

A lower Medicare age solves nothing

More than 150 House Democrats are pushing President Joe Biden to lower Medicare’s eligibility age as part of his American Families Plan. It was one of Biden’s campaign promises. They want to allow all Americans age 60 and older to sign up for the program — a reform that would add ...

Medicare expansion is a costly, ineffective reform

Last week, House Democrats introduced legislation that would add dental, vision, and hearing benefits to Medicare. Lawmakers want to include the measure in a massive, multitrillion-dollar budget reconciliation package later this year. Increasing benefits for today’s Medicare beneficiaries could eliminate them for tomorrow’s. Medicare can barely afford to provide its current level ...

Biden Get a “D” on End-of-Semester Education Report Card

The 2020-21 school year has ended with failures across the education landscape. In the face of this education catastrophe, President Joe Biden earns a disappointing “D” on his end-of-semester report card. From still-not-fully-reopened schools to inadequate school-district distance learning efforts to huge student learning losses to rampant mental health problems ...

Telehealth is a rare good thing to come from the pandemic. Let’s make it permanent

It’s time for your annual physical. You make an appointment with your doctor and mark the date on your calendar. But when the day arrives, you don’t set aside two to three hours or wait for a nurse to call your name in a sterile doctor’s office. You log onto ...

Independent Doctors Are Worth Saving

Physicians are losing their independence, according to a new report from the consulting firm Avalere and the Physician Advocacy Institute. Almost 70% of American doctors are now employed by a hospital, a health system, or some other corporate entity, like a private equity firm or insurer. Less than one-third of ...

Stop The Bid To Expand Medicare

Progressives in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand Medicare by the slimmest of margins later this year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the head of the Senate Budget Committee, is teeing up a $6 trillion legislative package that would, among other things, lower the age at which older adults become ...

America’s Centers for Disease Confusion

America’s vaccination campaign is stalling. In late June, pharmacists and other providers were administering roughly 800,000 shots a day — down 80 percent from a peak of more than 4.6 million in mid April. Because of this precipitous decline, the Biden administration recently admitted it would miss its self-imposed goal ...

Democrats’ Medicare Plan Lavishes Billions on Patients Who Don’t Need It

Medicare is running out of money. According to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office, the program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is projected to be insolvent in 2024. At that point, there won’t be enough tax revenue coming in to cover the claims costs of the program’s beneficiaries. Naturally, ...

Enough of Politicians’ Expensive Toys

With President Joe Biden now making federal transportation policy, the reckless California high-speed rail project is in line for a $929 million grant from Washington, D.C. The funds will surely be squandered in similar fashion to the billions already wasted. The grant had been sensibly pulled by Donald Trump in ...

Key Supreme Court ruling protects Californians’ private property rights

“I’m going to take this to the Supreme Court,” is almost always an empty, baseless threat generated by in-the-moment fury from someone who believes they were wronged. But sometimes cases get that far. Sometimes the offended party wins. And on occasion, that victory undergirds the framework of a free society. ...

A lower Medicare age solves nothing

More than 150 House Democrats are pushing President Joe Biden to lower Medicare’s eligibility age as part of his American Families Plan. It was one of Biden’s campaign promises. They want to allow all Americans age 60 and older to sign up for the program — a reform that would add ...

Medicare expansion is a costly, ineffective reform

Last week, House Democrats introduced legislation that would add dental, vision, and hearing benefits to Medicare. Lawmakers want to include the measure in a massive, multitrillion-dollar budget reconciliation package later this year. Increasing benefits for today’s Medicare beneficiaries could eliminate them for tomorrow’s. Medicare can barely afford to provide its current level ...

Biden Get a “D” on End-of-Semester Education Report Card

The 2020-21 school year has ended with failures across the education landscape. In the face of this education catastrophe, President Joe Biden earns a disappointing “D” on his end-of-semester report card. From still-not-fully-reopened schools to inadequate school-district distance learning efforts to huge student learning losses to rampant mental health problems ...

Telehealth is a rare good thing to come from the pandemic. Let’s make it permanent

It’s time for your annual physical. You make an appointment with your doctor and mark the date on your calendar. But when the day arrives, you don’t set aside two to three hours or wait for a nurse to call your name in a sterile doctor’s office. You log onto ...

Independent Doctors Are Worth Saving

Physicians are losing their independence, according to a new report from the consulting firm Avalere and the Physician Advocacy Institute. Almost 70% of American doctors are now employed by a hospital, a health system, or some other corporate entity, like a private equity firm or insurer. Less than one-third of ...

Stop The Bid To Expand Medicare

Progressives in Congress are laying the groundwork to expand Medicare by the slimmest of margins later this year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., the head of the Senate Budget Committee, is teeing up a $6 trillion legislative package that would, among other things, lower the age at which older adults become ...

America’s Centers for Disease Confusion

America’s vaccination campaign is stalling. In late June, pharmacists and other providers were administering roughly 800,000 shots a day — down 80 percent from a peak of more than 4.6 million in mid April. Because of this precipitous decline, the Biden administration recently admitted it would miss its self-imposed goal ...

Democrats’ Medicare Plan Lavishes Billions on Patients Who Don’t Need It

Medicare is running out of money. According to a recent report from the Congressional Budget Office, the program’s Part A hospital insurance trust fund is projected to be insolvent in 2024. At that point, there won’t be enough tax revenue coming in to cover the claims costs of the program’s beneficiaries. Naturally, ...

Enough of Politicians’ Expensive Toys

With President Joe Biden now making federal transportation policy, the reckless California high-speed rail project is in line for a $929 million grant from Washington, D.C. The funds will surely be squandered in similar fashion to the billions already wasted. The grant had been sensibly pulled by Donald Trump in ...

Key Supreme Court ruling protects Californians’ private property rights

“I’m going to take this to the Supreme Court,” is almost always an empty, baseless threat generated by in-the-moment fury from someone who believes they were wronged. But sometimes cases get that far. Sometimes the offended party wins. And on occasion, that victory undergirds the framework of a free society. ...
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