

Wayne Winegarden Quoted on Federal Bill That Improves Liability Protections

Title: New federal relief bill includes liability protections during COVID-19 pandemic; ‘An important improvement to the litigation landscape’ By: Sarah Downey Federal lawmakers last week unveiled a stimulus package of COVID-19 relief legislation that includes further payments to unemployed workers and liability protections for health care workers, schools and businesses ...

College, Coursework, and Covid

By: Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D., Kathleen L. Hefferon, Justin R. St. Juliana Like most institutions in American society, academia has been badly shaken by Covid-19. Many universities in the Northeast abruptly closed as the pandemic accelerated. Students were sent home, which in some cases involved returning to the other ...

Xavier Becerra should stop undermining California’s democracy

A threat to California’s democracy is coming from an unlikely source – the unit within the California Department of Justice responsible for writing the ballot labels for initiative measures. By law, the California Attorney General is charged with preparing a ballot label for each initiative measure – a short description ...

Dems use coronavirus to push ‘Medicare-for-all,’ but their ploy is based on bad information

More than 5 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health insurance due to coronavirus-related unemployment, according to a new study from FamiliesUSA. In response, Democrats are renewing their push for “Medicare-for-all”. Just this week, 360 Democratic delegates promised to vote against any party platform that doesn’t endorse single-payer health care. In their formal petition, ...

COVID-19 makes routine vaccinations more important

As Americans eagerly anticipate a COVID-19 vaccine, there’s troubling new evidence that they’re failing to get inoculated against other infectious diseases. To get vaccination rates back where they need to be, policymakers must remind the public of the importance of routine immunizations and remove the regulatory barriers that make it ...

Sally C. Pipes Featured in World Magazine Profile

Title: Promise me anything By Marvin Olasky, Editor in Chief, World Magazine Sally Pipes is president of the Pacific Research Institute and the author of False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All (Encounter). I interviewed her on Feb. 6, just after that book came out, and just before ...

Don’t Get Too Excited About a Coronavirus Vaccine

There is widespread anticipation of vaccines to prevent COVID-19 infections so life can “get back to normal.” Some three dozen vaccines, made with a variety of technology platforms, or approaches (naked RNA, weakened or killed viruses, hybrid viruses, subunit vaccines, etc.), are now in clinical trials. Many of these vaccine development programs have ...

Mourning The Many Foibles Of Medicare And Medicaid At 55

Today, Medicare and Medicaid both mark their 55th birthdays. But hold the cake. There’s not much to celebrate on this anniversary. You’d be hard pressed to find two more wasteful, fraud-ridden programs than Medicare and Medicaid. They grow less fiscally sustainable with each passing year. And they routinely deliver subpar care that, ...

CalPERS, Corruption And Cronyism

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, which has a history of making poor choices, plans to become a lending institution. A healthy pension fund wouldn’t be making such a risky decision. Still hurting from $100 billion in losses from the Great Recession, CalPERS was bruised again by the coronavirus pandemic. ...

Affordable short-term healthcare plans can flourish thanks to Trump

Millions of people will continue to have access to affordable short-term health plans, thanks to a new ruling from the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. A three-judge panel of the court upheld by a 2-1 margin a Trump administration rule extending the maximum duration of a short-term plan to ...

Wayne Winegarden Quoted on Federal Bill That Improves Liability Protections

Title: New federal relief bill includes liability protections during COVID-19 pandemic; ‘An important improvement to the litigation landscape’ By: Sarah Downey Federal lawmakers last week unveiled a stimulus package of COVID-19 relief legislation that includes further payments to unemployed workers and liability protections for health care workers, schools and businesses ...

College, Coursework, and Covid

By: Henry I. Miller, M.S., M.D., Kathleen L. Hefferon, Justin R. St. Juliana Like most institutions in American society, academia has been badly shaken by Covid-19. Many universities in the Northeast abruptly closed as the pandemic accelerated. Students were sent home, which in some cases involved returning to the other ...

Xavier Becerra should stop undermining California’s democracy

A threat to California’s democracy is coming from an unlikely source – the unit within the California Department of Justice responsible for writing the ballot labels for initiative measures. By law, the California Attorney General is charged with preparing a ballot label for each initiative measure – a short description ...

Dems use coronavirus to push ‘Medicare-for-all,’ but their ploy is based on bad information

More than 5 million Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health insurance due to coronavirus-related unemployment, according to a new study from FamiliesUSA. In response, Democrats are renewing their push for “Medicare-for-all”. Just this week, 360 Democratic delegates promised to vote against any party platform that doesn’t endorse single-payer health care. In their formal petition, ...

COVID-19 makes routine vaccinations more important

As Americans eagerly anticipate a COVID-19 vaccine, there’s troubling new evidence that they’re failing to get inoculated against other infectious diseases. To get vaccination rates back where they need to be, policymakers must remind the public of the importance of routine immunizations and remove the regulatory barriers that make it ...

Sally C. Pipes Featured in World Magazine Profile

Title: Promise me anything By Marvin Olasky, Editor in Chief, World Magazine Sally Pipes is president of the Pacific Research Institute and the author of False Premise, False Promise: The Disastrous Reality of Medicare for All (Encounter). I interviewed her on Feb. 6, just after that book came out, and just before ...

Don’t Get Too Excited About a Coronavirus Vaccine

There is widespread anticipation of vaccines to prevent COVID-19 infections so life can “get back to normal.” Some three dozen vaccines, made with a variety of technology platforms, or approaches (naked RNA, weakened or killed viruses, hybrid viruses, subunit vaccines, etc.), are now in clinical trials. Many of these vaccine development programs have ...

Mourning The Many Foibles Of Medicare And Medicaid At 55

Today, Medicare and Medicaid both mark their 55th birthdays. But hold the cake. There’s not much to celebrate on this anniversary. You’d be hard pressed to find two more wasteful, fraud-ridden programs than Medicare and Medicaid. They grow less fiscally sustainable with each passing year. And they routinely deliver subpar care that, ...

CalPERS, Corruption And Cronyism

The California Public Employees’ Retirement System, which has a history of making poor choices, plans to become a lending institution. A healthy pension fund wouldn’t be making such a risky decision. Still hurting from $100 billion in losses from the Great Recession, CalPERS was bruised again by the coronavirus pandemic. ...

Affordable short-term healthcare plans can flourish thanks to Trump

Millions of people will continue to have access to affordable short-term health plans, thanks to a new ruling from the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia. A three-judge panel of the court upheld by a 2-1 margin a Trump administration rule extending the maximum duration of a short-term plan to ...
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