
Business & Economics

Forbes ranks W.Va. last again for business

CHARLESTON – For the second consecutive year, Forbes magazine has ranked West Virginia as the worst state in the nation for business. In its annual “Best States for Business” special report, Forbes and author Kurt Badenhausen list the Mountain State at the bottom of their list. Neighboring Virginia, for the ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

Twelve years ago, the world watched as Muhammad Ali lit the Olympic torch during the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Atlanta. It was a transformative moment for the city and the state. “The Olympics put Georgia on the map internationally,” says Kenneth Stewart, commissioner of the Georgia Department ...
Business & Economics

The annual budget paradox: taxes hit Dems, cuts hit Reeps

One knock against politicians is that they’re always trying to bring pork back to their districts. But when it comes to California’s annual Kabuki budget dance, a new pattern emerges: Republicans try to cut spending-often even money likely to flow to their own districts-while Democrats try to pass taxes that ...
Business & Economics

Impact – July 2008

PRI Ideas in Action – July 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.

Will Another California “Safety Net” Hospital Shut Down?

I have written a lot about the collapse of Los Angeles’ Martin Luther King, Jr-Harbor Hospital, a hospital almost totally dependent on government funding and under government control. Now, it looks like the same tragic story may be spooling out in San Diego County, where Sharp Grossmont Hospital is at ...

Demography Is Not Destiny: Florida Schools California

Today California ranks 48th in basic reading and math skills. A challenging student population is a popular scapegoat, especially Hispanic students.” By this “logic,” Hispanic populations are growing rapidly, Hispanic students under-perform, therefore southwestern states are doomed. But states like Florida prove demography is not destiny. “A decade ago, Florida ...

Self-inflicted budget wounds

For one, state has billions in land it won’t sell Even on the Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s tax-and-spend, expansive terms, the state need not be facing a $15 billion budget deficit. Because state government hoards hundreds of billions of dollars in real estate, it has missed a grand opportunity ...

Schools turning out defective products

When a new automobile – either purchased or leased – is so riddled with problems that even the manufacturer cannot fix it within 18 months – a reasonable time period, the vehicle is declared a lemon in California under the Tanner Consumer Protection Act, California Civil Code 1793.22 (2004). Unfortunately, ...

Obama plan doesn’t promise health care reform

Sen. Barack Obama has promised to “turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday’s health care debates.” He’s right to call for a new approach to healthcare reform. What he’s offered thus far, however, is a government-heavy solution that’s all-too-similar to the tired proposals of yesteryear. The centerpiece of ...
Business & Economics

California’s Spending Binge Breaks Budget

California’s budget deficit has ballooned to more than $15 billion. Recently Democratic lawmakers proposed to close the gap by – you guessed it – hiking taxes on the wealthy. Yet a quick review of the facts suggests that spending cuts are a much more sensible solution. On the tax side, ...
Business & Economics

Forbes ranks W.Va. last again for business

CHARLESTON – For the second consecutive year, Forbes magazine has ranked West Virginia as the worst state in the nation for business. In its annual “Best States for Business” special report, Forbes and author Kurt Badenhausen list the Mountain State at the bottom of their list. Neighboring Virginia, for the ...
Business & Economics

The Best States For Business

Twelve years ago, the world watched as Muhammad Ali lit the Olympic torch during the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Atlanta. It was a transformative moment for the city and the state. “The Olympics put Georgia on the map internationally,” says Kenneth Stewart, commissioner of the Georgia Department ...
Business & Economics

The annual budget paradox: taxes hit Dems, cuts hit Reeps

One knock against politicians is that they’re always trying to bring pork back to their districts. But when it comes to California’s annual Kabuki budget dance, a new pattern emerges: Republicans try to cut spending-often even money likely to flow to their own districts-while Democrats try to pass taxes that ...
Business & Economics

Impact – July 2008

PRI Ideas in Action – July 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.

Will Another California “Safety Net” Hospital Shut Down?

I have written a lot about the collapse of Los Angeles’ Martin Luther King, Jr-Harbor Hospital, a hospital almost totally dependent on government funding and under government control. Now, it looks like the same tragic story may be spooling out in San Diego County, where Sharp Grossmont Hospital is at ...

Demography Is Not Destiny: Florida Schools California

Today California ranks 48th in basic reading and math skills. A challenging student population is a popular scapegoat, especially Hispanic students.” By this “logic,” Hispanic populations are growing rapidly, Hispanic students under-perform, therefore southwestern states are doomed. But states like Florida prove demography is not destiny. “A decade ago, Florida ...

Self-inflicted budget wounds

For one, state has billions in land it won’t sell Even on the Legislature and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s tax-and-spend, expansive terms, the state need not be facing a $15 billion budget deficit. Because state government hoards hundreds of billions of dollars in real estate, it has missed a grand opportunity ...

Schools turning out defective products

When a new automobile – either purchased or leased – is so riddled with problems that even the manufacturer cannot fix it within 18 months – a reasonable time period, the vehicle is declared a lemon in California under the Tanner Consumer Protection Act, California Civil Code 1793.22 (2004). Unfortunately, ...

Obama plan doesn’t promise health care reform

Sen. Barack Obama has promised to “turn the page on the failed politics of yesterday’s health care debates.” He’s right to call for a new approach to healthcare reform. What he’s offered thus far, however, is a government-heavy solution that’s all-too-similar to the tired proposals of yesteryear. The centerpiece of ...
Business & Economics

California’s Spending Binge Breaks Budget

California’s budget deficit has ballooned to more than $15 billion. Recently Democratic lawmakers proposed to close the gap by – you guessed it – hiking taxes on the wealthy. Yet a quick review of the facts suggests that spending cuts are a much more sensible solution. On the tax side, ...
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