
Climate Change

Regulating The Environment Through The Securities And Exchange Commission

Apparently, it is not enough for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to simply maintain fair, orderly, and efficient financial markets. The agency is now considering becoming a climate regulator with a new rule whose comment period ends tomorrow (June 17, 2022). That is not how the SEC frames the ...

Veterans’ Health System Must Be Replaced — Period

In a White House ceremony earlier this week, President Joe Biden signed nine bills aimed at improving healthcare for American veterans — a task he referred to as a “sacred obligation.” Among them were bills expanding access to mammograms for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits and extending a federal program that compensates veterans ...

India’s GM Crops Regulation Should Be Based on a Gene’s Effects, Not Its Source

India has a long and dubious record of regulating genetically altered crops for agriculture. While the nation began at the same time as many other countries with the same ambitious goals – to deploy new genetic engineering tools to address agricultural vulnerabilities – it has fallen behind.  Only one crop, ...

Promote Regulatory Certainty By Reauthorizing UFA

The House passed bipartisan legislation last week that could help reduce costs and ensure continued innovation for the future. While this legislation might not be covered as extensively as other issues, it nonetheless represents meaningful progress. This week, the Senate HELP Committee passed the Senate version, the Food and Drug ...

What Is ‘Paxlovid Rebound,’ And Should It Concern Us?

By Henry I. Miller and Josh Bloom Decades ago, a case report (relating the experience with a single patient) was published which described how a person’s flu symptoms improved after a bowl of chicken soup, but then reappeared. The article was meant as a kind of parody of the old ...

Even In Blue California, Leftism Has Its Limits

It took a few years, but it seems even the bluest city in the bluest state in the country has decided leftism has its limits. The first crack in the wall on the left has appeared in voters’ exasperation with crime. In San Francisco, they threw out District Attorney Chesa ...

Telehealth is critical to our healthier future

Earlier this month, a group of 17 House Republicans released several ideas for modernizing the healthcare system, improving access to care, and lowering costs. One of the proposals — safeguarding expanded access to telehealth — could help achieve all three of those goals. Lawmakers would do well to relax permanently the telehealth restrictions that ...

A look under the hood of ‘Medicare for All’

“Medicare for All” is back. For the fifth time in the last decade-plus, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced legislation that would launch a government takeover of the U.S. health insurance system. “Health care is a human right, not a privilege,” he insisted from the Senate floor May 12. But Americans also ...

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Can’t Come Soon Enough

It has been five years since Congress ordered federal regulators to develop regulations that will allow for hearing aids to be sold over the counter. Yet people today still can’t purchase them. A bipartisan group of senators wants to change that. In April, a quartet led by Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, ...

Single-Payer ‘Medicare for All’ Would Inflate Americans’ Healthcare Bills

Inflation is ripping through every sector of the U.S. economy. But there’s one curious exception: healthcare. The cost of medical care is up 3.5% in the last year. The overall inflation rate, by contrast, is nearly two-and-a-half times higher — 8.3%. So why are Sen. Bernie Sanders and 14 of ...
Climate Change

Regulating The Environment Through The Securities And Exchange Commission

Apparently, it is not enough for the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to simply maintain fair, orderly, and efficient financial markets. The agency is now considering becoming a climate regulator with a new rule whose comment period ends tomorrow (June 17, 2022). That is not how the SEC frames the ...

Veterans’ Health System Must Be Replaced — Period

In a White House ceremony earlier this week, President Joe Biden signed nine bills aimed at improving healthcare for American veterans — a task he referred to as a “sacred obligation.” Among them were bills expanding access to mammograms for veterans exposed to toxic burn pits and extending a federal program that compensates veterans ...

India’s GM Crops Regulation Should Be Based on a Gene’s Effects, Not Its Source

India has a long and dubious record of regulating genetically altered crops for agriculture. While the nation began at the same time as many other countries with the same ambitious goals – to deploy new genetic engineering tools to address agricultural vulnerabilities – it has fallen behind.  Only one crop, ...

Promote Regulatory Certainty By Reauthorizing UFA

The House passed bipartisan legislation last week that could help reduce costs and ensure continued innovation for the future. While this legislation might not be covered as extensively as other issues, it nonetheless represents meaningful progress. This week, the Senate HELP Committee passed the Senate version, the Food and Drug ...

What Is ‘Paxlovid Rebound,’ And Should It Concern Us?

By Henry I. Miller and Josh Bloom Decades ago, a case report (relating the experience with a single patient) was published which described how a person’s flu symptoms improved after a bowl of chicken soup, but then reappeared. The article was meant as a kind of parody of the old ...

Even In Blue California, Leftism Has Its Limits

It took a few years, but it seems even the bluest city in the bluest state in the country has decided leftism has its limits. The first crack in the wall on the left has appeared in voters’ exasperation with crime. In San Francisco, they threw out District Attorney Chesa ...

Telehealth is critical to our healthier future

Earlier this month, a group of 17 House Republicans released several ideas for modernizing the healthcare system, improving access to care, and lowering costs. One of the proposals — safeguarding expanded access to telehealth — could help achieve all three of those goals. Lawmakers would do well to relax permanently the telehealth restrictions that ...

A look under the hood of ‘Medicare for All’

“Medicare for All” is back. For the fifth time in the last decade-plus, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has introduced legislation that would launch a government takeover of the U.S. health insurance system. “Health care is a human right, not a privilege,” he insisted from the Senate floor May 12. But Americans also ...

Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Can’t Come Soon Enough

It has been five years since Congress ordered federal regulators to develop regulations that will allow for hearing aids to be sold over the counter. Yet people today still can’t purchase them. A bipartisan group of senators wants to change that. In April, a quartet led by Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, ...

Single-Payer ‘Medicare for All’ Would Inflate Americans’ Healthcare Bills

Inflation is ripping through every sector of the U.S. economy. But there’s one curious exception: healthcare. The cost of medical care is up 3.5% in the last year. The overall inflation rate, by contrast, is nearly two-and-a-half times higher — 8.3%. So why are Sen. Bernie Sanders and 14 of ...
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