A Strange Way to Help Patients: California Nurses Association Strikes Again!
I suppose if I were a patient at one of Sutter Health’s ten hospitals in Northern California, now at the mid-point of a ten-day long nursing strike, I might find some cold comfort in the California Nurses Association’s claim that this walk-out by 4,000 RNs is a “dramatic stand for ...
John R. Graham
March 24, 2008
Business & Economics
Tech Market of the Future: The Brain
The Alzheimer’s Association recently reported that one out of eight baby boomers is expected to get Alzheimer’s disease, creating a total of 10 million victims. This staggering prediction underscores the need for brain health and augmentation, a new market that tech players are fortunately beginning to enter. Just as it ...
Sonia Arrison
March 21, 2008
Business & Economics
State legislators: There’s gold in that ‘net
California’s lawmakers seek to derail one of the state’s thriving industries: the technology sector. This bipartisan agenda targets e-commerce, arming bureaucrats with vast new authority to monitor, regulate and tax the Internet. A recent survey of the Silicon Valley’s economy reveals that policy makers should study and replicate this unique ...
Daniel R. Ballon
March 21, 2008
Business & Economics
Gold Jumps 3% on Fed’s “Sunday Special” as Stocks, Bonds & Currencies Enter “Genuine Panic”
Gold Jumps 3% on Fed’s “Sunday Special” as Stocks, Bonds & Currencies Enter “Genuine Panic” PHYSICAL GOLD PRICES leapt more than 3% at the start of world trade on Monday – and the US Dollar and Asian stock markets sank – on news that the Federal Reserve will today start ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 17, 2008
Business & Economics
Memo To The Fed: Stop Those Rate Cuts
The markets rallied last Tuesday in response to the Fed’s growing assistance to holders of mortgage-backed securities. Yet many onlookers are convinced that an aggressive cut in the federal funds rate at the upcoming March 18 meeting is still necessary to avoid a painful recession. In our view, further loosening ...
Robert P. Murphy
March 17, 2008
Business & Economics
Report compares state tort environments.
A report released by the not-for-profit Pacific Research Institute ranks the best and worst state tort systems in the United States. “U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report” valuated the tort laws of each state, in addition to taking into consideration tort costs and litigation risks. North Dakota was found to ...
Fraser Cobbe
March 16, 2008
Business & Economics
Legislature slow to pass bills in 2008 session Rural Action Commission online
The 2008 Legislature may be remembered as the least productive in memory, which around the Capitol means the memory of Senate Secretary McDowell Lee who has been in or around the Legislature for nearly 60 years. The House and Senate have passed only 12 bills in the first 13 working ...
Dana Beyerle
March 16, 2008
Business & Economics
Essay 4: The U.S. Digital Divide Hysteria
Who can keep up with this new media?, March 14, 2008 The idea of the digital divide in the U.S., like everything technology-related, has already become outdated. There continues to be a misguided belief that in the U.S. there is a huge gap between techno-haves and techno-have-nots. While this may ...
Malcolm Maclachlan
March 15, 2008
Convenient Clinics: Becoming Part of the Problem?
I hate to write this, but there are increasing signs that one of the most significant disruptive forces in American health care today is slowly being sucked into the same old way of doing business. I speak of the convenient clinics. I’m not saying the news is all bad. The ...
John R. Graham
March 15, 2008
Business & Economics
2008 State Rankings: Sinners and Saints Among Tort Systems
Insurance Journal (San Diego, CA), March 14, 2008 Florida ranks the worst in terms of tort costs and litigation risks, while North Dakota ranks the best. In a separate ranking, Colorado has the best tort laws on its books, while Rhode Island has the worst. The free-market think tank Pacific ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 14, 2008
A Strange Way to Help Patients: California Nurses Association Strikes Again!
I suppose if I were a patient at one of Sutter Health’s ten hospitals in Northern California, now at the mid-point of a ten-day long nursing strike, I might find some cold comfort in the California Nurses Association’s claim that this walk-out by 4,000 RNs is a “dramatic stand for ...
Tech Market of the Future: The Brain
The Alzheimer’s Association recently reported that one out of eight baby boomers is expected to get Alzheimer’s disease, creating a total of 10 million victims. This staggering prediction underscores the need for brain health and augmentation, a new market that tech players are fortunately beginning to enter. Just as it ...
State legislators: There’s gold in that ‘net
California’s lawmakers seek to derail one of the state’s thriving industries: the technology sector. This bipartisan agenda targets e-commerce, arming bureaucrats with vast new authority to monitor, regulate and tax the Internet. A recent survey of the Silicon Valley’s economy reveals that policy makers should study and replicate this unique ...
Gold Jumps 3% on Fed’s “Sunday Special” as Stocks, Bonds & Currencies Enter “Genuine Panic”
Gold Jumps 3% on Fed’s “Sunday Special” as Stocks, Bonds & Currencies Enter “Genuine Panic” PHYSICAL GOLD PRICES leapt more than 3% at the start of world trade on Monday – and the US Dollar and Asian stock markets sank – on news that the Federal Reserve will today start ...
Memo To The Fed: Stop Those Rate Cuts
The markets rallied last Tuesday in response to the Fed’s growing assistance to holders of mortgage-backed securities. Yet many onlookers are convinced that an aggressive cut in the federal funds rate at the upcoming March 18 meeting is still necessary to avoid a painful recession. In our view, further loosening ...
Report compares state tort environments.
A report released by the not-for-profit Pacific Research Institute ranks the best and worst state tort systems in the United States. “U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report” valuated the tort laws of each state, in addition to taking into consideration tort costs and litigation risks. North Dakota was found to ...
Legislature slow to pass bills in 2008 session Rural Action Commission online
The 2008 Legislature may be remembered as the least productive in memory, which around the Capitol means the memory of Senate Secretary McDowell Lee who has been in or around the Legislature for nearly 60 years. The House and Senate have passed only 12 bills in the first 13 working ...
Essay 4: The U.S. Digital Divide Hysteria
Who can keep up with this new media?, March 14, 2008 The idea of the digital divide in the U.S., like everything technology-related, has already become outdated. There continues to be a misguided belief that in the U.S. there is a huge gap between techno-haves and techno-have-nots. While this may ...
Convenient Clinics: Becoming Part of the Problem?
I hate to write this, but there are increasing signs that one of the most significant disruptive forces in American health care today is slowly being sucked into the same old way of doing business. I speak of the convenient clinics. I’m not saying the news is all bad. The ...
2008 State Rankings: Sinners and Saints Among Tort Systems
Insurance Journal (San Diego, CA), March 14, 2008 Florida ranks the worst in terms of tort costs and litigation risks, while North Dakota ranks the best. In a separate ranking, Colorado has the best tort laws on its books, while Rhode Island has the worst. The free-market think tank Pacific ...