

Dems’ Reconciliation Package Obscures Obamacare’s Failures With Taxpayer Cash

With fewer than 100 days until the midterms and President Biden’s approval rating underwater, Democrats are desperate for a political win they can trumpet on the campaign trail. They’re hoping the deceptively named Inflation Reduction Act is it. At the center of the bill is $64 billion in subsidies for health insurance purchased through ...

Dubious findings about food from the ‘Nutrition Researchers Guild’: How can we learn from this unscientific manipulation of statistics?

By Henry Miller and Stanley Young Are you confused about conflicting “research” findings on certain foods’ effects on our health? It would hardly be surprising. First, butter is the enemy; then, it’s solid margarine. Is caffeine good or bad for your heart? For a time, beta-carotene supplements are thought to prevent ...

Don’t Look for Inflation Reduction to Come from Capitol Hill

Democrats have christened their reconciliation bill, which is slated to hit the U.S. Senate floor this weekend, the “Inflation Reduction Act.” It’s a serious bit of false advertising. According to a new study from the Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania, the bill would have next to no ...

Inflation act will fuel higher insurance premiums

The Senate is set to consider the Inflation Reduction Act, the Democrats’ massive budget reconciliation legislation. President Joe Biden has stumped for the bill’s hundreds of billions in tax hikes on corporations as a way to ensure they “pay their fair share.” But many of those dollars will subsidize the purchases of people who ...

In the wake of Biden’s COVID-19 infections, here’s what regulators should do to limit Paxlovid rebound

By Henry Miller and Josh Bloom President Biden’s bout with COVID-19 is illustrative of the debate currently raging about “Paxlovid rebound” — the recurrence of symptoms and of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 after a seemingly successful five-day treatment course of Paxlovid. This phenomenon is not unusual, and it suggests that ...
Business & Economics

The High Cost Of The Inflation Reduction Act

The right policy mix to address our current economic malaise is tighter monetary policy and pro-growth tax and regulatory policies. While the Federal Reserve is on the right track for monetary policy, the newly titled Inflation Reduction Act is completely wrongheaded. The tax provisions – such as imposing a minimum corporate tax ...

A Birthday Wish For Medicare And Medicaid: Less Waste And Better Care

This Saturday, July 30, marked 57 years since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law as part of his “Great Society.” For almost six decades, the healthcare entitlements have grown increasingly costly and expansive while delivering subpar care to beneficiaries. Consider Medicare, the health plan for Americans 65 and ...

Should the federal government forgive medical debt?

Progressives claim that medical debt leads to financial ruin for hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., recently argued that the high cost of health care is pushing so many people into bankruptcy that the government must cancel medical debt. It’s the precursor to his call ...

‘Speak Out Act’ Hardly Pro-women

A new proposal in Congress aims to allow victims of sexual misconduct to go public with their stories. That goal is admirable. But — as written — the legislation, the Speak Out Act, which was introduced in both the House and Senate in recent weeks will force victims to go public, even if they don’t want to. That’s hardly pro-women. ...

Hospitals must be more transparent about health care costs

Some Illinois hospitals are keeping their prices secret from their patients. Only three out of a sample of 11 major medical facilities in the state are fully compliant with a federal rule requiring hospitals to publish the costs of common services, according to data from the nonprofit group That includes hospitals ...

Dems’ Reconciliation Package Obscures Obamacare’s Failures With Taxpayer Cash

With fewer than 100 days until the midterms and President Biden’s approval rating underwater, Democrats are desperate for a political win they can trumpet on the campaign trail. They’re hoping the deceptively named Inflation Reduction Act is it. At the center of the bill is $64 billion in subsidies for health insurance purchased through ...

Dubious findings about food from the ‘Nutrition Researchers Guild’: How can we learn from this unscientific manipulation of statistics?

By Henry Miller and Stanley Young Are you confused about conflicting “research” findings on certain foods’ effects on our health? It would hardly be surprising. First, butter is the enemy; then, it’s solid margarine. Is caffeine good or bad for your heart? For a time, beta-carotene supplements are thought to prevent ...

Don’t Look for Inflation Reduction to Come from Capitol Hill

Democrats have christened their reconciliation bill, which is slated to hit the U.S. Senate floor this weekend, the “Inflation Reduction Act.” It’s a serious bit of false advertising. According to a new study from the Penn Wharton Budget Model at the University of Pennsylvania, the bill would have next to no ...

Inflation act will fuel higher insurance premiums

The Senate is set to consider the Inflation Reduction Act, the Democrats’ massive budget reconciliation legislation. President Joe Biden has stumped for the bill’s hundreds of billions in tax hikes on corporations as a way to ensure they “pay their fair share.” But many of those dollars will subsidize the purchases of people who ...

In the wake of Biden’s COVID-19 infections, here’s what regulators should do to limit Paxlovid rebound

By Henry Miller and Josh Bloom President Biden’s bout with COVID-19 is illustrative of the debate currently raging about “Paxlovid rebound” — the recurrence of symptoms and of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 after a seemingly successful five-day treatment course of Paxlovid. This phenomenon is not unusual, and it suggests that ...
Business & Economics

The High Cost Of The Inflation Reduction Act

The right policy mix to address our current economic malaise is tighter monetary policy and pro-growth tax and regulatory policies. While the Federal Reserve is on the right track for monetary policy, the newly titled Inflation Reduction Act is completely wrongheaded. The tax provisions – such as imposing a minimum corporate tax ...

A Birthday Wish For Medicare And Medicaid: Less Waste And Better Care

This Saturday, July 30, marked 57 years since President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare and Medicaid into law as part of his “Great Society.” For almost six decades, the healthcare entitlements have grown increasingly costly and expansive while delivering subpar care to beneficiaries. Consider Medicare, the health plan for Americans 65 and ...

Should the federal government forgive medical debt?

Progressives claim that medical debt leads to financial ruin for hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., recently argued that the high cost of health care is pushing so many people into bankruptcy that the government must cancel medical debt. It’s the precursor to his call ...

‘Speak Out Act’ Hardly Pro-women

A new proposal in Congress aims to allow victims of sexual misconduct to go public with their stories. That goal is admirable. But — as written — the legislation, the Speak Out Act, which was introduced in both the House and Senate in recent weeks will force victims to go public, even if they don’t want to. That’s hardly pro-women. ...

Hospitals must be more transparent about health care costs

Some Illinois hospitals are keeping their prices secret from their patients. Only three out of a sample of 11 major medical facilities in the state are fully compliant with a federal rule requiring hospitals to publish the costs of common services, according to data from the nonprofit group That includes hospitals ...
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