Doctors and Consumer-Driven Health Care: The Glass Is Half Full
The American Journal of Managed Care just published an article asking family doctors whether they were ready to practice in a consumer-driven environment. Call me an optimist, but I think the results are quite promising. The article cites a January 2007 survey from the health plans’ major trade association, AHIP, ...
John R. Graham
October 10, 2008
Business & Economics
Northeast policies oppress enterprise
THE RESULTS ARE IN, and for residents of America’s Northeast, the news is not good. With the notable exception of New Hampshire, the nine states of the Northeast continue to be the worst places for economic freedom. According to the 2008 U.S. Economic Freedom Index from the Pacific Research Institute, ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 10, 2008
School-Based Health Centers: One Stop Shopping For Government Dependency
California Governor Schwarzenegger recently signed a bill (SB 564) to fund school-based health centers that will provide primary and associated care to K-12 students. According to the trade association (!) that lobbied for the bill, California currently has 153 school-based health centers, which appear to be mostly funded by local ...
John R. Graham
October 9, 2008
National Park Service Scientist Caught Spreading False Environmental Data
Environment and Climate News (Heartland Institute), October 9, 2008 A senior science advisor with the National Park Service (NPS) knowingly used false scientific data to overstate the environmental impact of a family-run oyster farm in the Point Reyes National Seashore, on the Pacific Coast 30 miles south of San Francisco, ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 9, 2008
Our Healthcare System Is Hemorrhaging
Patients concerns about access to physicians showed a significant increase according to polls1. Access difficulty is directly related to the overall shortage of doctors in the specialty of Primary Care (Internal Medicine, Family Practice and Pediatrics). As older doctors are retiring, there are few young Primary Physicians coming out of ...
Norman Traverse
October 8, 2008
Business & Economics
Sacramento Sell-Out: Even the Laws Have a Price
Only two weeks after lawmakers in Sacramento passed a budget, the state is already in the red. As Governor Schwarzenegger and the legislature debate more spending cuts and accounting tricks, another solution may be right in front of them: more laws. In California, government owns the laws and forces people ...
Daniel R. Ballon
October 8, 2008
Business & Economics
Riding the Revenue Rollercoaster
After a record impasse, the sages of Sacramento have finally agreed on a budget for California, a $144-billion bonanza with unprecedented general fund spending but without structural reform in the state’s finances. The boom-bust revenue rollercoaster is still in place, and Californians can expect a bigger budget crisis in a ...
Robert P. Murphy
October 8, 2008
Business & Economics
Federal Reserve Employs Tools to Ease Credit Fears
JIM LEHRER: This day in the financial crisis began with the Federal Reserve. It took the unprecedented move to buy short-term debt to thaw out frozen credit markets. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke laid out just how bad those conditions are during a speech today. BEN BERNANKE, Federal Reserve Chairman: Even ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 7, 2008
Business & Economics
Whether McCain or Obama, Tech Policy Is Bound to Change
Technology policy is not center stage in this year’s presidential campaign, much as the competitive community might wish otherwise. Each candidate – Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Barack Obama, D-Ill. — is consumed with weightier subjects, namely the economy and Iraq, analysts and industry insiders say. That’s not to say ...
Kelly M. Teal
October 7, 2008
Business & Economics
A Strike Against Labor
If one were looking to make a statement about fiscal prudence in the $3.3 billion budget for the University of California system, wiping out a single $5.4 million research program probably wouldn’t be how you’d do it. Which suggests that, despite his remarks to the contrary, there was probably another ...
Doug Bandow
October 7, 2008
Doctors and Consumer-Driven Health Care: The Glass Is Half Full
The American Journal of Managed Care just published an article asking family doctors whether they were ready to practice in a consumer-driven environment. Call me an optimist, but I think the results are quite promising. The article cites a January 2007 survey from the health plans’ major trade association, AHIP, ...
Northeast policies oppress enterprise
THE RESULTS ARE IN, and for residents of America’s Northeast, the news is not good. With the notable exception of New Hampshire, the nine states of the Northeast continue to be the worst places for economic freedom. According to the 2008 U.S. Economic Freedom Index from the Pacific Research Institute, ...
School-Based Health Centers: One Stop Shopping For Government Dependency
California Governor Schwarzenegger recently signed a bill (SB 564) to fund school-based health centers that will provide primary and associated care to K-12 students. According to the trade association (!) that lobbied for the bill, California currently has 153 school-based health centers, which appear to be mostly funded by local ...
National Park Service Scientist Caught Spreading False Environmental Data
Environment and Climate News (Heartland Institute), October 9, 2008 A senior science advisor with the National Park Service (NPS) knowingly used false scientific data to overstate the environmental impact of a family-run oyster farm in the Point Reyes National Seashore, on the Pacific Coast 30 miles south of San Francisco, ...
Our Healthcare System Is Hemorrhaging
Patients concerns about access to physicians showed a significant increase according to polls1. Access difficulty is directly related to the overall shortage of doctors in the specialty of Primary Care (Internal Medicine, Family Practice and Pediatrics). As older doctors are retiring, there are few young Primary Physicians coming out of ...
Sacramento Sell-Out: Even the Laws Have a Price
Only two weeks after lawmakers in Sacramento passed a budget, the state is already in the red. As Governor Schwarzenegger and the legislature debate more spending cuts and accounting tricks, another solution may be right in front of them: more laws. In California, government owns the laws and forces people ...
Riding the Revenue Rollercoaster
After a record impasse, the sages of Sacramento have finally agreed on a budget for California, a $144-billion bonanza with unprecedented general fund spending but without structural reform in the state’s finances. The boom-bust revenue rollercoaster is still in place, and Californians can expect a bigger budget crisis in a ...
Federal Reserve Employs Tools to Ease Credit Fears
JIM LEHRER: This day in the financial crisis began with the Federal Reserve. It took the unprecedented move to buy short-term debt to thaw out frozen credit markets. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke laid out just how bad those conditions are during a speech today. BEN BERNANKE, Federal Reserve Chairman: Even ...
Whether McCain or Obama, Tech Policy Is Bound to Change
Technology policy is not center stage in this year’s presidential campaign, much as the competitive community might wish otherwise. Each candidate – Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Barack Obama, D-Ill. — is consumed with weightier subjects, namely the economy and Iraq, analysts and industry insiders say. That’s not to say ...
A Strike Against Labor
If one were looking to make a statement about fiscal prudence in the $3.3 billion budget for the University of California system, wiping out a single $5.4 million research program probably wouldn’t be how you’d do it. Which suggests that, despite his remarks to the contrary, there was probably another ...