

Wrong perception: Report debunks environmental myths

Oaklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK), April 21, 2008 THE popular image of the United States as one of the globe’s leading polluters gets a debunking in a report produced by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute. In the “2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators,” author Steven F. Hayward ...

Earth Day 2008: Clearing the air …

It’s time to clear the air about how the United States affects the environment — and how extremist environmentalism could affect the U.S. A report of leading environmental indicators by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute focuses on significant and very heartening environmental facts about our nation ...

Get Out and Enjoy Earth Day

Front Page Magazine, April 22, 2008 Earth Day 2008 brings good news about the environment but also reveals a strange dynamic. Despite a nearly non-stop public dialogue, including an Oscar-winning movie and two Nobel prizes, Americans are actually taking less time to experience the environment. They would be better off ...
Business & Economics

Prebuttals, Insults and Intellectual Honesty

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform on Wednesday is releasing its 2008 Lawsuit Climate report, an annual exercise in which the ILR surveys in-house counsels on their perceptions of how reasonable and balanced each state’s tort liability system is. (The 2007 survey is available here.) It’s one ...
Business & Economics

FCC Holds Kangaroo Court at Stanford

Though commissioner (and net neutrality opponent) Robert McDowell expressed disappointment over Comcast’s absence, the company understandably kept its distance from what quickly deteriorated into a kangaroo court. With 70 percent of the panelists, and 100 percent of the public comments supporting strict regulations and penalties, it appears that the verdict ...
Business & Economics

A well-intentioned bad idea

There’s troubling legislation in Sacramento to open the state’s lucrative public employee retirement system to private employees. Unfortunately, there’s little opposition, which may make the scheme inevitable. As with so many well-intended government ideas, Assembly Bill 2940 ostensibly would solve a problem. But as is also so often the case, ...
Climate Change

Politics, Not Climate

If you think global warming is about climate, think again. It’s all about politics and, if you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe Fred Krupp, the president of the Environmental Defense Fund. An April 16 news release from the EDF was titled “President’s Remarks Recognize Political Reality of Coming ...
Business & Economics

Tax Day Is Over, but Internet Tax Threats Loom

As Americans stretched to pay the tax man this week, California Assemblyman Charles Calderon (D-Montebello) was working on the sly to institute a new digital tax. Such a move is not only short-sighted, but also could seriously harm the state’s competitiveness. It’s no secret that the digital economy is a ...

Five myths of health care

Fictions don’t become facts through repetition. Keep that in mind next time you hear a politician breathlessly decry the horrors of the American health-care system and then explain how he intends to fix it. Some of the most popular talking points in the health-care debate pass as the gospel truth ...

California Benefits Mandate Mania: 85,000 To Lose Health Insurance

What is the point of passing a law that requires independent analyses of the costs of mandating which benefits health plans must cover, if the lawmakers are then free to ignore the results of the independent analyses? The California Legislature is considering ten bills mandating benefits that will cost $2.7 ...

Wrong perception: Report debunks environmental myths

Oaklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK), April 21, 2008 THE popular image of the United States as one of the globe’s leading polluters gets a debunking in a report produced by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute. In the “2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators,” author Steven F. Hayward ...

Earth Day 2008: Clearing the air …

It’s time to clear the air about how the United States affects the environment — and how extremist environmentalism could affect the U.S. A report of leading environmental indicators by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute focuses on significant and very heartening environmental facts about our nation ...

Get Out and Enjoy Earth Day

Front Page Magazine, April 22, 2008 Earth Day 2008 brings good news about the environment but also reveals a strange dynamic. Despite a nearly non-stop public dialogue, including an Oscar-winning movie and two Nobel prizes, Americans are actually taking less time to experience the environment. They would be better off ...
Business & Economics

Prebuttals, Insults and Intellectual Honesty

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform on Wednesday is releasing its 2008 Lawsuit Climate report, an annual exercise in which the ILR surveys in-house counsels on their perceptions of how reasonable and balanced each state’s tort liability system is. (The 2007 survey is available here.) It’s one ...
Business & Economics

FCC Holds Kangaroo Court at Stanford

Though commissioner (and net neutrality opponent) Robert McDowell expressed disappointment over Comcast’s absence, the company understandably kept its distance from what quickly deteriorated into a kangaroo court. With 70 percent of the panelists, and 100 percent of the public comments supporting strict regulations and penalties, it appears that the verdict ...
Business & Economics

A well-intentioned bad idea

There’s troubling legislation in Sacramento to open the state’s lucrative public employee retirement system to private employees. Unfortunately, there’s little opposition, which may make the scheme inevitable. As with so many well-intended government ideas, Assembly Bill 2940 ostensibly would solve a problem. But as is also so often the case, ...
Climate Change

Politics, Not Climate

If you think global warming is about climate, think again. It’s all about politics and, if you don’t believe me, maybe you will believe Fred Krupp, the president of the Environmental Defense Fund. An April 16 news release from the EDF was titled “President’s Remarks Recognize Political Reality of Coming ...
Business & Economics

Tax Day Is Over, but Internet Tax Threats Loom

As Americans stretched to pay the tax man this week, California Assemblyman Charles Calderon (D-Montebello) was working on the sly to institute a new digital tax. Such a move is not only short-sighted, but also could seriously harm the state’s competitiveness. It’s no secret that the digital economy is a ...

Five myths of health care

Fictions don’t become facts through repetition. Keep that in mind next time you hear a politician breathlessly decry the horrors of the American health-care system and then explain how he intends to fix it. Some of the most popular talking points in the health-care debate pass as the gospel truth ...

California Benefits Mandate Mania: 85,000 To Lose Health Insurance

What is the point of passing a law that requires independent analyses of the costs of mandating which benefits health plans must cover, if the lawmakers are then free to ignore the results of the independent analyses? The California Legislature is considering ten bills mandating benefits that will cost $2.7 ...
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