

Empower Entrepreneurs To Improve Outcomes: The Case Of Integrated Care

Entrepreneurs, empowered by competitive markets, drive economic progress. When market regulations incentivize productive activities, entrepreneurs radically improve existing goods and services and create new products we never knew that we couldn’t live without. The wrong regulatory structures misalign these positive incentives. They thwart or misappropriate entrepreneurial efforts resulting in lost ...

Teachers unions causing schools and students to fail

Recently in Time magazine, American Federation of Teachers head Randi Weingarten argued, “Far-right advocates of privatizing public education are using Big Lies to undermine public schools.” However, in an eye-opening resignation letter, Oakland school board member Shanthi Gonzales, a former labor organizer, shows that it is the teachers union that ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...

Generous Obamacare Subsidies Expire At The End Of The Year. That’s A Good Thing.

At the end of the year, the generous subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges that were enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act last March are set to expire. People may start receiving notices that their premiums are increasing in October, just a few weeks before this fall’s midterm ...
Business & Economics

Handcuffing Freelancers Is Bad For Economy And Small Business

Addressing the persistent problem of inflation requires pro-growth fiscal and regulatory policies in addition to concerted tightening by the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately, President Biden’s plan to address inflation, as outlined in his recent Wall Street Journal editorial, would implement the exact opposite. Instead of empowering entrepreneurs to accelerate growth and improve prosperity, ...

Sanders’ Newest Medicare Pitch Reaches New Dishonesty Highs

Earlier this month, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., re-introduced a bill that would establish Medicare for All. It’s at least the fifth time over the last decade he’s tried to advance legislation that would abolish private health insurance and replace it with a single government health plan. His new bill is the ...

Lowering the Medicare eligibility age would be an expensive mistake

During his campaign for the White House, Joe Biden promised he would lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Democratic lawmakers have taken up the cause but have thus far failed to advance major Medicare reform through Congress. That’s a good thing. To understand why, consider a report published this month by the Congressional ...
Business & Economics

Here’s why gas prices could skyrocket again

We’re all looking for relief from record-high gas prices these days. Gas prices are the highest in the United States history at a nationwide average of $4.59 as of May 19, according to AAA. Many states surpass this average with California at $6.050, Nevada at $5.224, Washington at $5.148, and ...

Bernie And The Single-Payer Beast

Earlier this month, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., reintroduced his signature Medicare for All legislation alongside 14 of his Democratic colleagues at a Senate Budget Committee hearing. With a little perseverance and a touch of political magic, Sanders is hoping his government-run healthcare fairytale, which he has championed for years during his time ...

Where’s The Promised Transparency in Drug Pricing?

Hospitals are shoring up their balance sheets on the backs of cancer patients, according to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers looked at 25 of the top cancer medications distributed at 61 cancer treatment centers across the country over the course of six months. They found that ...

Empower Entrepreneurs To Improve Outcomes: The Case Of Integrated Care

Entrepreneurs, empowered by competitive markets, drive economic progress. When market regulations incentivize productive activities, entrepreneurs radically improve existing goods and services and create new products we never knew that we couldn’t live without. The wrong regulatory structures misalign these positive incentives. They thwart or misappropriate entrepreneurial efforts resulting in lost ...

Teachers unions causing schools and students to fail

Recently in Time magazine, American Federation of Teachers head Randi Weingarten argued, “Far-right advocates of privatizing public education are using Big Lies to undermine public schools.” However, in an eye-opening resignation letter, Oakland school board member Shanthi Gonzales, a former labor organizer, shows that it is the teachers union that ...

Let’s Not Be So Quick to Lower Medicare Eligibility Age

A new report from the Congressional Budget Office takes a close look at one of the most wasteful and unnecessary healthcare proposals on the Democratic agenda — reducing Medicare’s eligibility age to 60. Joe Biden endorsed the idea as a candidate for president. But it’s never made much sense. Medicare’s Part A hospital insurance ...

Generous Obamacare Subsidies Expire At The End Of The Year. That’s A Good Thing.

At the end of the year, the generous subsidies for health insurance purchased through Obamacare’s exchanges that were enacted as part of the American Rescue Plan Act last March are set to expire. People may start receiving notices that their premiums are increasing in October, just a few weeks before this fall’s midterm ...
Business & Economics

Handcuffing Freelancers Is Bad For Economy And Small Business

Addressing the persistent problem of inflation requires pro-growth fiscal and regulatory policies in addition to concerted tightening by the Federal Reserve. Unfortunately, President Biden’s plan to address inflation, as outlined in his recent Wall Street Journal editorial, would implement the exact opposite. Instead of empowering entrepreneurs to accelerate growth and improve prosperity, ...

Sanders’ Newest Medicare Pitch Reaches New Dishonesty Highs

Earlier this month, Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., re-introduced a bill that would establish Medicare for All. It’s at least the fifth time over the last decade he’s tried to advance legislation that would abolish private health insurance and replace it with a single government health plan. His new bill is the ...

Lowering the Medicare eligibility age would be an expensive mistake

During his campaign for the White House, Joe Biden promised he would lower Medicare’s eligibility age from 65 to 60. Democratic lawmakers have taken up the cause but have thus far failed to advance major Medicare reform through Congress. That’s a good thing. To understand why, consider a report published this month by the Congressional ...
Business & Economics

Here’s why gas prices could skyrocket again

We’re all looking for relief from record-high gas prices these days. Gas prices are the highest in the United States history at a nationwide average of $4.59 as of May 19, according to AAA. Many states surpass this average with California at $6.050, Nevada at $5.224, Washington at $5.148, and ...

Bernie And The Single-Payer Beast

Earlier this month, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., reintroduced his signature Medicare for All legislation alongside 14 of his Democratic colleagues at a Senate Budget Committee hearing. With a little perseverance and a touch of political magic, Sanders is hoping his government-run healthcare fairytale, which he has championed for years during his time ...

Where’s The Promised Transparency in Drug Pricing?

Hospitals are shoring up their balance sheets on the backs of cancer patients, according to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers looked at 25 of the top cancer medications distributed at 61 cancer treatment centers across the country over the course of six months. They found that ...
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