

Reform Misguided Laws, Don’t Raise Minimum Wage, to Address California’s High Cost of Living

California isn’t yet finished hiking the minimum wage from the last bill that increased it to $15 an hour starting in 2023 for all businesses, and now comes another proposal to move it to $18. Imagine the response from companies struggling to keep up with current payrolls when they hear ...

Will the Supreme Court overrule California’s Proposition 12?

By The Hon. Daniel Oliver History repeats itself in California with a law that may prevent pork from being imported into the state. In 1986 and ’87 when I was Chairman of the Federal Commission, I (actually “we” at the FTC) took on then-New York State Agriculture Commissioner Joseph Gerace ...

Despite What the White House Says, Obamacare Is Deeply Troubled

Open enrollment on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges is in full swing. Consumers in most states, including the 33 that use the federally operated, have until Jan. 15 to sign up for coverage for 2022. The Biden administration says things have never been better, and that premiums are declining, more insurers ...

Building Back To Canadian Health Care?

Senate Democrats have delayed action on their multi-trillion-dollar Build Back Better Act until the New Year. If it passes, even more people will be dependent on the federal government for health coverage. It would represent the latest stepping-stone toward single-payer health care, which progressives like Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., have dreamed of ...
Classroom Ideology

Democrats dissenting on California’s woke math proposal

By Lance Izumi and Wenyuan Wu After enacting a controversial bill mandating ethnic studies in high school, California is set to consider a woke math framework sometime in the new year.  Surprisingly and importantly, key opposition to this proposal is coming from Democrats, who warn their party of defections if ...

Build Back Better’s Drug Reforms Make American Health Care Worse

Last week, President Joe Biden emphasized the importance of the drug pricing proposals in the Democrats’ roughly $2 trillion Build Back Better spending package. “I think it’s safe to say that all of us, all of us, whatever our age, wherever we live, we can agree that prescription drugs are outrageously expensive ...

Comprehensive Regulatory Reform From The Bottom Up: The Case Of 340B

Using the ruse of “price negotiation”, the proponents of the Build Back Better legislation are pushing an ill-fated drug price control plan. Patients will bear exceptionally large costs should their idea of government-directed prices become law. These costs will include lower health outcomes due to reduced access to innovative drugs. ...

U.S. gains in war on cancer while other nations struggle

In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, there’s some good news on the health care front. Cancer mortality rates are declining in the United States, according to a recent report from the National Cancer Institute. Sadly, patients in other countries may not be so lucky. Though the United States has ...

The FDA is standing in the way of at-home COVID-19 tests

Earlier this month, President Joe Biden unveiled a plan to make at-home COVID-19 tests free for people with private insurance. They’ll have to pay for the tests first, then submit receipts to their insurer to get reimbursed. Only the government could come up with a plan so unnecessarily complicated. The Biden administration ...

The nuclear option can keep the lights on in California

A funny thing has happened on the way to California closing all of its nuclear power plants. Biden administration official Jennifer Granholm says the state should rethink its commitment to scrapping atomic energy. In an interview that will be released at an energy conference this week, the U.S. energy secretary ...

Reform Misguided Laws, Don’t Raise Minimum Wage, to Address California’s High Cost of Living

California isn’t yet finished hiking the minimum wage from the last bill that increased it to $15 an hour starting in 2023 for all businesses, and now comes another proposal to move it to $18. Imagine the response from companies struggling to keep up with current payrolls when they hear ...

Will the Supreme Court overrule California’s Proposition 12?

By The Hon. Daniel Oliver History repeats itself in California with a law that may prevent pork from being imported into the state. In 1986 and ’87 when I was Chairman of the Federal Commission, I (actually “we” at the FTC) took on then-New York State Agriculture Commissioner Joseph Gerace ...

Despite What the White House Says, Obamacare Is Deeply Troubled

Open enrollment on Obamacare’s health insurance exchanges is in full swing. Consumers in most states, including the 33 that use the federally operated, have until Jan. 15 to sign up for coverage for 2022. The Biden administration says things have never been better, and that premiums are declining, more insurers ...

Building Back To Canadian Health Care?

Senate Democrats have delayed action on their multi-trillion-dollar Build Back Better Act until the New Year. If it passes, even more people will be dependent on the federal government for health coverage. It would represent the latest stepping-stone toward single-payer health care, which progressives like Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., have dreamed of ...
Classroom Ideology

Democrats dissenting on California’s woke math proposal

By Lance Izumi and Wenyuan Wu After enacting a controversial bill mandating ethnic studies in high school, California is set to consider a woke math framework sometime in the new year.  Surprisingly and importantly, key opposition to this proposal is coming from Democrats, who warn their party of defections if ...

Build Back Better’s Drug Reforms Make American Health Care Worse

Last week, President Joe Biden emphasized the importance of the drug pricing proposals in the Democrats’ roughly $2 trillion Build Back Better spending package. “I think it’s safe to say that all of us, all of us, whatever our age, wherever we live, we can agree that prescription drugs are outrageously expensive ...

Comprehensive Regulatory Reform From The Bottom Up: The Case Of 340B

Using the ruse of “price negotiation”, the proponents of the Build Back Better legislation are pushing an ill-fated drug price control plan. Patients will bear exceptionally large costs should their idea of government-directed prices become law. These costs will include lower health outcomes due to reduced access to innovative drugs. ...

U.S. gains in war on cancer while other nations struggle

In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, there’s some good news on the health care front. Cancer mortality rates are declining in the United States, according to a recent report from the National Cancer Institute. Sadly, patients in other countries may not be so lucky. Though the United States has ...

The FDA is standing in the way of at-home COVID-19 tests

Earlier this month, President Joe Biden unveiled a plan to make at-home COVID-19 tests free for people with private insurance. They’ll have to pay for the tests first, then submit receipts to their insurer to get reimbursed. Only the government could come up with a plan so unnecessarily complicated. The Biden administration ...

The nuclear option can keep the lights on in California

A funny thing has happened on the way to California closing all of its nuclear power plants. Biden administration official Jennifer Granholm says the state should rethink its commitment to scrapping atomic energy. In an interview that will be released at an energy conference this week, the U.S. energy secretary ...
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