Business & Economics
News-Talk 1110 WBT (NC): Economic Freedom Index Radio Interview with Tara Servatius
Lawrence J. McQuillan was interviewed by radio talk show host Tara Servatius on News-Talk 1110 WBT in Charlotte, North Carolina. He discussed North Carolina’s rankings in the Economic Freedom Index: 2008 Report.
Tara Servatius
September 24, 2008
COD: Students unprepared for workload
Christopher Villalta was not the best student to graduate from La Quinta High School in June, but the soft-spoken 18-year-old earned his diploma and passed the state exit exam required for all students. He started classes at College of the Desert in Palm Desert this month in hopes of becoming ...
K. Kaufmann
September 23, 2008
Business & Economics
Not bad NH, but can the current leaders stop the slide (I doubt it)?
There is a group that does study for almost anything that you could dream of – our fascination with numbers and rankings is just incredible. In this case, a ranking of how economically free each State in the US. The group that produced this report “U.S. Economic Freedom Index 2008” ...
Skip Murphy
September 23, 2008
Arizona’s Prop 101: Opponents of Patient Choice Sow Confusion
The Arizona Republic (via the Tucson Citizen) ran an article yesterday quoting some Arizona’s health care elites’ concern that Proposition 101 is “too ambiguous”. On the contrary, it could not be simpler. And that’s what terrifies these elites. Prop 101, the “Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act”, is a ...
John R. Graham
September 23, 2008
Business & Economics
North Carolina: Growing Less Free Every Year!
I recently wrote about North Carolina’s disappointing economic trends since 2001. Rising poverty, unemployment consistently above the national average, job and income growth lagging national and regional averages were among the findings. Now, we can add to that list: less economic freedom. The Pacific Research Institute recently released their U.S. ...
Brian Balfour
September 23, 2008
Candy Anyone?
Sandra Tsing Loh, a writer and a performer, is the author most recently of “Mother on Fire,” a comic memoir of her struggle to find a school in Los Angeles for her child to attend. (Full biography.) I admit I am not completely done trolling the new Innisbrook holiday gift ...
Sandra Tsing Loh
September 22, 2008
Who Lacks Health Insurance in America?
According to data recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Americans officially classified as uninsured in 2007 was 45.7 million. This figure is being used, naturally, to promote the case for radical “reform” that in practice would amount to a government takeover of the health care industry. ...
Paul Mirengoff
September 22, 2008
Business & Economics
Product Liability Law: Should FDA Approval Pre-empt State Tort Law?
This morning’s New York Times carried a story which addressed the question of whether medicines licensed by the FDA should be above and beyond state product liability law. In legalese, it asks whether the federal Food, Drug & Cosmetics Act “pre-empts” state law. The NY Times tells the story of ...
John R. Graham
September 22, 2008
America’s 6 million to 8 million uninsured need help with health care bills
Between 6 million and 8 million Americans are chornically uninsured and need help when it comes to paying their medical bills, not the 45.7 million that advocates of socialized medicine are fond of citing. Sandy Pipes, an expert on the American and Canadian health insurance markets, is president and CEO ...
Donald Johnson
September 22, 2008
Business & Economics
Index points finger at Kentucky’s economic failure
Nearly 80 percent of American states have more economic freedom than Kentucky – a fact that could prove to hamper the commonwealth’s prospects for economic growth. The “U.S. Economic Freedom Index: 2008 Report” by the Pacific Research Institute and Forbes magazine reports that only 10 states have less economic freedom ...
Jim Waters
September 22, 2008
News-Talk 1110 WBT (NC): Economic Freedom Index Radio Interview with Tara Servatius
Lawrence J. McQuillan was interviewed by radio talk show host Tara Servatius on News-Talk 1110 WBT in Charlotte, North Carolina. He discussed North Carolina’s rankings in the Economic Freedom Index: 2008 Report.
COD: Students unprepared for workload
Christopher Villalta was not the best student to graduate from La Quinta High School in June, but the soft-spoken 18-year-old earned his diploma and passed the state exit exam required for all students. He started classes at College of the Desert in Palm Desert this month in hopes of becoming ...
Not bad NH, but can the current leaders stop the slide (I doubt it)?
There is a group that does study for almost anything that you could dream of – our fascination with numbers and rankings is just incredible. In this case, a ranking of how economically free each State in the US. The group that produced this report “U.S. Economic Freedom Index 2008” ...
Arizona’s Prop 101: Opponents of Patient Choice Sow Confusion
The Arizona Republic (via the Tucson Citizen) ran an article yesterday quoting some Arizona’s health care elites’ concern that Proposition 101 is “too ambiguous”. On the contrary, it could not be simpler. And that’s what terrifies these elites. Prop 101, the “Freedom of Choice in Health Care Act”, is a ...
North Carolina: Growing Less Free Every Year!
I recently wrote about North Carolina’s disappointing economic trends since 2001. Rising poverty, unemployment consistently above the national average, job and income growth lagging national and regional averages were among the findings. Now, we can add to that list: less economic freedom. The Pacific Research Institute recently released their U.S. ...
Candy Anyone?
Sandra Tsing Loh, a writer and a performer, is the author most recently of “Mother on Fire,” a comic memoir of her struggle to find a school in Los Angeles for her child to attend. (Full biography.) I admit I am not completely done trolling the new Innisbrook holiday gift ...
Who Lacks Health Insurance in America?
According to data recently released by the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of Americans officially classified as uninsured in 2007 was 45.7 million. This figure is being used, naturally, to promote the case for radical “reform” that in practice would amount to a government takeover of the health care industry. ...
Product Liability Law: Should FDA Approval Pre-empt State Tort Law?
This morning’s New York Times carried a story which addressed the question of whether medicines licensed by the FDA should be above and beyond state product liability law. In legalese, it asks whether the federal Food, Drug & Cosmetics Act “pre-empts” state law. The NY Times tells the story of ...
America’s 6 million to 8 million uninsured need help with health care bills
Between 6 million and 8 million Americans are chornically uninsured and need help when it comes to paying their medical bills, not the 45.7 million that advocates of socialized medicine are fond of citing. Sandy Pipes, an expert on the American and Canadian health insurance markets, is president and CEO ...
Index points finger at Kentucky’s economic failure
Nearly 80 percent of American states have more economic freedom than Kentucky – a fact that could prove to hamper the commonwealth’s prospects for economic growth. The “U.S. Economic Freedom Index: 2008 Report” by the Pacific Research Institute and Forbes magazine reports that only 10 states have less economic freedom ...