

After COVID-19 subsides, ‘the telehealth revolution must march on’

It’s hard to find a silver lining in a pandemic. But one of the few may be the rapid rise of telemedicine. With people stuck at home, doctors retooled their practices to see patients via videoconference. Insurance companies and regulators expanded the number of services available via telemedicine—and made reimbursement ...
Business & Economics

It’s time to bring our economy back to life. Paying workers to stay home won’t help

The federal government’s emergency unemployment benefits are set to expire this week. Set at $600 a week by the CARES Act — the economic rescue package Congress passed back in March — the emergency benefits were intended to supplement state unemployment insurance and offset the economic carnage caused by the coronavirus lockdowns. That extra ...

Trump’s drug pricing executive orders harmful to patients — will hinder development of new drugs

President Trump issued four executive orders Friday that he said will lower drug prices — but in reality, three of the orders will cause far more harm than good and represent electioneering at its worst. The three harmful executive orders allow the importation of drugs from Canada, reduce the price ...

President Trump’s Big Government Instincts Threaten Drug Innovation And Availability

President Reagan famously said, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”. It is time for President Trump to learn this wisdom. Along with Speaker Pelosi, Senator Sanders, and Representative Ocasio-Cortez, President Trump seems to believe that giving the ...

California Doubles Down on Unworkable Data Privacy Law During Second COVID Shutdown

Businesses were ordered to close. Schools were shuttered. People were told to stay home. Many believed that in a week or two life for the most part would return to normal and that COVID would be a bad memory. Now, four months later, California has not just halted reopening but ...

Why Trump administration should say goodbye to ‘Buy America’

It’s not often that Joe Biden agrees with President Trump. But the former vice president found common ground with his presumptive opponent this month when he announced he would outline a plan to bring medical manufacturing back to the United States, something the president has long endorsed. This isn’t the ...

COVID-19’s Long-Term Effects Raise the Stakes of the Game.

Despite the surge of new cases of COVID-19, increases in the percentage of positive tests, and scores of ICUs at or near capacity, some commentators are still saying things like, “The so-called surge in cases is more fake news pushed by media cheerleaders eager to destroy the U.S. economy and culture ...

Executive Order On Drug Price Controls Would Backfire

Rumor has it that President Trump will soon issue a sweeping executive order to lower prescription drug prices by fiat. Nothing is set in stone. But the order would reportedly index the government’s reimbursements for medicines to the prices that Britain, France, Canada, and other developed nations pay. Since all those nations ...

Covid’s Harrowing Complications

It’s good news that the death rate from Covid-19 has trended dramatically downward since April, even as the number of new cases is surging. But it’s far from the whole story. Unlike common colds caused by other coronaviruses, Covid-19 is more than a transient, self-limited respiratory infection. There have been ...

Patients Will Suffer The Most From The Trump Administration’s Reference Pricing Scheme

The pharmaceutical industry has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic with, arguably, the greatest surge in drug innovation in history. Consider that Remdesivir (produced by Gilead) has already received an emergency use authorization by the FDA for Covid-19. Losmapimod (produced by Fulcrum) is another promising treatment for Covid-19 that is in Phase III trials. And, ...

After COVID-19 subsides, ‘the telehealth revolution must march on’

It’s hard to find a silver lining in a pandemic. But one of the few may be the rapid rise of telemedicine. With people stuck at home, doctors retooled their practices to see patients via videoconference. Insurance companies and regulators expanded the number of services available via telemedicine—and made reimbursement ...
Business & Economics

It’s time to bring our economy back to life. Paying workers to stay home won’t help

The federal government’s emergency unemployment benefits are set to expire this week. Set at $600 a week by the CARES Act — the economic rescue package Congress passed back in March — the emergency benefits were intended to supplement state unemployment insurance and offset the economic carnage caused by the coronavirus lockdowns. That extra ...

Trump’s drug pricing executive orders harmful to patients — will hinder development of new drugs

President Trump issued four executive orders Friday that he said will lower drug prices — but in reality, three of the orders will cause far more harm than good and represent electioneering at its worst. The three harmful executive orders allow the importation of drugs from Canada, reduce the price ...

President Trump’s Big Government Instincts Threaten Drug Innovation And Availability

President Reagan famously said, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government and I’m here to help”. It is time for President Trump to learn this wisdom. Along with Speaker Pelosi, Senator Sanders, and Representative Ocasio-Cortez, President Trump seems to believe that giving the ...

California Doubles Down on Unworkable Data Privacy Law During Second COVID Shutdown

Businesses were ordered to close. Schools were shuttered. People were told to stay home. Many believed that in a week or two life for the most part would return to normal and that COVID would be a bad memory. Now, four months later, California has not just halted reopening but ...

Why Trump administration should say goodbye to ‘Buy America’

It’s not often that Joe Biden agrees with President Trump. But the former vice president found common ground with his presumptive opponent this month when he announced he would outline a plan to bring medical manufacturing back to the United States, something the president has long endorsed. This isn’t the ...

COVID-19’s Long-Term Effects Raise the Stakes of the Game.

Despite the surge of new cases of COVID-19, increases in the percentage of positive tests, and scores of ICUs at or near capacity, some commentators are still saying things like, “The so-called surge in cases is more fake news pushed by media cheerleaders eager to destroy the U.S. economy and culture ...

Executive Order On Drug Price Controls Would Backfire

Rumor has it that President Trump will soon issue a sweeping executive order to lower prescription drug prices by fiat. Nothing is set in stone. But the order would reportedly index the government’s reimbursements for medicines to the prices that Britain, France, Canada, and other developed nations pay. Since all those nations ...

Covid’s Harrowing Complications

It’s good news that the death rate from Covid-19 has trended dramatically downward since April, even as the number of new cases is surging. But it’s far from the whole story. Unlike common colds caused by other coronaviruses, Covid-19 is more than a transient, self-limited respiratory infection. There have been ...

Patients Will Suffer The Most From The Trump Administration’s Reference Pricing Scheme

The pharmaceutical industry has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic with, arguably, the greatest surge in drug innovation in history. Consider that Remdesivir (produced by Gilead) has already received an emergency use authorization by the FDA for Covid-19. Losmapimod (produced by Fulcrum) is another promising treatment for Covid-19 that is in Phase III trials. And, ...
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