

Is ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Good for California?

The California Air Resources Board is mulling a mix of regulations, fees and market-like mechanisms to impose on California, to comply with the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act. That 2006 law requires California to cut greenhouse gas emissions back to 1990 levels within 12 years, but it gives the board ...
Business & Economics

The case for the flat tax

In the April 17 editorial “Taxes done and mailed; let’s consider reforms,” The Bee says: “An ideal tax system would be flat overall, with progressive income taxes offsetting regressive property, sales and excise taxes. That way, each income group would pay a similar share of income in taxes.” Why go ...

Earth Day lessons for California

The Eureka Reporter, April 24, 2008 SACRAMENTO — Earth Day events here were rather different this year. Car dealers showcased their latest hybrids, hippies were little in evidence, and the crowd was more upscale. There was even, yes, valet parking for bicycles. The baleful note of past events was missing ...

Arizona’s Addiction to Unhealthy Government Handouts

I wonder why the Wall Street Journal insists on running op-eds that are sure to infuriate its loyal readers (like myself). This morning, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano trotted out the tired old argument that President Bush is unfairly tightening the screws on states’ social programs, especially state children’s health insurance ...
Business & Economics

Businesses fear N.J. courts

A national business group has given its verdict on New Jersey’s legal climate, and it’s not good. A report released Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a Washington, D.C.-based business lobby group, placed New Jersey 35th in a national survey of lawyers that judged state court systems on whether ...
Business & Economics

Study ranks W.Va. court system last again

WASHINGTON – West Virginia again is last in a study ranking states’ court systems. For the third consecutive year, the Mountain State is ranked 50th in the 2008 State Liability Systems Ranking Study, which was released Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. The study, conducted by Harris ...

Good news, as well

Earth Day was held this week, which is an appropriate time to make an assessment. Generally, the environment in Jacksonville is pleasant. It’s rare to have an air pollution alert. The St. Johns River looks marvelous. Yet, tributaries are unfit for swimming and nutrients threaten the river’s health. On a ...
Business & Economics

W.Va. ranked 50th in legal climate

Once again, the debate over West Virginia’s rankings in the legal climate is raging, inspired by a fresh study performed for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce putting the state dead last. Teresa Toriseva, head of the West Virginia Association for Justice, an organization of trial lawyers, ridiculed the Harris poll ...

School safety loses in Sacramento

Nine of 10 elementary and secondary students statewide, including in Orange County, attend schools reporting incidents involving violence, physical injuries or weapons. Yet, in a vote this month, the state Assembly Education Committee failed to uphold California students’ inalienable right under the state constitution to attend schools that are “safe, ...
Business & Economics

Still more work to do

Editor, Daily News: Less than two weeks remain in the 2008 Florida legislative session and it appears that common-sense legal reform will not be addressed. Unfortunately, Florida’s budget crisis has commanded the attention of our legislators, and important legal reforms like “expert witnesses” and “emergency health-care providers” will probably not ...

Is ‘Cap-and-Trade’ Good for California?

The California Air Resources Board is mulling a mix of regulations, fees and market-like mechanisms to impose on California, to comply with the state’s Global Warming Solutions Act. That 2006 law requires California to cut greenhouse gas emissions back to 1990 levels within 12 years, but it gives the board ...
Business & Economics

The case for the flat tax

In the April 17 editorial “Taxes done and mailed; let’s consider reforms,” The Bee says: “An ideal tax system would be flat overall, with progressive income taxes offsetting regressive property, sales and excise taxes. That way, each income group would pay a similar share of income in taxes.” Why go ...

Earth Day lessons for California

The Eureka Reporter, April 24, 2008 SACRAMENTO — Earth Day events here were rather different this year. Car dealers showcased their latest hybrids, hippies were little in evidence, and the crowd was more upscale. There was even, yes, valet parking for bicycles. The baleful note of past events was missing ...

Arizona’s Addiction to Unhealthy Government Handouts

I wonder why the Wall Street Journal insists on running op-eds that are sure to infuriate its loyal readers (like myself). This morning, Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano trotted out the tired old argument that President Bush is unfairly tightening the screws on states’ social programs, especially state children’s health insurance ...
Business & Economics

Businesses fear N.J. courts

A national business group has given its verdict on New Jersey’s legal climate, and it’s not good. A report released Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a Washington, D.C.-based business lobby group, placed New Jersey 35th in a national survey of lawyers that judged state court systems on whether ...
Business & Economics

Study ranks W.Va. court system last again

WASHINGTON – West Virginia again is last in a study ranking states’ court systems. For the third consecutive year, the Mountain State is ranked 50th in the 2008 State Liability Systems Ranking Study, which was released Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. The study, conducted by Harris ...

Good news, as well

Earth Day was held this week, which is an appropriate time to make an assessment. Generally, the environment in Jacksonville is pleasant. It’s rare to have an air pollution alert. The St. Johns River looks marvelous. Yet, tributaries are unfit for swimming and nutrients threaten the river’s health. On a ...
Business & Economics

W.Va. ranked 50th in legal climate

Once again, the debate over West Virginia’s rankings in the legal climate is raging, inspired by a fresh study performed for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce putting the state dead last. Teresa Toriseva, head of the West Virginia Association for Justice, an organization of trial lawyers, ridiculed the Harris poll ...

School safety loses in Sacramento

Nine of 10 elementary and secondary students statewide, including in Orange County, attend schools reporting incidents involving violence, physical injuries or weapons. Yet, in a vote this month, the state Assembly Education Committee failed to uphold California students’ inalienable right under the state constitution to attend schools that are “safe, ...
Business & Economics

Still more work to do

Editor, Daily News: Less than two weeks remain in the 2008 Florida legislative session and it appears that common-sense legal reform will not be addressed. Unfortunately, Florida’s budget crisis has commanded the attention of our legislators, and important legal reforms like “expert witnesses” and “emergency health-care providers” will probably not ...
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