

Will COVID-19 launch an epidemic of cancer?

With coronavirus cases spiking, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an order halting the state’s reopening and banning elective procedures in hot-spot counties. As more states see viral outbreaks, many governors will be tempted to follow Gov. Abbott’s example. But COVID-19 is not the only threat to public health. Millions ...

Reforms Should Empower Healthcare Entrepreneurs Not Bureaucrats

Unaffordable healthcare is an unnecessary access barrier that has burdened too many people with financially ruinous debt. Worsening these outcomes, healthcare waste is excessive, and productivity is stagnating. In response, more and more policymakers are favoring reforms that would nationalize healthcare or create a public health insurance option. Further socializing ...

Dems Want to Use Medicaid to Incinerate Yet More Taxpayer Money

Congressional Democrats are looking to put billions more federal dollars into Medicaid as part of their plan to fight COVID-19. The HEROES Act, which narrowly passed the House in May, would temporarily increase the share of the program’s spending covered by the federal government, to the tune of $45 billion ...

Expand Medicaid? Democrats’ plan would increase waste, fraud and debt

If Democrats can’t get “Medicare-for-all,” it seems they’ll settle for “Medicaid-for-most.” Last month, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would supposedly “stabilize” ObamaCare by lavishing billions of dollars on Medicaid. To pay for that effort, the bill’s proponents envision cutting Medicare by nearly $450 billion over 10 years. Democrats are also lobbying states to expand the program to able-bodied, ...
Business & Economics

Guaranteed income from the government isn’t the answer to closing the wealth gap

These are incredibly tough times for Texas and all Americans. On top of the economic pain from months of shelter-in-place orders, the violence and unrest we’ve seen arising from the death of George Floyd has brought economic inequality to the top of the political discussion. Many progressives are preaching about ...

Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
Business & Economics

Basic Income Guarantees Would ‘Warehouse’ Poor, Not Propel Them

As Americans struggle to recover from a deep recession fueled by the COVID-19 crisis, and respond in horror to the violence in many communities following the death of George Floyd, economic inequality and lack of opportunity have risen to the top of the political discussion. Liberal voices like House Speaker ...

Coronavirus drug cost – Ignore critics. Here’s why the price is right

Last week, Gilead Sciences announced that it would sell a five-day course of its coronavirus drug, remdesivir, for just over $3,100. The antiviral, currently the only medication proven to speed recovery from COVID-19, received FDA approval in May. Some Democratic lawmakers and policy experts attacked remdesivir’s price as soon as it was announced. They claim that Gilead could sell the drug ...

Democrats Remain Jealous Of Britain’s Healthcare Catastrophe

If there was ever any doubt about the dangers of single-payer health care, the United Kingdom’s experience with COVID-19 should settle the matter. Weeks after the pandemic’s peak, the nation’s government-run health system, the National Health Service, is still subjecting patients to life-threatening treatment delays. By the NHS’s own admission, ...

We must relax restrictions on foreign doctors

The Trump administration just made it a bit easier for foreign doctors to join the fight against the coronavirus. This month, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services authorized foreign doctors in the Conrad 30 program to conduct telehealth visits across state lines. Previously, these doctors — up to 30 per state ...

Will COVID-19 launch an epidemic of cancer?

With coronavirus cases spiking, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has issued an order halting the state’s reopening and banning elective procedures in hot-spot counties. As more states see viral outbreaks, many governors will be tempted to follow Gov. Abbott’s example. But COVID-19 is not the only threat to public health. Millions ...

Reforms Should Empower Healthcare Entrepreneurs Not Bureaucrats

Unaffordable healthcare is an unnecessary access barrier that has burdened too many people with financially ruinous debt. Worsening these outcomes, healthcare waste is excessive, and productivity is stagnating. In response, more and more policymakers are favoring reforms that would nationalize healthcare or create a public health insurance option. Further socializing ...

Dems Want to Use Medicaid to Incinerate Yet More Taxpayer Money

Congressional Democrats are looking to put billions more federal dollars into Medicaid as part of their plan to fight COVID-19. The HEROES Act, which narrowly passed the House in May, would temporarily increase the share of the program’s spending covered by the federal government, to the tune of $45 billion ...

Expand Medicaid? Democrats’ plan would increase waste, fraud and debt

If Democrats can’t get “Medicare-for-all,” it seems they’ll settle for “Medicaid-for-most.” Last month, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would supposedly “stabilize” ObamaCare by lavishing billions of dollars on Medicaid. To pay for that effort, the bill’s proponents envision cutting Medicare by nearly $450 billion over 10 years. Democrats are also lobbying states to expand the program to able-bodied, ...
Business & Economics

Guaranteed income from the government isn’t the answer to closing the wealth gap

These are incredibly tough times for Texas and all Americans. On top of the economic pain from months of shelter-in-place orders, the violence and unrest we’ve seen arising from the death of George Floyd has brought economic inequality to the top of the political discussion. Many progressives are preaching about ...

Telehealth’s Success During COVID-19 Shows Need to Empower Health Care Innovators

The COVID-19 crisis has tested America’s health care system like no other event in recent memory. One irony during this pandemic is that America has actually experienced the promise of health care innovation in an important way, namely through telehealth. Telehealth allows patients to talk with their doctors online using ...
Business & Economics

Basic Income Guarantees Would ‘Warehouse’ Poor, Not Propel Them

As Americans struggle to recover from a deep recession fueled by the COVID-19 crisis, and respond in horror to the violence in many communities following the death of George Floyd, economic inequality and lack of opportunity have risen to the top of the political discussion. Liberal voices like House Speaker ...

Coronavirus drug cost – Ignore critics. Here’s why the price is right

Last week, Gilead Sciences announced that it would sell a five-day course of its coronavirus drug, remdesivir, for just over $3,100. The antiviral, currently the only medication proven to speed recovery from COVID-19, received FDA approval in May. Some Democratic lawmakers and policy experts attacked remdesivir’s price as soon as it was announced. They claim that Gilead could sell the drug ...

Democrats Remain Jealous Of Britain’s Healthcare Catastrophe

If there was ever any doubt about the dangers of single-payer health care, the United Kingdom’s experience with COVID-19 should settle the matter. Weeks after the pandemic’s peak, the nation’s government-run health system, the National Health Service, is still subjecting patients to life-threatening treatment delays. By the NHS’s own admission, ...

We must relax restrictions on foreign doctors

The Trump administration just made it a bit easier for foreign doctors to join the fight against the coronavirus. This month, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services authorized foreign doctors in the Conrad 30 program to conduct telehealth visits across state lines. Previously, these doctors — up to 30 per state ...
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