

Read about the latest drug rationing proposals

Let UK Keep Drug Rationing

Any list of the world’s most inhumane healthcare bureaucracies has to include Britain’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence at the top. For over two decades, the agency has employed ruthless cost-benefit analyses to effectively deny British patients access to the latest medicines. Now NICE is looking to export its expertise rationing ...

Medicaid shouldn’t pay for housing

Massachusetts is asking the Biden administration for permission to use money from Medicaid, the health program for low-income and disabled Americans jointly funded by the states and the federal government, to pay for temporary housing for homeless families and pregnant women, including newly arrived immigrants. It’s only the latest request by states to spend money specifically earmarked ...

Read the latest on California gas prices

As Gas Prices Rise in California, Could Even More Pain at the Pump Be Coming?

California, its political class fixated on an unattainable net-zero carbon emissions transportation sector, has been laboring for years under a low carbon fuel standard. This monster was created by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. To comply with the LCFS ​​fuel producers are required “to reduce the carbon intensity of fuels sold in California. ...

Bane of High Health Care Costs Can Be Traced to Obamacare

About 3 in 4 Americans are at least somewhat worried about their ability to afford health care, according to the KFF Health Tracking Poll February 2024. That concern is at odds with their generally favorable view of the Affordable Care Act, which will mark its 14th birthday on March 23. Nearly 6 in ...

Read the latest on medicare spending

Competition Or Insolvency? Medicare’s Time For Choosing.

America has a spending problem. Last month, the Congressional Budget Office reported that debt held by the public will exceed the entire economic output of the country next year. Within ten years, the debt will reach 116% of GDP—”an amount greater than at any point in the nation’s history,” as the ...

Don’t take away short-term health plans

The Biden administration may soon finalize rules that would deprive many Americans, especially young and healthy ones, of affordable insurance coverage. That will be the consequence of President Joe Biden‘s plan to reverse a 2018 rule promulgated by the Trump administration that allowed low-cost short-term health plans to last up ...

Obamacare coverage might be free. But that’s not good.

There’s a saying that nothing good in life is free. The latest Obamacare enrollment numbers are a case in point. The Biden administration recently announced that a record 21.3 million Americans signed up for Obamacare during this year’s open enrollment period. But many of those enrollees only signed up because they ...
Business & Economics

Read the latest on California's reparations proposal

Here’s what California’s radical reparations plan will cost taxpayers

Much of the discussion surrounding the push for reparations in California, New York and cities like San Francisco center on the historical justifications for mass payouts. Yet, as the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras said, “Numbers rule the universe.” Reparations proponents in California are quick to dismiss criticisms over cost. ...
Business & Economics

Read on the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation's latest regulation proposal

Misguided California Regulation Would Hinder Useful Financial Tool

To a hammer, everything is a nail, and so it is with California’s Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI). Don’t let the “innovation” in the agency’s name fool you – far too many of its regulations deter rather than promote innovative solutions as evidenced by the agency’s recent stance ...

Read the latest on Senator Sanders' fight against major pharmaceutical firms

Sanders Won’t Let Facts Get In Way of a Good Pharma Shaming

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders called the CEOs of several major pharmaceutical firms to testify earlier this month before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, where he serves as chairman. The hearing’s official purpose was to discuss prescription drug pricing. But it mainly offered Sanders a forum to castigate the pharmaceutical ...

Read about the latest drug rationing proposals

Let UK Keep Drug Rationing

Any list of the world’s most inhumane healthcare bureaucracies has to include Britain’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence at the top. For over two decades, the agency has employed ruthless cost-benefit analyses to effectively deny British patients access to the latest medicines. Now NICE is looking to export its expertise rationing ...

Medicaid shouldn’t pay for housing

Massachusetts is asking the Biden administration for permission to use money from Medicaid, the health program for low-income and disabled Americans jointly funded by the states and the federal government, to pay for temporary housing for homeless families and pregnant women, including newly arrived immigrants. It’s only the latest request by states to spend money specifically earmarked ...

Read the latest on California gas prices

As Gas Prices Rise in California, Could Even More Pain at the Pump Be Coming?

California, its political class fixated on an unattainable net-zero carbon emissions transportation sector, has been laboring for years under a low carbon fuel standard. This monster was created by the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. To comply with the LCFS ​​fuel producers are required “to reduce the carbon intensity of fuels sold in California. ...

Bane of High Health Care Costs Can Be Traced to Obamacare

About 3 in 4 Americans are at least somewhat worried about their ability to afford health care, according to the KFF Health Tracking Poll February 2024. That concern is at odds with their generally favorable view of the Affordable Care Act, which will mark its 14th birthday on March 23. Nearly 6 in ...

Read the latest on medicare spending

Competition Or Insolvency? Medicare’s Time For Choosing.

America has a spending problem. Last month, the Congressional Budget Office reported that debt held by the public will exceed the entire economic output of the country next year. Within ten years, the debt will reach 116% of GDP—”an amount greater than at any point in the nation’s history,” as the ...

Don’t take away short-term health plans

The Biden administration may soon finalize rules that would deprive many Americans, especially young and healthy ones, of affordable insurance coverage. That will be the consequence of President Joe Biden‘s plan to reverse a 2018 rule promulgated by the Trump administration that allowed low-cost short-term health plans to last up ...

Obamacare coverage might be free. But that’s not good.

There’s a saying that nothing good in life is free. The latest Obamacare enrollment numbers are a case in point. The Biden administration recently announced that a record 21.3 million Americans signed up for Obamacare during this year’s open enrollment period. But many of those enrollees only signed up because they ...
Business & Economics

Read the latest on California's reparations proposal

Here’s what California’s radical reparations plan will cost taxpayers

Much of the discussion surrounding the push for reparations in California, New York and cities like San Francisco center on the historical justifications for mass payouts. Yet, as the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras said, “Numbers rule the universe.” Reparations proponents in California are quick to dismiss criticisms over cost. ...
Business & Economics

Read on the Department of Financial Protection and Innovation's latest regulation proposal

Misguided California Regulation Would Hinder Useful Financial Tool

To a hammer, everything is a nail, and so it is with California’s Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI). Don’t let the “innovation” in the agency’s name fool you – far too many of its regulations deter rather than promote innovative solutions as evidenced by the agency’s recent stance ...

Read the latest on Senator Sanders' fight against major pharmaceutical firms

Sanders Won’t Let Facts Get In Way of a Good Pharma Shaming

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders called the CEOs of several major pharmaceutical firms to testify earlier this month before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, where he serves as chairman. The hearing’s official purpose was to discuss prescription drug pricing. But it mainly offered Sanders a forum to castigate the pharmaceutical ...
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