Opinion column ignored real concerns about GMOs
The Eureka Reporter, June 21, 2008 Dear Editor, The opinion column by Amy Kaleita of the Pacific Research Institute reads as if it was written by and for the benefit of Monsanto Corp. Many consumers are concerned about the effects of GMOs on food security and believe that GMOs are ...
David Lippman
June 21, 2008
New York’s Discount Prescription Drug Plan: Medicaid Hammer With A Twist?
A bill to provide discounts on prescription drugs to low-income New Yorkers recently passed the Assembly and has moved over to the Senate. A03848 seeks to give the state the power to “negotiate” discounts for prescription drugs for Empire Staters who earn up to 350% of the Federal Poverty Line, ...
John R. Graham
June 20, 2008
Izumi Reflects on 10 Years of Prop. 227–And Krashen Rebuts
Learning the Language It was only yesterday that FlashReport published a commentary by Lance Izumi, the senior director of education studies for the Pacific Research Institute, that praises Proposition 227, the ballot measure approved by California voters 10 years ago this month that greatly curtailed bilingual education in California. And ...
Mary Ann Zehr
June 20, 2008
Business & Economics
Directorship’s Annual Boardroom Guide to State Litigation Climates
BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Illinois and West Virginia are about the last states in which you would want your company to do business. Following close behind are California and Pennsylvania as among the states with the worst litigation climates for business and the highest risk for lawsuits. These are just some of the ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 19, 2008
Business & Economics
New legislation could lower credit card interchange fees
A subcommittee of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee recently began considering legislation that would control the rising interchange fees credit card companies charge to merchants who accept plastic from their customers. Titled the Credit Card Fair Fee Act of 2008 (H.R. 5546), the bill was introduced by Rep. John Conyers ...
Susan Dickenson
June 19, 2008
How state violates students’ right to safe schools
Lincoln News Messenger (CA), June 19, 2008 Editor’s note: This editorial refers to suspension rates for violence and drugs at local schools, a topic covered in depth on the front page of the News Messenger. While the numbers might seem alarming, many of the suspensions referred to in this editorial ...
Vicki E. Murray
June 19, 2008
Does Families USA Know What’s Up in Its Own Backyard?
Families USA seems to be really polishing up its business of putting out publications that rank states according to dubious criteria. They’re coming fast and furious. This latest one is a real howler – but for what it ignores, not what it measures. In Your Own Backyard purports to measure ...
John R. Graham
June 19, 2008
Business & Economics
Florida Offers Case Study In Worthy Legal Reform
Legal reform is needed across the country, especially given today’s sluggish economy and job market. Florida is a case study in its importance. When the Jeb Bush administration began in 1999, Florida’s legal climate was hurting the state’s economy. Spiraling litigation costs were quashing job creation, and lawsuit abuse was ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
June 18, 2008
Business & Economics
Bye Bye Nerdy!
The Sacramento Union, June 18, 2008 San Francisco Business Times, June 13, 2008 Last week, the House Judiciary Committee considered a proposal by Silicon Valley Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, to end restrictions on the most critical resource driving technological innovation. This resource is human talent, and with the greatest ...
Daniel R. Ballon
June 18, 2008
Climate Change
How Should California Schools Teach Climate Change?
One California lawmaker is gaining momentum with a bill that would include “climate change” among the science topics in public schools. Senate Bill 908, authored by Joe Simitian, a Palo Alto Democrat, would include climate change in science textbooks approved for California public schools. “You can’t have a science curriculum ...
Thomas Tanton
June 18, 2008
Opinion column ignored real concerns about GMOs
The Eureka Reporter, June 21, 2008 Dear Editor, The opinion column by Amy Kaleita of the Pacific Research Institute reads as if it was written by and for the benefit of Monsanto Corp. Many consumers are concerned about the effects of GMOs on food security and believe that GMOs are ...
New York’s Discount Prescription Drug Plan: Medicaid Hammer With A Twist?
A bill to provide discounts on prescription drugs to low-income New Yorkers recently passed the Assembly and has moved over to the Senate. A03848 seeks to give the state the power to “negotiate” discounts for prescription drugs for Empire Staters who earn up to 350% of the Federal Poverty Line, ...
Izumi Reflects on 10 Years of Prop. 227–And Krashen Rebuts
Learning the Language It was only yesterday that FlashReport published a commentary by Lance Izumi, the senior director of education studies for the Pacific Research Institute, that praises Proposition 227, the ballot measure approved by California voters 10 years ago this month that greatly curtailed bilingual education in California. And ...
Directorship’s Annual Boardroom Guide to State Litigation Climates
BOSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Illinois and West Virginia are about the last states in which you would want your company to do business. Following close behind are California and Pennsylvania as among the states with the worst litigation climates for business and the highest risk for lawsuits. These are just some of the ...
New legislation could lower credit card interchange fees
A subcommittee of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee recently began considering legislation that would control the rising interchange fees credit card companies charge to merchants who accept plastic from their customers. Titled the Credit Card Fair Fee Act of 2008 (H.R. 5546), the bill was introduced by Rep. John Conyers ...
How state violates students’ right to safe schools
Lincoln News Messenger (CA), June 19, 2008 Editor’s note: This editorial refers to suspension rates for violence and drugs at local schools, a topic covered in depth on the front page of the News Messenger. While the numbers might seem alarming, many of the suspensions referred to in this editorial ...
Does Families USA Know What’s Up in Its Own Backyard?
Families USA seems to be really polishing up its business of putting out publications that rank states according to dubious criteria. They’re coming fast and furious. This latest one is a real howler – but for what it ignores, not what it measures. In Your Own Backyard purports to measure ...
Florida Offers Case Study In Worthy Legal Reform
Legal reform is needed across the country, especially given today’s sluggish economy and job market. Florida is a case study in its importance. When the Jeb Bush administration began in 1999, Florida’s legal climate was hurting the state’s economy. Spiraling litigation costs were quashing job creation, and lawsuit abuse was ...
Bye Bye Nerdy!
The Sacramento Union, June 18, 2008 San Francisco Business Times, June 13, 2008 Last week, the House Judiciary Committee considered a proposal by Silicon Valley Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, D-San Jose, to end restrictions on the most critical resource driving technological innovation. This resource is human talent, and with the greatest ...
How Should California Schools Teach Climate Change?
One California lawmaker is gaining momentum with a bill that would include “climate change” among the science topics in public schools. Senate Bill 908, authored by Joe Simitian, a Palo Alto Democrat, would include climate change in science textbooks approved for California public schools. “You can’t have a science curriculum ...