

GOP health care alternatives – convention a chance to present these smart options

This week’s Republican National Convention offers the GOP an opportunity to detail its governing agenda to a relatively captive audience of voters before November. That’s especially important for health care, which voters rank as their number-two issue for this fall’s presidential election. The GOP needs to shift the debate away from the quixotic quest for ...

The Canadian Health-Care Scare

Their single-payer system is characterized by long waits, equipment shortages, and expensive drugs. Medicare for All may not be a part of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s agenda. But the rest of the party is smitten with the idea of a federal takeover of our health-insurance system. Senator Kamala Harris ...

Canadian Father Dies Due To Covid-19 Delays For Single-Payer Elective Surgeries

Last August, Chris Walcroft, a 50-year old Canadian father of two, was told that he would be dead within a year without dialysis, according to reporting from CTV News. His kidneys were failing. His doctor scheduled a surgery for mid-March to implant a fistula, which is necessary for dialysis. Modern medical ...

Biden’s radical health care plans – here’s what they mean for you

When Democrats gather – virtually – for their nominating convention this week, health care is sure to take center stage. Not only is the world in the midst of a historic pandemic, but Democrats have spent the last few years making health care reform their flagship issue. Yet for voters who value things like choice, lower taxes ...

Valuing Innovative Drugs Based On Their Cost Of Manufacturing Will Prolong The Covid-19 Pandemic

The value of innovative medicines has absolutely nothing to do with its cost of production. Yet, not only does this myth persist, it appears to be growing. In the latest example, an article in the Journal of Virus Eradication claims that drugs being repurposed in the hopes they might be effective treatments for ...
Charter Schools

With Teacher Unions Blocking Reopening, Parents Seek Alternative Schools

Across the country, teacher unions are demanding that school reopenings be postponed and many state and local officials are acquiescing to those demands, which is fueling greater interest among parents in school-choice alternatives. In Florida, the state teachers union has sued to block school reopenings scheduled for the end of August. In ...

Kamala Harris’s harrowing healthcare history

Sen. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president, we learned on Tuesday. The pick appears to be in line with former Vice President Joe Biden’s semi-moderate instincts. But on healthcare, Harris has proved anything but moderate. She has a long track record of support for government-run healthcare. ...

The Nasty Impacts Of Minimum Wage Hikes

Just as he rejected pleas to suspend the execrable Assembly Bill 5 to ease the financial squeeze caused by the pandemic lockdowns, Gov. Gavin Newsom has declined to put off the state’s coming minimum-wage hike. The small businesses that worked hard enough to survive 2020’s downturn might be broken in ...

Another coronavirus lockdown would hurt these patients and providers

Last week, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci urged states with rising COVID-19 rates to consider a new round of lockdown restrictions. “You may need to pause, you may need to drop back a little bit,” Fauci said. “I don’t think you necessarily have to revert to go all the way ...
Business & Economics

Congress Should Stimulate Economic Recovery By Empowering Businesses To Issue Tax-Free Debt

Congress and the Administration continue to debate the next stimulus bill. It will be much more effective, however, if we heed the lessons from the trillions of dollars that have already been spent battling the current recession. Some of the programs have helped individuals and businesses survive the economic lock-downs ...

GOP health care alternatives – convention a chance to present these smart options

This week’s Republican National Convention offers the GOP an opportunity to detail its governing agenda to a relatively captive audience of voters before November. That’s especially important for health care, which voters rank as their number-two issue for this fall’s presidential election. The GOP needs to shift the debate away from the quixotic quest for ...

The Canadian Health-Care Scare

Their single-payer system is characterized by long waits, equipment shortages, and expensive drugs. Medicare for All may not be a part of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s agenda. But the rest of the party is smitten with the idea of a federal takeover of our health-insurance system. Senator Kamala Harris ...

Canadian Father Dies Due To Covid-19 Delays For Single-Payer Elective Surgeries

Last August, Chris Walcroft, a 50-year old Canadian father of two, was told that he would be dead within a year without dialysis, according to reporting from CTV News. His kidneys were failing. His doctor scheduled a surgery for mid-March to implant a fistula, which is necessary for dialysis. Modern medical ...

Biden’s radical health care plans – here’s what they mean for you

When Democrats gather – virtually – for their nominating convention this week, health care is sure to take center stage. Not only is the world in the midst of a historic pandemic, but Democrats have spent the last few years making health care reform their flagship issue. Yet for voters who value things like choice, lower taxes ...

Valuing Innovative Drugs Based On Their Cost Of Manufacturing Will Prolong The Covid-19 Pandemic

The value of innovative medicines has absolutely nothing to do with its cost of production. Yet, not only does this myth persist, it appears to be growing. In the latest example, an article in the Journal of Virus Eradication claims that drugs being repurposed in the hopes they might be effective treatments for ...
Charter Schools

With Teacher Unions Blocking Reopening, Parents Seek Alternative Schools

Across the country, teacher unions are demanding that school reopenings be postponed and many state and local officials are acquiescing to those demands, which is fueling greater interest among parents in school-choice alternatives. In Florida, the state teachers union has sued to block school reopenings scheduled for the end of August. In ...

Kamala Harris’s harrowing healthcare history

Sen. Kamala Harris will be the Democratic Party’s nominee for vice president, we learned on Tuesday. The pick appears to be in line with former Vice President Joe Biden’s semi-moderate instincts. But on healthcare, Harris has proved anything but moderate. She has a long track record of support for government-run healthcare. ...

The Nasty Impacts Of Minimum Wage Hikes

Just as he rejected pleas to suspend the execrable Assembly Bill 5 to ease the financial squeeze caused by the pandemic lockdowns, Gov. Gavin Newsom has declined to put off the state’s coming minimum-wage hike. The small businesses that worked hard enough to survive 2020’s downturn might be broken in ...

Another coronavirus lockdown would hurt these patients and providers

Last week, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci urged states with rising COVID-19 rates to consider a new round of lockdown restrictions. “You may need to pause, you may need to drop back a little bit,” Fauci said. “I don’t think you necessarily have to revert to go all the way ...
Business & Economics

Congress Should Stimulate Economic Recovery By Empowering Businesses To Issue Tax-Free Debt

Congress and the Administration continue to debate the next stimulus bill. It will be much more effective, however, if we heed the lessons from the trillions of dollars that have already been spent battling the current recession. Some of the programs have helped individuals and businesses survive the economic lock-downs ...
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