

Three Healthcare Achievements To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. It may seem hard to believe, but even in this year unlike any other, there’s still plenty to be thankful for—including some notable developments in healthcare policy. *** 1. Individual health insurance premiums have stabilized and declined. Open enrollment on the exchanges run by the ...

The Street Interviews Dr. Henry Miller on Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Shots Heard ‘Round the World: Will Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Start End of Pandemic? By Adam Smith, The Street The U.S. found itself this month both in the most dangerous stage of the Covid-19 pandemic to date, and in the most hopeful stage. Just as the daily case counts of new ...

AOC’s ‘path forward’ on healthcare is just a giant step back

On Wednesday, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, and Pramila Jayapal joined former insurance industry executive and now “Medicare for all” advocate Wendell Potter in an online strategy session to “chart the path forward” for health reform under a Biden administration. The trio of liberal lawmakers pressed ahead with their demand for ...

Trump wrongly attacks life-saving drug companies on coronavirus vaccines and more

President Trump announced Friday that he will proceed with his plans to peg the prices of certain drugs prescribed largely at doctors’ offices under Medicare Part B to the lower prices that other developed nations pay for those drugs. That may sound good at first glance, but in reality, the move will slow ...

The (Back) Rent Is Too Damn High

Did someone say that suspending the responsibilities for renters to make their payments due to the pandemic on time would create problems? Of course they did. And of course it has. By the end of the year, Californians will owe as much as $1.7 billion in back rent, says a ...
Charter Schools

LA, Oakland receive “F” for funding disparity between regular public schools and charters

It is well known that regular public schools receive more funding than public charter schools, but a just-released study finds that this gap becomes massive when all sources of revenues are included, and this yawning chasm can be seen especially in Oakland and Los Angeles. The University of Arkansas study, entitled ...

Unnecessary State Reviews of COVID-19 Vaccines Could Delay Distribution

By John J. Cohrssen and Henry I. Miller We are in the midst of a pandemic of historic proportions. COVID-19 has killed more than a quarter of a million Americans, caused pain and suffering to many more, damaged a thriving economy, and caused great public anxiety. And it promises to get ...

What uninsured crisis?

Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...

Controlling the Pandemic: Keep It Simple

By Henry Miller, M.S., M.D. and John J. Cohrssen Presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden’s transition organization has published an initial plan to “beat” the rapidly worsening Covid-19 pandemic. Though it is essential and not wholly unreasonable, some parts seem to have been highjacked by a political agenda that contains tangentially related issues. The ...
Business & Economics

If ESG Enhances Profits, Then Why All The Fuss?

The Department of Labor finalized a rule last month that, as the Wall Street Journal editorial page noted, should not be controversial. The rule states that private pensions cannot let ancillary issues distract them from their primary mission of securing their beneficiaries’ retirement.  Failure to achieve this mission jeopardizes the financial ...

Three Healthcare Achievements To Be Thankful For

Thanksgiving is this Thursday. It may seem hard to believe, but even in this year unlike any other, there’s still plenty to be thankful for—including some notable developments in healthcare policy. *** 1. Individual health insurance premiums have stabilized and declined. Open enrollment on the exchanges run by the ...

The Street Interviews Dr. Henry Miller on Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Shots Heard ‘Round the World: Will Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Start End of Pandemic? By Adam Smith, The Street The U.S. found itself this month both in the most dangerous stage of the Covid-19 pandemic to date, and in the most hopeful stage. Just as the daily case counts of new ...

AOC’s ‘path forward’ on healthcare is just a giant step back

On Wednesday, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, and Pramila Jayapal joined former insurance industry executive and now “Medicare for all” advocate Wendell Potter in an online strategy session to “chart the path forward” for health reform under a Biden administration. The trio of liberal lawmakers pressed ahead with their demand for ...

Trump wrongly attacks life-saving drug companies on coronavirus vaccines and more

President Trump announced Friday that he will proceed with his plans to peg the prices of certain drugs prescribed largely at doctors’ offices under Medicare Part B to the lower prices that other developed nations pay for those drugs. That may sound good at first glance, but in reality, the move will slow ...

The (Back) Rent Is Too Damn High

Did someone say that suspending the responsibilities for renters to make their payments due to the pandemic on time would create problems? Of course they did. And of course it has. By the end of the year, Californians will owe as much as $1.7 billion in back rent, says a ...
Charter Schools

LA, Oakland receive “F” for funding disparity between regular public schools and charters

It is well known that regular public schools receive more funding than public charter schools, but a just-released study finds that this gap becomes massive when all sources of revenues are included, and this yawning chasm can be seen especially in Oakland and Los Angeles. The University of Arkansas study, entitled ...

Unnecessary State Reviews of COVID-19 Vaccines Could Delay Distribution

By John J. Cohrssen and Henry I. Miller We are in the midst of a pandemic of historic proportions. COVID-19 has killed more than a quarter of a million Americans, caused pain and suffering to many more, damaged a thriving economy, and caused great public anxiety. And it promises to get ...

What uninsured crisis?

Roughly 30 million Americans lack health insurance, according to a new report from the Congressional Budget Office. But there’s more to that 30-million figure than meets the eye. The majority are more or less uninsured by choice. Getting those folks covered can be done for a lot less than the hundreds of ...

Controlling the Pandemic: Keep It Simple

By Henry Miller, M.S., M.D. and John J. Cohrssen Presumptive President-Elect Joe Biden’s transition organization has published an initial plan to “beat” the rapidly worsening Covid-19 pandemic. Though it is essential and not wholly unreasonable, some parts seem to have been highjacked by a political agenda that contains tangentially related issues. The ...
Business & Economics

If ESG Enhances Profits, Then Why All The Fuss?

The Department of Labor finalized a rule last month that, as the Wall Street Journal editorial page noted, should not be controversial. The rule states that private pensions cannot let ancillary issues distract them from their primary mission of securing their beneficiaries’ retirement.  Failure to achieve this mission jeopardizes the financial ...
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