ...

Steve Smith – Rising Crime and the Sacramento Shootings

Our guest this week is PRI Senior Fellow Steve Smith. An expert in public safety policy, he was a former police officer and a former professor of criminal justice. Steve gives his thoughts on the Sacramento shooting as well rising crime in the state, the role of progressive prosecutors, and ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: The 2022 Education Landscape and the Coming Homeschool Tsunami

Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, recently delivered the following speech to the Northern California Lincoln Club.

Paul Mango – Operation Warp Speed

Our guest on this podcast is Paul Mango who was Deputy Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services during the conception, development, and implementation of Operation Warp Speed – the U.S.’s effort to bring a COVID-19 vaccine to America and to the world.  Paul discusses ...

Murray Sabrin – An Individual Single Payer System

Our guest on this podcast is Dr. Murray Sabrin on his new book Universal Medical Care from Conception to End of Life: The Case for A Single-Payer System. Under the individual single-payer system outlined by Dr. Sabrin, every American adult would be in charge of his or her medical coverage. ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Pandemic Response Grew Government ‘Barriers to Opportunity’ for Entrepreneurs

Government actions to “help” small businesses in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic have worsened pre-pandemic government-imposed burdens to entrepreneurship, finds the final paper in the Breaking Down Barriers to Opportunityseries released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market think tank. Click here to download a copy ...

California Burning – Panel Discussion

California once again experienced one of the largest wildfires in state history in 2021, in the shadow of a severe drought that is increasing fire danger. In this panel discussion from PRI’s annual Ideas in Action Conference in Sacramento, policy experts discuss what can be done to reduce wildfires and ...
Business & Economics

NEW STUDY: Competitive Markets Reduce Electricity Costs, Improve Reliability, Lower Emissions

States with competitive electricity markets saw cheaper energy prices, more energy infrastructure investment to improve efficiency and reliability, and greater emission reductions compared to monopoly states, finds a new study released today by the nonpartisan Pacific Research Institute, a California-based, free-market think tank. “Residents and businesses lose out when states ...

Who Will Benefit from the Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022?

By Tim Anaya and Wayne Winegarden The news that average gas prices per gallon in Los Angeles County have soared past $6 per gallon has triggered the “Great Gas Tax Rebate Debate of 2022.” Democrats and Republicans in Sacramento are pushing dueling gas tax relief proposals. Legislative Republicans have proposed ...

What’s Next for CEQA Reform After Berkeley Vote?

Responding to the public outrage, California lawmakers took unusually swift action in passing CEQA reform legislation this week. Senate Bill 118 responds to a CEQA lawsuit filed by a neighborhood group challenging a housing and classroom project under construction on the UC Berkeley campus.  Earlier this month, the California Supreme ...
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