PhRMA’s New Marketing Code
Critics have accused the pharmaceutical industry of inappropriate marketing practices that inflate health-costs through inappropriate physician detailing that promotes new, branded medicines to the detriment of cheaper generics. High profile articles and editorials at leading medical journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, and some student medical societies have ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 28, 2008
Business & Economics
Universal Malpractice
Although Americas are hearing political elites promising to end their health care woes with universal coverage, the government that would hand out this treatment does not have a stellar record of delivering the services it already offers. In the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, John R. Graham argues that “Between ...
Lance Nation
August 28, 2008
Madness of Medi-Cal Dependency; Follies of Fiscal Federalism
California’s politicians have run our state into a $17 billion deficit. For months, the governor and legislature have been wrangling over how they’ll soak us to fill the hole. Although there’s little hope that they’ll shrink government spending in the long run, they had to stop the bleeding in the ...
John R. Graham
August 27, 2008
Kids’ Obesity Rates Leveling Off
Weight Loss Tips Blog, August 27, 2008 Childhood obesity rates in the United States have leveled off after decades of increases, according to a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Analysts say the study, which found no significant increases in the prevalence of high body ...
Aleks Karnick
August 27, 2008
Mixing Oil and Water
On Aug. 6, the California Coastal Commission approved a desalination plant at Carlsbad in San Diego County, a region with severe water needs in normal times and hard hit by the current drought. The $300-million for-profit venture by the Poseidon Resources Corporation aims to produce as much as 50 million ...
K. Lloyd Billingsley
August 27, 2008
Business & Economics
Don’t undermine advance in reform of medical malpractice
It is mind-boggling that the Illinois Supreme Court might nix the successful medical malpractice reforms enacted in 2005 — just as the Metro East area begins recovering from the damage inflicted by years of crippling tort judgments (“Illinois’ med mal law on trial,” Aug. 18). Thanks to these reforms, Madison ...
Lawrence J. McQuillan
August 27, 2008
Court Re-Connects with Reality in Homeschool Reversal
SACRAMENTO – Earlier this year, California’s Second District Court of Appeal shocked parents and lawmakers by effectively banning the homeschooling of children. In my column “Court Out of Touch with Reality in Homeschool Decision ,” I pointed out that the court had ignored a longtime state practice that gave approval ...
Lance T. izumi
August 27, 2008
Multilingual Mandate Madness
By July 1, California health plans had to complete a key phase in their compliance with SB-853, which compels them to provide translation services in whatever languages its members demand. California is still in the United States, so I’ll go out on a limb and guess that the majority of ...
John R. Graham
August 26, 2008
It’s the Outcomes, Silly
Well-meaning but ignorant folks from the AMA to AARP [ed: sorry, couldn’t find any Z org’s that fit the bill] have long touted gummint-run healthcare, a la Medicare, as the ideal solution to a system they consider “broken.” Nationalized health care, they argue, provides the most fair and efficient means ...
H.G. Stern
August 26, 2008
‘RomneyCare’ should keep Mitt off McCain ticket
Scripps News Service, August 26, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 26, 2008 Socialized Medicine Blog (Australia), September 2, 2008 Just as most folks maintain a healthy distance from those with contagious diseases, John McCain would be wise to keep Willard Mitt Romney at arm’s length. Choosing him for vice president would ...
Deroy Murdock
August 26, 2008
PhRMA’s New Marketing Code
Critics have accused the pharmaceutical industry of inappropriate marketing practices that inflate health-costs through inappropriate physician detailing that promotes new, branded medicines to the detriment of cheaper generics. High profile articles and editorials at leading medical journals, including The New England Journal of Medicine, and some student medical societies have ...
Universal Malpractice
Although Americas are hearing political elites promising to end their health care woes with universal coverage, the government that would hand out this treatment does not have a stellar record of delivering the services it already offers. In the U.S. Index of Health Ownership, John R. Graham argues that “Between ...
Madness of Medi-Cal Dependency; Follies of Fiscal Federalism
California’s politicians have run our state into a $17 billion deficit. For months, the governor and legislature have been wrangling over how they’ll soak us to fill the hole. Although there’s little hope that they’ll shrink government spending in the long run, they had to stop the bleeding in the ...
Kids’ Obesity Rates Leveling Off
Weight Loss Tips Blog, August 27, 2008 Childhood obesity rates in the United States have leveled off after decades of increases, according to a study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Analysts say the study, which found no significant increases in the prevalence of high body ...
Mixing Oil and Water
On Aug. 6, the California Coastal Commission approved a desalination plant at Carlsbad in San Diego County, a region with severe water needs in normal times and hard hit by the current drought. The $300-million for-profit venture by the Poseidon Resources Corporation aims to produce as much as 50 million ...
Don’t undermine advance in reform of medical malpractice
It is mind-boggling that the Illinois Supreme Court might nix the successful medical malpractice reforms enacted in 2005 — just as the Metro East area begins recovering from the damage inflicted by years of crippling tort judgments (“Illinois’ med mal law on trial,” Aug. 18). Thanks to these reforms, Madison ...
Court Re-Connects with Reality in Homeschool Reversal
SACRAMENTO – Earlier this year, California’s Second District Court of Appeal shocked parents and lawmakers by effectively banning the homeschooling of children. In my column “Court Out of Touch with Reality in Homeschool Decision ,” I pointed out that the court had ignored a longtime state practice that gave approval ...
Multilingual Mandate Madness
By July 1, California health plans had to complete a key phase in their compliance with SB-853, which compels them to provide translation services in whatever languages its members demand. California is still in the United States, so I’ll go out on a limb and guess that the majority of ...
It’s the Outcomes, Silly
Well-meaning but ignorant folks from the AMA to AARP [ed: sorry, couldn’t find any Z org’s that fit the bill] have long touted gummint-run healthcare, a la Medicare, as the ideal solution to a system they consider “broken.” Nationalized health care, they argue, provides the most fair and efficient means ...
‘RomneyCare’ should keep Mitt off McCain ticket
Scripps News Service, August 26, 2008 Seattle Post-Intelligencer, August 26, 2008 Socialized Medicine Blog (Australia), September 2, 2008 Just as most folks maintain a healthy distance from those with contagious diseases, John McCain would be wise to keep Willard Mitt Romney at arm’s length. Choosing him for vice president would ...