
Charter Schools

Biden Administration Copying California Law to Stifle Charter Schools

By Lance Izumi & McKenzie Richards Imagine a world where budding businesses would be required to both obtain permission to enter the marketplace from competitors and then prove to the government that their business would serve community needs. Makes no sense, right? Well, welcome to education policy, where the Biden ...

Time to Rollback Healthcare Scope of Practice Laws

Last week, both New York and Kansas granted nurse practitioners the freedom to practice independently, without the supervision of a physician. The Empire State and the Sunflower State are now the 25th and 26th states to roll back “scope-of-practice” restrictions on NPs. This trend is worth celebrating. The shortage of primary care doctors in the United ...

Medicaid Expansion Would Only Expand Waste And Poor Care

Expanding Medicaid is popular, according to new survey data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Two-thirds of Americans living in the 12 states that have not expanded the program as prescribed by Obamacare want their leaders to change course and boost enrollment. Perhaps they’ll change their minds after reviewing the latest data on ...

Our public health agencies aren’t alright

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just recommended that seniors get a second COVID-19 booster shot. But there are plenty of people over the age of 65 — one-third, according to the latest data — who have not yet gotten their first booster. Perhaps that’s because it took until ...

Biden & Co. could ‘march in’ and kneecap America’s economy

The Biden administration may soon cripple America’s economy — inadvertently, of course. Officials are reportedly giving serious consideration to a “march-in” petition, nominally filed by a handful of cancer patients but promoted by Knowledge Ecology International, the activist group founded by Ralph Nader. The petition urges the administration to relicense ...

Bernie Sanders’s Healthcare Goals Are Deadly For Patients

Next month, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will be back grandstanding at yet another hearing on “Medicare For All.” He’s promised to introduce a bill establishing a single-payer healthcare system “soon.” It would be the third time he’s done so since 2017. Sanders’s vision of a government takeover of the country’s ...
Climate Change

To Help The Earth Let’s Acknowledge The Limits Of Alternative Energy

Earth Day is this week. A day set aside to celebrate “the planet’s clean natural resources”, which is now synonymous with alleviating the costs associated with global climate change. Since alternative technologies are viewed as clean resources that will solve the problem of global climate change, the website claims that, consumer demand for ...

Coerced pricing is price controls by another means

Sustainably addressing the problems of rising prices and declining quality requires reforms that empower patients and doctors, improve price transparency, and eliminate the perverse incentives of our current health insurance system that drive up costs and limit care. Instead of addressing the health care system’s core deficiencies, policymakers push for ...

Earth Day Has Become Polluted By Political Correctness And Ignorance

The first Earth Day celebration, a nationwide environmental teach-in, held in 1970, was the brainchild of Democratic Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who was interested in environmental issues. He recruited Rep. Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded liberal Republican congressman, to serve as his co-chair, and they enlisted Denis Hayes, a young ...

Holding WHO Accountable

The Covid-19 pandemic should be a wakeup call that there is something very wrong—irreparable, even—at the World Health Organization. This revelation shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, the WHO is a constituent of the relentlessly incompetent and politicized United Nations. From the beginning, government officials, health experts, and analysts ...
Charter Schools

Biden Administration Copying California Law to Stifle Charter Schools

By Lance Izumi & McKenzie Richards Imagine a world where budding businesses would be required to both obtain permission to enter the marketplace from competitors and then prove to the government that their business would serve community needs. Makes no sense, right? Well, welcome to education policy, where the Biden ...

Time to Rollback Healthcare Scope of Practice Laws

Last week, both New York and Kansas granted nurse practitioners the freedom to practice independently, without the supervision of a physician. The Empire State and the Sunflower State are now the 25th and 26th states to roll back “scope-of-practice” restrictions on NPs. This trend is worth celebrating. The shortage of primary care doctors in the United ...

Medicaid Expansion Would Only Expand Waste And Poor Care

Expanding Medicaid is popular, according to new survey data from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Two-thirds of Americans living in the 12 states that have not expanded the program as prescribed by Obamacare want their leaders to change course and boost enrollment. Perhaps they’ll change their minds after reviewing the latest data on ...

Our public health agencies aren’t alright

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention just recommended that seniors get a second COVID-19 booster shot. But there are plenty of people over the age of 65 — one-third, according to the latest data — who have not yet gotten their first booster. Perhaps that’s because it took until ...

Biden & Co. could ‘march in’ and kneecap America’s economy

The Biden administration may soon cripple America’s economy — inadvertently, of course. Officials are reportedly giving serious consideration to a “march-in” petition, nominally filed by a handful of cancer patients but promoted by Knowledge Ecology International, the activist group founded by Ralph Nader. The petition urges the administration to relicense ...

Bernie Sanders’s Healthcare Goals Are Deadly For Patients

Next month, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will be back grandstanding at yet another hearing on “Medicare For All.” He’s promised to introduce a bill establishing a single-payer healthcare system “soon.” It would be the third time he’s done so since 2017. Sanders’s vision of a government takeover of the country’s ...
Climate Change

To Help The Earth Let’s Acknowledge The Limits Of Alternative Energy

Earth Day is this week. A day set aside to celebrate “the planet’s clean natural resources”, which is now synonymous with alleviating the costs associated with global climate change. Since alternative technologies are viewed as clean resources that will solve the problem of global climate change, the website claims that, consumer demand for ...

Coerced pricing is price controls by another means

Sustainably addressing the problems of rising prices and declining quality requires reforms that empower patients and doctors, improve price transparency, and eliminate the perverse incentives of our current health insurance system that drive up costs and limit care. Instead of addressing the health care system’s core deficiencies, policymakers push for ...

Earth Day Has Become Polluted By Political Correctness And Ignorance

The first Earth Day celebration, a nationwide environmental teach-in, held in 1970, was the brainchild of Democratic Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who was interested in environmental issues. He recruited Rep. Pete McCloskey, a conservation-minded liberal Republican congressman, to serve as his co-chair, and they enlisted Denis Hayes, a young ...

Holding WHO Accountable

The Covid-19 pandemic should be a wakeup call that there is something very wrong—irreparable, even—at the World Health Organization. This revelation shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, the WHO is a constituent of the relentlessly incompetent and politicized United Nations. From the beginning, government officials, health experts, and analysts ...
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