

Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little

One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...

Testimony submitted to the CA Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation – AB-2605

Vicki E. Murray, Ph.D. and senior fellow in Education Studies, gave invited testimony on AB 2605, the Tax Credits for Non-Public School Families bill, at a meeting of the California Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee on May 6, 2008. Non-public schools are a vibrant and integral part of California’s educational ...
Business & Economics

Actions Speak Louder than Words: A Case Study

A Contrarian column, as readers have come to know, is a relatively simple matter of refuting the latest foolishness from militant feminists and socialists, who are often the same people. In that cause, however, I have never attempted anything on the scale of Adam Shepard, author of Scratch Beginnings: Me, ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature needed to act to stop lawsuit abuse

I realize that our legislators have been working in an uncomfortable climate as they allocate a very limited budget and try to give Floridians a helping hand during this economic slump. Unfortunately, the one thing Floridians can count on is that the “lawsuit tax” — the $880 each Floridian pays ...

Health care lessons from Down Under

Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate, but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...

An effective stimulus package

The Department of Labor recently revealed that the economy lost 80,000 jobs in March. In response, politicians have cried out for more generous government bailouts and stimulus packages. But if our leaders were serious about stimulating the economy, they’d turn to something more unorthodox — meaningful tort reforms. Abuse of ...
Business & Economics

Free speech on the Internet, after taxes

California lawmakers have met to consider a new $500-million tax on Internet commerce. Some have dubbed this the “iTax” because of its application to Apple’s iTunes digital music store, but Assemblyman Charles Calderon, D-Whittier, is targeting more than just songs. In reality, AB 1956 is a “free speech tax” imposing ...

San Francisco’s Health Access Plan Has Raised $6 Million

Thrilling news from my fair town: San Francisco’s Health Access Plan has managed to rope in 743 businesses, with 12,900 employees, before their deadline for enrolment in the City & County’s new mandatory health care scheme. The San Francisco Health Access Plan promises to bring “universal” health care to our ...

If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty…

If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty… show them this graph. It should shut them up immediately. Hat Tips to Red State and WILLisms Of course, it probably won’t shut them up. So make sure you have a copy of ...
Business & Economics

Issue of taxation worthwhile topic for the candidates

Instead of all the mudslinging between Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, wouldn’t it be refreshing to have them engage in some serious political discussion? Many American citizens might appreciate some in-depth exploration of the nature of taxation. The federal income tax, in particular, would deserve thoughtful examination. Senator John ...

Florida Frees up Hospital Market, at Least a Little

One of the dopiest rules that states impose on competition in health care is Certificate of Need (CON) laws for hospitals. Basically, CON allows entrenched hospitals to use political power to prevent new ones from opening up, in a futle attempt to contain costs. Roy Cordato of the John Locke ...

Testimony submitted to the CA Assembly Committee on Revenue and Taxation – AB-2605

Vicki E. Murray, Ph.D. and senior fellow in Education Studies, gave invited testimony on AB 2605, the Tax Credits for Non-Public School Families bill, at a meeting of the California Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee on May 6, 2008. Non-public schools are a vibrant and integral part of California’s educational ...
Business & Economics

Actions Speak Louder than Words: A Case Study

A Contrarian column, as readers have come to know, is a relatively simple matter of refuting the latest foolishness from militant feminists and socialists, who are often the same people. In that cause, however, I have never attempted anything on the scale of Adam Shepard, author of Scratch Beginnings: Me, ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature needed to act to stop lawsuit abuse

I realize that our legislators have been working in an uncomfortable climate as they allocate a very limited budget and try to give Floridians a helping hand during this economic slump. Unfortunately, the one thing Floridians can count on is that the “lawsuit tax” — the $880 each Floridian pays ...

Health care lessons from Down Under

Health care reform is still on the table in California, which should consider carefully the achievements and failings of foreign systems. Canada is the usual candidate, but Australia’s health care strategies deserve a closer look. The negative effects of Australia’s government-run health system are predictable and apparent: limited distribution of ...

An effective stimulus package

The Department of Labor recently revealed that the economy lost 80,000 jobs in March. In response, politicians have cried out for more generous government bailouts and stimulus packages. But if our leaders were serious about stimulating the economy, they’d turn to something more unorthodox — meaningful tort reforms. Abuse of ...
Business & Economics

Free speech on the Internet, after taxes

California lawmakers have met to consider a new $500-million tax on Internet commerce. Some have dubbed this the “iTax” because of its application to Apple’s iTunes digital music store, but Assemblyman Charles Calderon, D-Whittier, is targeting more than just songs. In reality, AB 1956 is a “free speech tax” imposing ...

San Francisco’s Health Access Plan Has Raised $6 Million

Thrilling news from my fair town: San Francisco’s Health Access Plan has managed to rope in 743 businesses, with 12,900 employees, before their deadline for enrolment in the City & County’s new mandatory health care scheme. The San Francisco Health Access Plan promises to bring “universal” health care to our ...

If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty…

If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty… show them this graph. It should shut them up immediately. Hat Tips to Red State and WILLisms Of course, it probably won’t shut them up. So make sure you have a copy of ...
Business & Economics

Issue of taxation worthwhile topic for the candidates

Instead of all the mudslinging between Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, wouldn’t it be refreshing to have them engage in some serious political discussion? Many American citizens might appreciate some in-depth exploration of the nature of taxation. The federal income tax, in particular, would deserve thoughtful examination. Senator John ...
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