Don’t Get Ill in Illinois: State Medical Society Wants to Reduce Patients’ Choices
At the request of an Illinois state representative, the Federal Trade Commission has cast its eye over HB 5372, an appalling bill that threatens to reduce Illinois residents’ choice of where, when, and how they seek out health services. Well aware of the benefits of convenient clinics, the FTC pulls ...
John R. Graham
June 4, 2008
California Health Care Deforminator ABX1 1 Rises from the Dead – In Bits & Pieces
In many horror movies, the hero kills the zombie only to find that the baddie’s hand he chopped off keeps crawling towards him, relentless in its quest to strangle the living. Some of the health care bills moving through the California Legislature remind me of that sort of scene. The ...
John R. Graham
June 3, 2008
Unbalanced Billing in California: No Easy Answer
One area of health care where hospitals and doctors face off against health plans, without any satisfactory resolution, is providers’ “balance billing” patients who present at out-of-network emergency rooms. Because the hospital is not in the patient’s health plans’ network, the hospital and/or ER doctor stick the patient with a ...
John R. Graham
June 2, 2008
10 Years After End of Bilingual Education in California New Study Documents Attempts to Thwart English Immersion
Today California celebrates the 10th anniversary of Proposition 227, the “English for the Children” initiative many believed would end bilingual education in the public schools. Despite the positive results of Prop. 227, a new study by the Pacific Research Institute, a California based think-tank, raises serious concerns about how the ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 2, 2008
10 Years After Prop. 227: Bilingual Education Still Hanging On
SACRAMENTO – On June 2, California celebrates the 10th anniversary of Proposition 227, the “English for the Children” initiative many believed would end bilingual education in the state’s classrooms. While 227 has resulted in numerous positive changes, guerrilla warfare by bilingual-education adherents has ensured that bilingual education continues to be ...
Lance T. izumi
June 2, 2008
Business & Economics
‘Absurd’ Tech Tax Is Repealed in Maryland
Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 The Maryland legislature has passed legislation to remove the state’s so-called tech tax, a levy on computer services. Under the legislation, the tax will be replaced with a new income tax on residents earning more than $1 million annually, which ...
Phil Britt
June 1, 2008
Md. Tax Records Are Scoured for SCHIP-Eligibles
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Health officials in Maryland are working with state Comptroller Peter Franchot to identify children eligible for, but not enrolled in, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The comptroller’s office will use state income tax records to locate families whose incomes qualify ...
Sanjit Bagchi M.D
June 1, 2008
Bogus Figures
The Eagle (Reading, PA), June 1, 2008 Letters from readers Bogus figures Editor: It has been stated by many politicians that 47 million Americans do not have health insurance. This number is bogus. According to Sally C. Pipes, president and chief executive officer of the Pacific Research Institute, the number ...
Dr. Christopher J. Beetel
June 1, 2008
Business & Economics
Good tort system a budget key
The deteriorating economy has pushed many state budgets into deficit, including Alabama’s, but the problem is not uniform. Indeed, a new study by the National Conference of State Legislatures examines the revenue and expenditure situation in the 50 U.S. states for the current fiscal year and next. Sixteen states face ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
June 1, 2008
AMA Lobbies for Changes to Health Care in New Hampshire
The American Medical Association (AMA) has been promoting a reform plan in the state of New Hampshire that it says would help improve the state’s health care system. Analysts are offering mixed reviews of the plan, with some calling it “a very good step” for the AMA and for New ...
Dr. Sanjit Bagchi
June 1, 2008
Don’t Get Ill in Illinois: State Medical Society Wants to Reduce Patients’ Choices
At the request of an Illinois state representative, the Federal Trade Commission has cast its eye over HB 5372, an appalling bill that threatens to reduce Illinois residents’ choice of where, when, and how they seek out health services. Well aware of the benefits of convenient clinics, the FTC pulls ...
California Health Care Deforminator ABX1 1 Rises from the Dead – In Bits & Pieces
In many horror movies, the hero kills the zombie only to find that the baddie’s hand he chopped off keeps crawling towards him, relentless in its quest to strangle the living. Some of the health care bills moving through the California Legislature remind me of that sort of scene. The ...
Unbalanced Billing in California: No Easy Answer
One area of health care where hospitals and doctors face off against health plans, without any satisfactory resolution, is providers’ “balance billing” patients who present at out-of-network emergency rooms. Because the hospital is not in the patient’s health plans’ network, the hospital and/or ER doctor stick the patient with a ...
10 Years After End of Bilingual Education in California New Study Documents Attempts to Thwart English Immersion
Today California celebrates the 10th anniversary of Proposition 227, the “English for the Children” initiative many believed would end bilingual education in the public schools. Despite the positive results of Prop. 227, a new study by the Pacific Research Institute, a California based think-tank, raises serious concerns about how the ...
10 Years After Prop. 227: Bilingual Education Still Hanging On
SACRAMENTO – On June 2, California celebrates the 10th anniversary of Proposition 227, the “English for the Children” initiative many believed would end bilingual education in the state’s classrooms. While 227 has resulted in numerous positive changes, guerrilla warfare by bilingual-education adherents has ensured that bilingual education continues to be ...
‘Absurd’ Tech Tax Is Repealed in Maryland
Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 The Maryland legislature has passed legislation to remove the state’s so-called tech tax, a levy on computer services. Under the legislation, the tax will be replaced with a new income tax on residents earning more than $1 million annually, which ...
Md. Tax Records Are Scoured for SCHIP-Eligibles
Health Care News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 Health officials in Maryland are working with state Comptroller Peter Franchot to identify children eligible for, but not enrolled in, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The comptroller’s office will use state income tax records to locate families whose incomes qualify ...
Bogus Figures
The Eagle (Reading, PA), June 1, 2008 Letters from readers Bogus figures Editor: It has been stated by many politicians that 47 million Americans do not have health insurance. This number is bogus. According to Sally C. Pipes, president and chief executive officer of the Pacific Research Institute, the number ...
Good tort system a budget key
The deteriorating economy has pushed many state budgets into deficit, including Alabama’s, but the problem is not uniform. Indeed, a new study by the National Conference of State Legislatures examines the revenue and expenditure situation in the 50 U.S. states for the current fiscal year and next. Sixteen states face ...
AMA Lobbies for Changes to Health Care in New Hampshire
The American Medical Association (AMA) has been promoting a reform plan in the state of New Hampshire that it says would help improve the state’s health care system. Analysts are offering mixed reviews of the plan, with some calling it “a very good step” for the AMA and for New ...