

Happy Birthday Vladimir Lenin, And Oh Yeah – Happy Earth Day Too

As we approach the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union (oops, I meant Earth Day) it’s so easy to confuse the two because they occur, quite by coincidence I’m sure, on the same day. Anyway April 22 will bring forth an avalanche of the usual accusations that ...

Florida Fumbles A Fine Opportunity for Health Reform

We’ve had some positive chatter about Governor Crist and the Republican-majority legislature’s health reform. Sure, they’ve got a couple of things right: lightening up on hospital Certificate of Need, permitting “mandate-lite” policies, and allowing portability between the individual and small-group markets. But what a mess the rest of it is! ...

CNN – The Glenn Beck Show

Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...

Independent explores new perspective

A whole new world of political thought opened to Vancouver’s Ceci Ryan Smith last month at a well-known ranch in California. She was guest at a conservative women’s conference at the Reagan Ranch Center. Ceci (wife of Vancouver’s Dave Smith, mother of two, board member of the Vancouver Housing Authority ...

Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag for California

SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow the Assembly Appropriations Committee considers AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman Levine ...
Business & Economics

Health Care Reform Begins With Tort Reform

(Peapack, NJ)… Fiscal Conservative Kate Whitman, Republican for Congress today shared details of her plan to reform our nation’s broken health care system in an effort to make health insurance affordable for all families. Whitman stated, “The unfortunate and unnecessary rapid rise in healthcare costs to individuals and employers is ...

San Francisco Health Access Plan Shakedown?

I have long alleged that the real (unstated) objective of San Francisco’s Health Access Plan was to direct more tax money and power to the City’s public health bureaucracy, and the experience so far does nothing to dispel that. It’s certainly not doing much to get health care to anyone, ...
Climate Change

Prosperity improves the environment

Here’s good news that may have escaped attention. The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on worldwide air and water quality and climate change by the Pacific Research Institute, ...
Business & Economics

Fitzgerald to become Illinois chief justice

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Legal Newsline)-Thomas Fitzgerald will serve as the next chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, but will have little effect on the state’s so-called judicial hellholes, a leading tort reformer told Legal Newsline. Fitzgerald, a Chicago Democrat, will serve as the chief courts officer for a state that ...

Drug importation: Another security issue

To date, 81 Americans have died from taking contaminated heparin, the widely used blood thinner. These deaths should serve as a chilling reminder of the danger posed by unfettered drug importation. Nevertheless, many lawmakers have promised to allow the “safe” importation of pharmaceuticals. But “safe” importation is impossible, as the ...

Happy Birthday Vladimir Lenin, And Oh Yeah – Happy Earth Day Too

As we approach the birthday of Vladimir Lenin, founder of the Soviet Union (oops, I meant Earth Day) it’s so easy to confuse the two because they occur, quite by coincidence I’m sure, on the same day. Anyway April 22 will bring forth an avalanche of the usual accusations that ...

Florida Fumbles A Fine Opportunity for Health Reform

We’ve had some positive chatter about Governor Crist and the Republican-majority legislature’s health reform. Sure, they’ve got a couple of things right: lightening up on hospital Certificate of Need, permitting “mandate-lite” policies, and allowing portability between the individual and small-group markets. But what a mess the rest of it is! ...

CNN – The Glenn Beck Show

Transcript Aired May 21, 2008 – 19:00:00 ET … Up next, as Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy begins his battle, he is lucky to have one of the best health-care plans available. Reality is, not a lot of people in that state are as fortunate. I`ll explain in tonight`s “Real Story.” ...

Independent explores new perspective

A whole new world of political thought opened to Vancouver’s Ceci Ryan Smith last month at a well-known ranch in California. She was guest at a conservative women’s conference at the Reagan Ranch Center. Ceci (wife of Vancouver’s Dave Smith, mother of two, board member of the Vancouver Housing Authority ...

Cleaner Environment Not Necessarily in the Bag for California

SACRAMENTO – Tomorrow the Assembly Appropriations Committee considers AB 2058, “Reducing Plastic Bags,” by Lloyd E. Levine, a Sherman Oaks Democrat, which imposes on consumers a recycling “fee” of $.25 per bag. The committee, and all Californians, should also consider some facts about plastic bags and their alternatives. Assemblyman Levine ...
Business & Economics

Health Care Reform Begins With Tort Reform

(Peapack, NJ)… Fiscal Conservative Kate Whitman, Republican for Congress today shared details of her plan to reform our nation’s broken health care system in an effort to make health insurance affordable for all families. Whitman stated, “The unfortunate and unnecessary rapid rise in healthcare costs to individuals and employers is ...

San Francisco Health Access Plan Shakedown?

I have long alleged that the real (unstated) objective of San Francisco’s Health Access Plan was to direct more tax money and power to the City’s public health bureaucracy, and the experience so far does nothing to dispel that. It’s certainly not doing much to get health care to anyone, ...
Climate Change

Prosperity improves the environment

Here’s good news that may have escaped attention. The environment worldwide is getting better and better, largely because of economic growth, efficiency and innovation. So says the 2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators, an annual report on worldwide air and water quality and climate change by the Pacific Research Institute, ...
Business & Economics

Fitzgerald to become Illinois chief justice

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (Legal Newsline)-Thomas Fitzgerald will serve as the next chief justice of the Illinois Supreme Court, but will have little effect on the state’s so-called judicial hellholes, a leading tort reformer told Legal Newsline. Fitzgerald, a Chicago Democrat, will serve as the chief courts officer for a state that ...

Drug importation: Another security issue

To date, 81 Americans have died from taking contaminated heparin, the widely used blood thinner. These deaths should serve as a chilling reminder of the danger posed by unfettered drug importation. Nevertheless, many lawmakers have promised to allow the “safe” importation of pharmaceuticals. But “safe” importation is impossible, as the ...
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