Britain’s Health Care System Costs Patients and Businesses Billions
Health Care News, Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), July 1, 2008 Government-run health care has imposed huge costs on patients and businesses by denying treatments and medications, despite the fact that the National Health System ran a $4.67 billion surplus in 2007. According to a report by the National Center for ...
Krystle Russin
July 1, 2008
Business & Economics
Senate Housing Bill Allows Government to Spy on Internet Commerce
The bipartisan housing bill currently being debated in the Senate contains an unrelated amendment that will burden innovative Internet companies and threaten the civil liberties of every American. Without any discussion, Senators added a provision to H.R. 3221 (The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008) requiring electronic ...
Daniel R. Ballon
July 1, 2008
Business & Economics
California City Will Take Over Abandoned Muni Wi-Fi System
The city council of Milpitas, California has unanimously approved a city takeover of the municipal wi-fi system installed a year ago by Earthlink. The company is abandoning the Milpitas infrastructure as it exits the muni wi-fi sector nationwide. Milpitas plans to maintain and operate the wi-fi system purely for city ...
Doug Weihnacht
July 1, 2008
Business & Economics
Impact – June 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – June 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF
Pacific Research Institute
June 30, 2008
Bankruptcy of Government-Monopoly Health Care is Fiscal & Moral
California politicians like Senator Sheila Kuehl believe that they can run health care better than Californians themselves can. Here’s a question for anyone tempted to believe this: Will the government-monopoly health care “system” work better or worse than Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program? The news on Medi-Cal gets grimmer by ...
John R. Graham
June 30, 2008
Business & Economics
Grassroots effort help stops ‘Lawyers Get Work Act’
Living in Illinois, it is hard to fathom how anyone could seriously think there are not enough lawsuits filed in our state. Just in the last few months, three nationwide studies have been released, and the results clearly confirm Illinois’ reputation as the “Lawsuit Capital of the Midwest.” One report ...
Travis Akin
June 29, 2008
Business & Economics
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government San Francisco, June 27, 2008 – In an open letter to Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Pacific Research Institute technology policy fellow Daniel R. Ballon, Ph.D., called to their attention an amendment to the housing bill that ...
Pacific Research Institute
June 27, 2008
Who Should Pay for Health Care?
We’ve all heard the statistic “47 million Americans do not have health insurance” as an underlying argument for massive health care reform. But did you know that 57 percent of the 47 million uninsured have annual incomes above $50,000? Or that two-thirds of the 47 million are between the ages ...
Sally C. Pipes
June 27, 2008
How California can graduate more students
On June 5, Education Week magazine released “Diplomas Count 2008: School to College.” The report finds that three in 10 students who enroll in California public high schools fail to graduate. The statistics mask a more dismal reality, but there is a way the Golden State can improve. The results ...
Ian Randolph
June 27, 2008
Business & Economics
Genomics Meets Sacramento
Personalized medicine is touted as the wave of the future, but recent government action points to problems for Americans looking to join the health revolution. Last week, California’s Department of Public Health issued cease-and-desist letters to 13 genetic testing startups, threatening to deny service to consumers curious about their DNA. ...
Sonia Arrison
June 27, 2008
Britain’s Health Care System Costs Patients and Businesses Billions
Health Care News, Heartland Institute (Chicago, IL), July 1, 2008 Government-run health care has imposed huge costs on patients and businesses by denying treatments and medications, despite the fact that the National Health System ran a $4.67 billion surplus in 2007. According to a report by the National Center for ...
Senate Housing Bill Allows Government to Spy on Internet Commerce
The bipartisan housing bill currently being debated in the Senate contains an unrelated amendment that will burden innovative Internet companies and threaten the civil liberties of every American. Without any discussion, Senators added a provision to H.R. 3221 (The American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008) requiring electronic ...
California City Will Take Over Abandoned Muni Wi-Fi System
The city council of Milpitas, California has unanimously approved a city takeover of the municipal wi-fi system installed a year ago by Earthlink. The company is abandoning the Milpitas infrastructure as it exits the muni wi-fi sector nationwide. Milpitas plans to maintain and operate the wi-fi system purely for city ...
Impact – June 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – June 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions. Read PDF
Bankruptcy of Government-Monopoly Health Care is Fiscal & Moral
California politicians like Senator Sheila Kuehl believe that they can run health care better than Californians themselves can. Here’s a question for anyone tempted to believe this: Will the government-monopoly health care “system” work better or worse than Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program? The news on Medi-Cal gets grimmer by ...
Grassroots effort help stops ‘Lawyers Get Work Act’
Living in Illinois, it is hard to fathom how anyone could seriously think there are not enough lawsuits filed in our state. Just in the last few months, three nationwide studies have been released, and the results clearly confirm Illinois’ reputation as the “Lawsuit Capital of the Midwest.” One report ...
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government
Housing Bill Amendment Requires Reporting of Consumer Purchases to the Federal Government San Francisco, June 27, 2008 – In an open letter to Senators Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, Pacific Research Institute technology policy fellow Daniel R. Ballon, Ph.D., called to their attention an amendment to the housing bill that ...
Who Should Pay for Health Care?
We’ve all heard the statistic “47 million Americans do not have health insurance” as an underlying argument for massive health care reform. But did you know that 57 percent of the 47 million uninsured have annual incomes above $50,000? Or that two-thirds of the 47 million are between the ages ...
How California can graduate more students
On June 5, Education Week magazine released “Diplomas Count 2008: School to College.” The report finds that three in 10 students who enroll in California public high schools fail to graduate. The statistics mask a more dismal reality, but there is a way the Golden State can improve. The results ...
Genomics Meets Sacramento
Personalized medicine is touted as the wave of the future, but recent government action points to problems for Americans looking to join the health revolution. Last week, California’s Department of Public Health issued cease-and-desist letters to 13 genetic testing startups, threatening to deny service to consumers curious about their DNA. ...