

Need Deficit Solutions? Think School Choice

California, January 18, 2008 Eureka Reporter, January 18, 2008 Sacramento Union, February 1, 2008 According to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California faces a combined $14 billion budget deficit for this fiscal year and the next. In response, the governor has resorted to conventional remedies such as a 10-percent across-the-board spending ...
Business & Economics

Private efforts result in better problem solving

Often when some unexpected challenge faces a person, someone asks, “What are you going to do about this?” The answer, frequently delivered with casual confidence, tends to be: “I’ll think of something.” No answer and attitude better characterizes how to think about problem solving in a free society. Unlike the ...
Business & Economics

True Hollywood Scandals: The Courtroom Legacy of Anna Nicole Smith with Horace Cooper.

Anna Nicole Smith’s life was a tabloid’s dream. Even though she passed away almost one year ago, her saga lives on in the media through battles ranging from paternity disputes to prescription drug abuse to disputed legal fees. As the 9th Circuit gets ready to take up her case again, ...

PRI’s Lance Izumi Named President of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges

San Francisco – On Tuesday, January 15, Pacific Research Institute’s director of Education Studies Lance T. Izumi succeeded Kay Albiani as president of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. The Board sets policy and provides guidance for the 72 districts and 109 colleges within the system. It ...
Business & Economics

Amazon Leads La Résistance Against Protectionism

The French Booksellers’ Union launched its case against Amazon in 2004, alleging that the company’s ‘free shipping’ policy constitutes an illegal discount on books. According to a 1981 law designed to protect France’s independent publishers and bookstores, no discount on books can exceed five percent off the publisher’s recommended price. ...

Mitt’s Mythical “Mass. Miracle”

Michigan is like the canary in the mine shaft,” Republican White House contender Willard Mitt Romney told voters in Warren Friday. “What happens in Michigan is going to happen to the rest of the country.” He also claims in a campaign commercial, “I understand how the economy works. There’s a ...
Business & Economics

When Web 2.0 Meets Politics

Hillary Clinton is my friend. On MySpace, that is. If I were going to vote for the first candidate that responded to my social networking “friend” request, it would be her. Of course, that’s a silly idea, but with all the hoopla over politicians using new technologies, one might ask: ...
Business & Economics

The Writers Strike and Jay Leno’s Monologue

I am an economist, not a lawyer, and so I won’t comment on the validity of the union claim. Leno is a member of the Guild, and could very well be contractually bound in such matters (though NBC predictably challenges this claim). On the other hand, even if something might ...
Business & Economics

California Lights the Way: Legislature Could Become Global Internet Regulator

Last week Governor Schwarzenegger created a new state agency to help Californians protect their personal information online. With more than one million cases of identity theft reported in California last year, the Office of Information Security and Privacy Protection will serve as a valuable educational resource to help residents stem ...

Wal-Mart Increases Employee Health Benefits

Beset by threats of tailor-made state and local laws intended to force it to increase workers’ health care benefits, retail giant Wal-Mart is providing health coverage to more of its employees. In 2008, Wal-Mart will provide employees with $4 co-payments for 2,400 generic drugs and will offer health insurance with ...

Need Deficit Solutions? Think School Choice

California, January 18, 2008 Eureka Reporter, January 18, 2008 Sacramento Union, February 1, 2008 According to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California faces a combined $14 billion budget deficit for this fiscal year and the next. In response, the governor has resorted to conventional remedies such as a 10-percent across-the-board spending ...
Business & Economics

Private efforts result in better problem solving

Often when some unexpected challenge faces a person, someone asks, “What are you going to do about this?” The answer, frequently delivered with casual confidence, tends to be: “I’ll think of something.” No answer and attitude better characterizes how to think about problem solving in a free society. Unlike the ...
Business & Economics

True Hollywood Scandals: The Courtroom Legacy of Anna Nicole Smith with Horace Cooper.

Anna Nicole Smith’s life was a tabloid’s dream. Even though she passed away almost one year ago, her saga lives on in the media through battles ranging from paternity disputes to prescription drug abuse to disputed legal fees. As the 9th Circuit gets ready to take up her case again, ...

PRI’s Lance Izumi Named President of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges

San Francisco – On Tuesday, January 15, Pacific Research Institute’s director of Education Studies Lance T. Izumi succeeded Kay Albiani as president of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. The Board sets policy and provides guidance for the 72 districts and 109 colleges within the system. It ...
Business & Economics

Amazon Leads La Résistance Against Protectionism

The French Booksellers’ Union launched its case against Amazon in 2004, alleging that the company’s ‘free shipping’ policy constitutes an illegal discount on books. According to a 1981 law designed to protect France’s independent publishers and bookstores, no discount on books can exceed five percent off the publisher’s recommended price. ...

Mitt’s Mythical “Mass. Miracle”

Michigan is like the canary in the mine shaft,” Republican White House contender Willard Mitt Romney told voters in Warren Friday. “What happens in Michigan is going to happen to the rest of the country.” He also claims in a campaign commercial, “I understand how the economy works. There’s a ...
Business & Economics

When Web 2.0 Meets Politics

Hillary Clinton is my friend. On MySpace, that is. If I were going to vote for the first candidate that responded to my social networking “friend” request, it would be her. Of course, that’s a silly idea, but with all the hoopla over politicians using new technologies, one might ask: ...
Business & Economics

The Writers Strike and Jay Leno’s Monologue

I am an economist, not a lawyer, and so I won’t comment on the validity of the union claim. Leno is a member of the Guild, and could very well be contractually bound in such matters (though NBC predictably challenges this claim). On the other hand, even if something might ...
Business & Economics

California Lights the Way: Legislature Could Become Global Internet Regulator

Last week Governor Schwarzenegger created a new state agency to help Californians protect their personal information online. With more than one million cases of identity theft reported in California last year, the Office of Information Security and Privacy Protection will serve as a valuable educational resource to help residents stem ...

Wal-Mart Increases Employee Health Benefits

Beset by threats of tailor-made state and local laws intended to force it to increase workers’ health care benefits, retail giant Wal-Mart is providing health coverage to more of its employees. In 2008, Wal-Mart will provide employees with $4 co-payments for 2,400 generic drugs and will offer health insurance with ...
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