The governor’s war on health insurance choice
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the Legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. Amazingly, one that he favors is sponsored by the legislator who ...
John R. Graham
August 26, 2008
Business & Economics
Labor reform debate needed
It’s no surprise that the labor movement is behind the Democratic Party and presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama. The union movement has normally maintained cordial, if not intimate, ties with Democrats. Some estimate that unions will spend nearly $1 billion this election cycle in support of Democrats. What’s different this ...
Jason Clemens
August 25, 2008
Wind Power Pollution
Cohoton Wind Watch (New York), August 25, 2008 They say let us clear the air together, do they mean let us befoul the North Country? The wind industry’s development of a giant industrial complex aka a “wind farm” produces large amounts of greenhouse gases as well as significant mercury pollution. ...
Jack Sullivan
August 25, 2008
The Case Against Socialized Medicine
Powerline (MN), August 25, 2008 Nissan Forums/Infiniti Forums, August 25, 2008 Health care reform may have receded slightly as a campaign issue this year, as focus shifts to even more immediate concerns like the cost of filling our cars with gas. Although a bad employment picture can cost some Americans ...
Paul Mirengoff
August 25, 2008
Little Rhetoric Riding Hood
Barack Obama has made his economic thinking excruciatingly clear, so it also is clear that his running mate should be Rumpelstiltskin. He spun straw into gold, a skill an Obama administration will need to fulfill its fairy-tale promises. Obama recently said that he would “require that 10 percent of our ...
George Will
August 24, 2008
Business & Economics
Judicial races much too vital to bypass in the voting booth
From health care and community safety to schools and the economy, and just plain fairness in our courts, Florida’s judges make decisions every day that affect our lives. Yet for most Floridians, the judiciary is the least understood branch of government. In the primary election on Aug. 26, Florida voters ...
Carlos Muhletaler
August 24, 2008
Is the grass greener with socialized medicine?
With Democrats convinced 2008 is their year, the campaign trail is awash with promises to make universal health care a reality by the end of the next president’s first term. The basic argument of those who support a government takeover of the health care system is familiar. As New York ...
Sally C. Pipes
August 23, 2008
Push Algebra on Eighth-Graders?: YES: Don’t accept failure as the standard
The state Board of Education recently unveiled a plan to require all eighth-graders to take algebra by 2011. That sparked opposition from education officials, including state schools superintendent Jack O’Connell, who said the move was “irresponsible” and “setting up schools for failure.” That might strike parents as odd, like a ...
Ian Randolph
August 23, 2008
Business & Economics
Study: State is a ‘saint’
SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) has released its report comparing the legal climates of all 50 states. And the report is favorable for Mississippi, ranking it ninth. According to the “U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report,” North Dakota ranks best in tort costs and litigation risks, while ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 22, 2008
Business & Economics
How has the state’s legal climate changed since tort reform was enacted?
This feature contains responses from industry professionals to questions posed by Business First. Warren M. Enders – Partner, Reminger Co. LPA Ohio’s recent tort reform legislation imposes “caps” on the amount of damages a medical malpractice plaintiff can recover for “noneconomic damages,” i.e., pain and suffering. In cases involving catastrophic ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 22, 2008
The governor’s war on health insurance choice
Ever since Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ABX1 1 stumbled just short of the finish line last January, he and his Democratic allies in the Legislature have been looking to move bits and pieces of the failed health reform plan forward. Amazingly, one that he favors is sponsored by the legislator who ...
Labor reform debate needed
It’s no surprise that the labor movement is behind the Democratic Party and presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama. The union movement has normally maintained cordial, if not intimate, ties with Democrats. Some estimate that unions will spend nearly $1 billion this election cycle in support of Democrats. What’s different this ...
Wind Power Pollution
Cohoton Wind Watch (New York), August 25, 2008 They say let us clear the air together, do they mean let us befoul the North Country? The wind industry’s development of a giant industrial complex aka a “wind farm” produces large amounts of greenhouse gases as well as significant mercury pollution. ...
The Case Against Socialized Medicine
Powerline (MN), August 25, 2008 Nissan Forums/Infiniti Forums, August 25, 2008 Health care reform may have receded slightly as a campaign issue this year, as focus shifts to even more immediate concerns like the cost of filling our cars with gas. Although a bad employment picture can cost some Americans ...
Little Rhetoric Riding Hood
Barack Obama has made his economic thinking excruciatingly clear, so it also is clear that his running mate should be Rumpelstiltskin. He spun straw into gold, a skill an Obama administration will need to fulfill its fairy-tale promises. Obama recently said that he would “require that 10 percent of our ...
Judicial races much too vital to bypass in the voting booth
From health care and community safety to schools and the economy, and just plain fairness in our courts, Florida’s judges make decisions every day that affect our lives. Yet for most Floridians, the judiciary is the least understood branch of government. In the primary election on Aug. 26, Florida voters ...
Is the grass greener with socialized medicine?
With Democrats convinced 2008 is their year, the campaign trail is awash with promises to make universal health care a reality by the end of the next president’s first term. The basic argument of those who support a government takeover of the health care system is familiar. As New York ...
Push Algebra on Eighth-Graders?: YES: Don’t accept failure as the standard
The state Board of Education recently unveiled a plan to require all eighth-graders to take algebra by 2011. That sparked opposition from education officials, including state schools superintendent Jack O’Connell, who said the move was “irresponsible” and “setting up schools for failure.” That might strike parents as odd, like a ...
Study: State is a ‘saint’
SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute (PRI) has released its report comparing the legal climates of all 50 states. And the report is favorable for Mississippi, ranking it ninth. According to the “U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report,” North Dakota ranks best in tort costs and litigation risks, while ...
How has the state’s legal climate changed since tort reform was enacted?
This feature contains responses from industry professionals to questions posed by Business First. Warren M. Enders – Partner, Reminger Co. LPA Ohio’s recent tort reform legislation imposes “caps” on the amount of damages a medical malpractice plaintiff can recover for “noneconomic damages,” i.e., pain and suffering. In cases involving catastrophic ...