We’re Number Eight: Decoding the Advanced Placement Spin
SACRAMENTO – Last week the College Board released the results of Advanced Placement (AP) tests placing California eighth in the nation, with nearly one in five public school students scoring a college-credit-earning three or better on at least one 2007 AP exam. The news came with a positive spin, but ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
February 20, 2008
On Patent Reform, Don’t Be Evil
Google has achieved wild success and cultural notoriety by operating under the corporate mantra “Don’t be evil.” But when it comes to patent reforms currently under consideration in Congress, Google — along with several other tech heavyweights — seems to be straying from the company line. The Patent Reform Act, ...
Sally C. Pipes
February 20, 2008
Bad Biofuel Policy Boosts Asian Inflation
Asia Sentinel (Hong Kong), 19 February 2008 The US decision to divert food crops for motor-fuel is proving a costly mistake – especially for Asia. What has long been predicted – that the US decision to push the use of corn to make biofuel would be a costly mistake – ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 19, 2008
Reject National Health care
America’s medical system has flaws, but government control is no cure Last December, Nataline Sarkisyan, a comatose leukemia patient, failed to receive a liver transplant potentially in time to save her life. Politically motivated opportunists such as former presidential candidate John Edwards have been exploiting the 17-year-old’s tragic death to ...
John R. Graham
February 18, 2008
Drug ads a form of free speech
David Lazarus claims that direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising results in “forcing physicians to respond to people’s demands for heavily touted drugs.” (“Ads spur urge for drugs,” Consumer Confidential, Feb. 6.) Actually, physicians have a government-granted monopoly on prescribing drugs, and no patient can “force” a physician to do anything. Rather, research ...
John R. Graham
February 17, 2008
Business & Economics
Satellite radio held hostage
THE $4 BILLION merger of satellite radio companies Sirius and XM continues to languish in the hands of government regulators, despite hopes that the 10-month antitrust investigation wouldn’t drag into 2008. An otherwise clear-cut approval process has been hijacked by competitors seeking to prevent consumers from receiving better service, more ...
Daniel R. Ballon
February 15, 2008
Ethanol craze boosts food prices, world hunger
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (PA), February 15, 2008 Press Dakotan, February 15, 2008 Billings Gazette (MT), February 12, 2008 Investor’s Business Daily, February 11, 2008 WASHINGTON – The red-hot congressional love affair with the alternative fuel ethanol is starting to leave many supermarket customers feeling mighty blue these days as they pay ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 15, 2008
Lessons for Arnold from Milton Friedman
Sacramento Union, February 15, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Jan. 29 was Milton Friedman Day, which may have escaped Californians’ notice. I wonder: Could Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger gain inspiration from the ideas of the late Nobel laureate and lauded economist? One in three California public school students is now in a public ...
Vicki E. Murray
February 15, 2008
Commentary: Vicki Murray, February 15, 2008 That steep mortgage may not buy your kids a decent education. A growing number of middle-income families are in homes they can barely afford to keep and cannot afford to sell at a loss–all so that their children can go to “good” suburban public schools. But ...
Vicki E. Murray
February 14, 2008
NY’s “Cuomortician” Strikes Again! Attorney General to “Fix” Prices
It’s been a couple of months since New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, scourge of the health insurers, has caused me to address the sorry state of the Empire State’s political direction on health reform. Last time, I expressed concern (and perhaps a little contrition) that I was too hard ...
John R. Graham
February 14, 2008
We’re Number Eight: Decoding the Advanced Placement Spin
SACRAMENTO – Last week the College Board released the results of Advanced Placement (AP) tests placing California eighth in the nation, with nearly one in five public school students scoring a college-credit-earning three or better on at least one 2007 AP exam. The news came with a positive spin, but ...
On Patent Reform, Don’t Be Evil
Google has achieved wild success and cultural notoriety by operating under the corporate mantra “Don’t be evil.” But when it comes to patent reforms currently under consideration in Congress, Google — along with several other tech heavyweights — seems to be straying from the company line. The Patent Reform Act, ...
Bad Biofuel Policy Boosts Asian Inflation
Asia Sentinel (Hong Kong), 19 February 2008 The US decision to divert food crops for motor-fuel is proving a costly mistake – especially for Asia. What has long been predicted – that the US decision to push the use of corn to make biofuel would be a costly mistake – ...
Reject National Health care
America’s medical system has flaws, but government control is no cure Last December, Nataline Sarkisyan, a comatose leukemia patient, failed to receive a liver transplant potentially in time to save her life. Politically motivated opportunists such as former presidential candidate John Edwards have been exploiting the 17-year-old’s tragic death to ...
Drug ads a form of free speech
David Lazarus claims that direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising results in “forcing physicians to respond to people’s demands for heavily touted drugs.” (“Ads spur urge for drugs,” Consumer Confidential, Feb. 6.) Actually, physicians have a government-granted monopoly on prescribing drugs, and no patient can “force” a physician to do anything. Rather, research ...
Satellite radio held hostage
THE $4 BILLION merger of satellite radio companies Sirius and XM continues to languish in the hands of government regulators, despite hopes that the 10-month antitrust investigation wouldn’t drag into 2008. An otherwise clear-cut approval process has been hijacked by competitors seeking to prevent consumers from receiving better service, more ...
Ethanol craze boosts food prices, world hunger
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (PA), February 15, 2008 Press Dakotan, February 15, 2008 Billings Gazette (MT), February 12, 2008 Investor’s Business Daily, February 11, 2008 WASHINGTON – The red-hot congressional love affair with the alternative fuel ethanol is starting to leave many supermarket customers feeling mighty blue these days as they pay ...
Lessons for Arnold from Milton Friedman
Sacramento Union, February 15, 2008 SACRAMENTO – Jan. 29 was Milton Friedman Day, which may have escaped Californians’ notice. I wonder: Could Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger gain inspiration from the ideas of the late Nobel laureate and lauded economist? One in three California public school students is now in a public ...
Commentary: Vicki Murray, February 15, 2008 That steep mortgage may not buy your kids a decent education. A growing number of middle-income families are in homes they can barely afford to keep and cannot afford to sell at a loss–all so that their children can go to “good” suburban public schools. But ...
NY’s “Cuomortician” Strikes Again! Attorney General to “Fix” Prices
It’s been a couple of months since New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, scourge of the health insurers, has caused me to address the sorry state of the Empire State’s political direction on health reform. Last time, I expressed concern (and perhaps a little contrition) that I was too hard ...